Showing posts with label lifestyle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lifestyle. Show all posts

Monday 10 July 2023

How to Overcome Writer's Block

Hey readers,
Writer's block is a common problem for bloggers. It can be frustrating and demoralising when you can't come up with anything to write about.

How to Overcome Writer's Block

There are a few things you can do to overcome writer's block:

1. Take a break.

 Sometimes the best way to get over writer's block is to take a break from writing.

 Go for a walk, read a book, or do something you enjoy. Sometimes all you need is a little time to clear your head and return to your writing with fresh eyes.

2. Brainstorm.

 If you're still stuck, brainstorm a list of topics you could write about. Don't worry about whether or not you will use any of these topics; get them down on paper. 

Once you have a list of topics, you can start to narrow it down and choose one that you're interested in writing about.

3. Talk to someone. 

Sometimes talking to someone else can help you to overcome writer's block. Talk to a friend, family member, or fellow blogger about your problem. They may be able to offer you some helpful advice or suggestions.

If you're struggling with writer's block, don't give up. Just keep trying, and eventually, you'll find a way to overcome it.

4. Write about a problem. 

When crafting a scene, fiction writers frequently use this tool. To better examine the issue and continue writing, write about your work in a notebook to yourself when you feel stuck. 

Write out what you're attempting to express in that specific section and the reason you're feeling stuck when you're feeling stuck in plain terms.

 This will ease the burden of coming up with a definitive statement and assist you in identifying the essence of your point.
5. Outline. 

For authors who want to prevent writer's block, preparation is key.

 Without a plan, you run the risk of being stuck in your work and being unable to move forward. 

You can follow a road plan to keep track of your plots and overall direction by creating an outline. With an outline, it's difficult to experience writer's block because you know where you're headed in the beginning, middle, and end of the document.

6. Free write.

 Free writing is a great way to get your creative juices flowing. Start writing whatever comes to mind without worrying about grammar or spelling. You can always go back and edit later.

What do you think of my tips on overcoming writer's block? Have I missed any good points to help with writer's block? Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section. 

Cheers for reading X 

Monday 3 July 2023

How to deal with restlessness

Hey readers, 

A typical sign of numerous mental and physical health issues is restlessness. You might question why you're restless and what you can do to stop it.

How to deal with restlessness
It can frequently make you antsy, or it might only rarely bother you. In either case, this essay might be helpful if you're restless and want to know why.

You'll learn several things you can do in this article to fix it.

1. Audit your sleep.
For our mental, physical, and emotional health, sleep is essential. Examine your bedtime and wake-up routines, as well as your pre- and post-sleep rituals. 

Keeping your bedroom pleasant and turning off your electronics at least an hour before bed is essential for excellent sleep hygiene.

If you experience daytime fatigue and agitation, a sleep tracker might help you identify sleep abnormalities (such as sleep apnea).

2. Learn to relax.

While it's easier said than done, developing good relaxation techniques may help you feel less restless.
Mindful breathing, meditation, forest bathing, and yoga sessions are relaxing practices to master. 

Make time every night to unwind: take a bath, read a good book, put your phone away, stroll, or pick up a new activity, like knitting or sewing.

3. Exercise. 

The best remedy for restlessness is exercise. It is advised to engage in moderate to vigorous exercise for at least 30 minutes three times per week to significantly lower cortisol (the body's stress hormone).

4. Try progressive muscle relaxation.
Deep breathing and the tensing and relaxing of specific muscular areas, like your neck or shoulders, are all parts of progressive muscle relaxation. 

You squeeze the muscles as firmly as possible while not injuring yourself. It would help if you didn't ever experience shooting pain or discomfort when you performed this workout. 

As you breathe in, tense one muscle group; as you exhale, relax that muscle group. Usually, starting with one foot at a time, you work up to your head from your toes.

Before progressive muscle relaxation, check with your doctor whether you have broken bones or torn muscles.

5. Lack of confidence. 

You stopped feeling like you were good enough at some point throughout this trip we call life, which resulted in restlessness.

Think about something that makes you feel immensely confident as a quick remedy for this treatment. 

Your ability to ride a bike or do well in an interview could be all required.

Is it accurate to claim that you haven't always been confident in your interviewing abilities? 

Then, what altered?
The fact that you have obtained much employment over the years is what has changed.

 The same principle applies to your belief in your capacity to ride a bicycle.

