Sunday 23 September 2018

My Sunday photo 23/09/2018

Sunday 16 September 2018

My Sunday Photo 16/09/2018

Thursday 13 September 2018


Hey readers,

My word of the week is

because my youngest has started full days at school this week and to say he is tired after school is an understatement. 

I was ambitious one day this week and took him to the library after school thinking he might enjoy it. Turns out nothing but winching and eventually a full down meltdown, joy I certainly learned from that experience. He is defiantly not used to full days like he does now.

I have been to the dentist which I hate but I had to have a filling which sucks, but it is done now. My dentist is social as well when he has fingers in my mouth, why. I can't answer him coherently.
I have been loving also the darker nights. It feels so much cosy to sit and wrap up with a throw.
I hope you have had a good week.

Cheers for reading X

Sunday 9 September 2018


Hey readers,

My word of the week is:

This is because my youngest has coped so well with starting school and he's even got, special person. This is where two people in the class are a special person of the day and are chosen for good behaviour. 

Funny enough on the same day my eldest also got a special person of the day so they both met each other when they handed the registration as that is their job to do.

My youngest has now started to bring books home which I know he will absolutely love because he loves reading so much. I love reading to them as well because it's a way for me to connect. I'm not always good with social and play so reading gives me that change to connect with my children.

However, my eldest seems to be having problems with sleep again which I think it's to do with anxiety. Therefore it is all fun and games when you got two ratty children to deal with. Hopefully, it is just a phase and my eldest sleep pattern will return back to normal.

cheers for reading X

My Sunday Photo 09/09/2018


Thursday 6 September 2018


Hey readers,
My word of the week is:

This is because it is the return of school and my eldest is going into Year 2 and my youngest started reception.
My youngest was super excited to start school and he absolutely loves it. Although he's only been doing half days this week until next week and it will be the whole day.
I think one of the reasons why my youngest is so excited because he just loves to be just like his eldest brother. I am pleased to report that he has adapted well and we've had no tears which are really good.
For me, it's slightly strange as it's so quiet but it is nice to go back to the routine and get things done without having children to entertain. I am amazed at how much easy is to do chores without children about and getting them done in half the time.
I'm not used to the alarm clocks mind and getting up so early so we will slightly tired by the end of the week.
Hope you have had a good week

Cheers for reading X

Sunday 2 September 2018

My Sunday Photo 02/09/2018