Doubt leaves your consciousness once you reach a goal. You no longer need to prepare for a job interview or learn how to ride a bike over three days.

 You feel assured because you have already answered many interview questions with success. 

What do you think about my ideas? Have I missed any good ones out to help conquer restlessness?  

Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section.

Cheers for reading X

Monday 26 June 2023

How to make homemade coconut hair mask

Hey readers, 

A coconut oil hair mask is quick, low-cost, and efficient to calm frizzy, dry hair.

Because it includes lauric acid, a type of fatty acid that aids in moisturising your hair, it is a particularly effective hair treatment. 

How to make homemade coconut hair mask

Additionally, it can enter the hair shaft and nourish your strands from within. Its antimicrobial qualities are excellent for your scalp.

Follow these instructions to make an easy coconut oil hair mask at home.


  • * 2 tablespoons of coconut oil. 
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil. 
  • 120 ml of honey (optional). 


1.  In a small dish, mix the coconut oil and the olive oil. Both coconut oil and olive oil are thin, natural treatments that can add shine and hydration to dry hair.

 To get the most out of these hydrating substances, combine both in a dish.[1] For longer hair, increase the amount of each ingredient while maintaining the balance.

Because it nourishes and softens your hair, coconut oil is an ideal ingredient for hair masks.

2. Honey can be added to moisturise and brighten skin tone. Another all-natural product that locks in moisture is honey, which is also excellent if you want to lighten the colour of your hair subtly. To loosen it up, add 20 ml and thoroughly stir.

Don't add honey if you don't want to change the colour of your hair.

3. Gently comb the mixture through your hair. Apply the mixture to your hair with your hands and comb a wide-toothed comb through the strands to distribute it evenly. Make careful to cover all of your hair, from the tips to the roots, with the mask.

 Pay special attention to coating your ends. They are usually the most damaged and dry parts of your hair.

4. Gently comb the mixture through your hair. Apply the mixture to your hair with your hands and comb a wide-toothed comb through the strands to distribute it evenly. 

Make careful to cover all of your hair, from the tips to the roots, with the mask.

 Pay special attention to coating your ends. They are usually the most damaged and dry parts of your hair.

5. To assist the mask in penetrating your hair, use heat. You can also use a hair dryer to heat your hair if you'd like. 

For a few minutes, direct the drier at your hair to open the cuticle and aid the mask's efficacy.

6. In the shower, thoroughly rinse the mask, then condition it. After rinsing off the mask in the shower, condition your hair, as usual, to help eliminate any remaining products.

 Although shampooing may suck out even more moisture from dehydrated hair, it is still an option.

To maintain healthy, smooth hair, use this mask once a week.

Cheers for reading X

Monday 12 June 2023

How to stop your hair from fizzing after washing it

 Hey readers, 

After washing your hair, dealing with fluffy hair can be time-consuming and annoying. 

You've come to the correct place if you're seeking strategies to prevent your hair from becoming puffy. 

How to stop your hair from fizzing after washing it

No matter how frequently you wash your hair, I'm going to reveal some easy tricks and strategies that can maintain it looking smooth and shiny. 

1. Trim hair regularly.

The expansion of the hair shaft brought on by split ends might make your hair more frizzy. To prevent frizz, it's crucial to keep the lots of your mane well-trimmed and smooth. 

Additionally, getting your hair cut every 6 to 8 weeks can lessen frizz from split ends.

2.  Use a deep-rooted conditioner. 

Once every week, use a deep-conditioning treatment. Deep conditioners and hair treatments are essential because heat and humidity can badly dry out your hair. Anything with oil in it works wonderfully to get rid of frizz.

3. Cold water. 

Washing your hair in cool or cold water is preferable to using hot water. After a warm shower, you can change the water's temperature for a cold rinse

Your hair cuticles will remain healthy rather than dry and damaged when you use cold water.

4. Condition, conditioner, condition. 

You might believe that you must shampoo your hair after every shower, but that is just untrue.

 The natural oils and moisturisers in your hair can still be stripped away by even the most excellent shampoos for preventing frizz.

 To lock in your natural moisture, alternate between using shampoo and conditioner one day and merely the next. 

To avoid a greasy scalp, only condition your hair from the nape of the neck towards the ends.

5. Invest in a microfibre towel or hair wrap. 

The hair responds quite well to microfiber cloths or wraps. This soft material is more gentle on your hair than a standard cotton bath towel, making it an excellent choice for drying hair.

What do you think of my tips to help stop hair from getting frizzy? Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section below. 

Cheers for reading X 


Monday 22 May 2023

Tips to wake yourself up in the morning.

Hey readers, 

When you first open your eyes, it's common to not feel your best. Continue reading for advice on waking up and getting out of your sleepy zone. ASAP. 

Tips to wake yourself up in the morning.

1. Make your bed.

A few advantages come with making your bed each morning. 

The first is a feeling of success because even though you've only been awake for a short while, you've already crossed something off your to-do list. 

The second is that making your bed, including your pillows and linens, will make it harder to convince yourself that you should go back to sleep. 

You are more likely to stay awake and leave your bedroom if your bedding is more primped and polished.

2. Avoid the snooze button.
In order to wake up more easily, get out of bed after the first alarm. 

Even while it could be tempting to press the snooze button in order to gain a few more minutes of sleep, doing so will only result in interrupted sleep. 

As opposed to uninterrupted sleep, interrupted sleep has fewer advantages.

 In actuality, it causes more stress and has other negative impacts.

Setting your alarm a little later and forgoing the morning snooze may be more beneficial in order to get the most amount and quality of sleep. 

When the first alarm goes off and you find it difficult to get out of bed, move the alarm clock further from your bed to help you get up.

3. Let the Light in.

When you awaken, open the blinds or curtains. also go outside. Your brain functions better and your body clock runs more smoothly under natural light.

 Lights should be on if the weather is dark. A flashing alarm clock might be useful. Additionally, it might not be as abrupt as a loud alert.

 Try using a light box (or sunlamp) if you experience morning brain fog, suffer from depression or seasonal affective disorder. It may make you feel happier and more alert.

4. Adopt a sleeping schedule. 

If you want to establish a regular sleep schedule and train yourself to rise early, you must go to bed and wake up at the same time each day.

Determine how much sleep you require (7 to 9 hours each night is suggested) and try to go to bed early enough to feel rested.

Your body will ultimately start waking up naturally if you follow your sleep routine every day, even on your days off.

5. Power Down Your Devices. 

Turn Off the TV Before Bedtime. It helps to obtain adequate sleep the night before if you want to get up on time.

 Additionally, getting ready for bed involves winding down. Be mindful that when watching television, using a laptop, or using a phone right up until bedtime do not promote peaceful sleep.

 No more justifications: utilise the alarm clock on your preferred device to set a reminder to switch off everything at least an hour before you go to bed.

Have I missed any good tips to help wake you up in the morning? Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section down below. 

Cheers for reading X 

Monday 3 April 2023

How to throw the perfect spring picnic.

Hey readers, 

The best in everyone is brought out by picnics, for some reason. It's challenging to beat the combination of delicious cuisine, clean air, and enjoyable company. You can have the ideal spring picnic if you prepare in advance and keep things straightforward.

How to throw the perfect spring picnic.

So below are things to consider to throw a perfect spring picnic. 

 1. Location.

 The most crucial factor is where you will have your picnic. Both the outfit and the food will benefit from being informed. For example, if you have to walk to the venue, you can't serve an expensive spread or wear wedges and a sundress.

2. Time. 

Plan the picnic so there will be adequate daylight for eating and engaging in activities. You can choose any time you like for the picnic to begin if it is on a Saturday. 

On Sundays, many individuals don't have to get up early for work, so none of your guests will feel rushed. 

If you choose to have the picnic on Sunday, I advise planning to have your guests arrive around 11 o'clock. This will give you the rest of the afternoon to eat and participate in outdoor activities.

3. Packing your hamper. 

Carefully select your equipment because a leaky cool box is the worst. Make sure your Tupperware is tightly closed before you leave, and place any particularly fragrant goods in a plastic bag. 

A cool box is  
 helpful for keeping your picnic supplies chilled on a hot summer day.

For young children, plastic bottles or cups work best to prevent breakages. If you're bringing wine glasses for adults, think about getting a small tray so they can rest there while you pour and in between sips. 

If you're tasting wine that has been cork-sealed, don't forget the bottle opener!

4. Plan for activities.

Make plans for your day. A picnic frequently involves more than just food. Check out the local events to determine what to bring. 

Bring fun athletic gear, such as a soccer ball or Frisbees, if the park lacks a playground.

Another option is to bring a board game that is enjoyable to play outside, like Twister.

If you're in a natural preserve, consider hiking to a picnic area!

5. The menu. 

Everyone attends a picnic solely for the food. Yet, your menu of delectable dishes needs to be filling and delicious. 

The fantastic company, fun, and games are just as welcome.

In most situations, everyone pitches in to make the food available. Still, you should be aware of any vegetarians, vegans, or those with allergies or intolerances attending your picnic. 

To avoid cross-contamination, you'll need to keep some items separate and use different utensils.

Sandwiches, munchies, and cake would make up the classic picnic meal; there is nothing wrong with this formula other than the fact that it has been used before. How to spruce up the typical picnic cuisine is as follows:


Choose sandwich fillings that won’t leave the bread soggy and cut sandwiches into tiny, delicate fingers. 

Arrange in separate containers to stop delicate flavours from being overshadowed by more robust ones.

Choose a quality bread or roll for your sandwiches, as the flavour will make all the difference. Whatever
 you choose, and no matter how you choose to serve them, ensure they are a picnic-friendly size.

Sumptuous sandwich fillings include:

Turkey with brie – serve cranberry sauce on the side.

Strong cheese – grate it and serve with artisan condiments such as chilli jam or pickle.

Tuna with spring onion – a delectable combination; add a hint of mayonnaise for moistness.

Jackfruit and BBQ sauce – shred the jackfruit as you would pork and add BBQ sauce, a delicious vegan-friendly sandwich.


With sandwiches made and ready, the next thing you’ll need to think about is savoury snacks that complement the flavours of your sandwiches.

There are so many ideas it’s hard to know where to start:

Devilled eggs – these take the humble boiled egg to new heights.

 Hard boil eggs, and when cold, halve them, scooping out the yoke.

 Mix the yolk with a teaspoon of mayonnaise and flavourings such as mustard, a hint of chilli or a dash of Tabasco. 

Load the yolk paste back into the white egg case and garnish with snipped chives or a dusting of paprika. 

Transport in a sealed container, placing each egg half in a paper bun case.

Crudites and hummus – A delicious dip with some healthy chopped veggies to dip in is fantastic for long summer days and takes seconds to make with this handy dicer (chop chop!)

Pulse salads – ditch the iceberg lettuce for a salad with a sturdier base, such as a vegetable of a grain. 

Couscous is simply crying out for flavour, and don’t forget the humble cooked pasta is excellent served with watercress, chopped tomatoes and other summer veggies and fruits. You can even chop and serve in the same bowl with this useful Nicer Dicer Set.

Pastry parcels – fry off your favourite mix of veg, season well and pile into filo pastry cases. 

Bake in a moderate oven and well excellent; slip into your picnic hamper. You can add chicken or turkey to these parcels too. 

In fact, you can get as inventive as you like with 
the fillings – why not try cooked beef with stilton, for example, or ham with peas in a light cheese sauce stuffed inside a pastry case.

Nuts – potato crisps are all well and good, but they can feel a bit samey after a while. Nuts (and seeds like pumpkin) make a great alternative when you need something savoury to nibble on.


There’s no reason why you can’t enjoy a sweet treat at a picnic. From cake to full-on desserts like cheesecake, there are ideas galore.

Cupcakes – a great idea for picnics; cupcakes can be stashed away in plastic containers and then passed around your assembled picnickers.

Victoria sponge – sometimes, the wheel doesn’t need re-inventing, and if there was ever a cake that looks at home at a picnic, it is a sumptuous Victoria sponge. 
Add extra decadence with a layer of whipped cream and jam.

Scones – another old favourite that never goes out of fashion, the humble fruit scone with jam & cream (or is it cream & jam?) will also be welcome sweet fare at your picnic.

Cheers for reading X 

Monday 27 March 2023

30 April Fool's Day jokes

 Hey readers,

One of the funniest days of the year, April Fools' is full with jokes and mischief. As pretty much everyone is fair game on April Fools' Day, it's long been a tradition to use the occasion to play tricks on friends, family, co-workers, and more.

 While there are many innocent and straightforward April Fools' pranks, you can also want to contribute humour to the day in other ways. Hilarious April Fools' jokes are a sure-fire way to get a chuckle out of folks.

How not to spoil your child.

There are many different types of quick and clever April 1st jokes on the list below. You might choose corny jokes, knock-knock jokes, or more direct, kid-friendly humour that the whole family can enjoy.

1. Believe nothing and trust no one this April Fools’ Day. So it’s just like any other day.

2. April Fools’ Day is like a huge open mic night: Millions of people go out of their way to demonstrate how unfunny they are.

3. What monster plays the most April Fools’ jokes? Prankenstein.

4. Did you hear about the guy who swapped the labels on the pumps at the gas station? It was an April Fuels’ joke.

5. Excuse me, sir. Do you think they named April Fools’ Day in your honor?

6. Why was the donkey annoying his friend? It was April Mules’ Day.

7. You should know that no one understood it was an April Fools’ joke. No one expected you to have a sense of humor.

8. A and C were going to prank their friend … but they just letter B.

9. Which day of the year do monkeys like best? The first of Ape-ril.

10. Which day is the worst to propose on? April Fools’ Day.

11. Today's the day to propose. If they say yes, great. If they say no, just say, "April Fools!"

12. Knock, knock! Who's there? Otto. Otto who? You otto know April Fools' is on April 1.

13. Why was the donkey annoying his friend? It was April Mules’ Day.

14. Why are babies born on March 31st easy to prank? They were literally born yesterday.

15. Did you know bees become indecisive after April? They become maybees.

16. Keanu Reeves lost all the April Fools jokes! Luckily he found the May tricks.

17. What day do monkeys like best? The first of Ape-ril!

18. A and C were going to prank their friend... but they just letter B.

19. What did April Fools' Day say when it won an award? Prank You!

20. What is the worst day to propose on? April Fools' Day!

21. Why do omelettes love April Fools’? They enjoy practical yolks.

22. What kind of pickles do spring flowers like? Daffo-dills.

23. What do bees use to fix their hair? Honeycombs.

24. What did the calendar say after April Fools' was declared a holiday? Prank you, prank you very much.

25. What do you call a sunny day that follows two rainy April days? Monday.

26. What do storm clouds wear under their pants? Thunderwear.

27. How did the skeleton know that April showers were on the way? He could feel it in his bones.

28. What does a rainbow do when it gets a papercut? Yell, "Ow!"

29. What did the tree say when spring finally arrived? What a re-leaf.

30. Did you hear about the cloud that tried catching some fog? It mist.

Cheers for reading X 

Friday 3 March 2023

How to recycle your old phone.

Hey readers, 

Up to 80% of your phone can be recycled, so avoid throwing it away or putting it in a drawer. 

How to recycle your old phone.

Modern mobile phones contain a variety of components that can be removed and used again, such as metals, plastics, and expensive materials like silver. The options for recycling and reusing old cell phones are expanding daily.

When you buy a new phone, ask the salesperson how you may recycle your old one?

Online retailers and brick-and-mortar stores like Cash Converters and CeX will buy your unwanted phone if it's in good working order and is reasonably current, especially if it comes with the original box, charger, and instructions. You can find the ideal business for you with the aid of comparison websites like Compare and Recycle.

The majority of charity will take used smartphones, functional or not. By transferring them to mobile phone recycling businesses, they can generate significant revenue.

Broken mobile phones can be disposed of in the bin for minor electricals at most recycling centres.

Where can I drop off my used mobile phone for recycling? 

Many organisations in the UK accept used mobile phones that can be recycled or resold if you want to aid those in need. Several instances include:

One of the biggest charities in the UK, Oxfam, accepts both functional and malfunctioning smartphones. The functional phones are donated to communities recovering from natural disasters like floods or earthquakes so they can stay in touch with loved ones and rescue personnel, or they are given to people around the world who would not otherwise have access to one to help them improve communications.

WaterAid: This non-profit organisation works to provide access to basic, necessary hygiene, clean water, and adequate toilets for people living in poverty all around the world.

They have a programme where you can donate your used cell phone, which WaterAid will sell or recycle and utilise the proceeds from to support their deserving causes.

Local churches, civic associations, and charities: Large charities are not the only ones that accept used smartphones. You should inquire with any smaller local charity, community organisations, or even churches.

 These kinds of organisations and groups are nearly always ready to accept used equipment anywhere in the UK because they can significantly increase fundraising efforts for their projects.

Trade in.

Many high street tech stores and mobile phone providers will accept your phone, laptop, or tablet in exchange for cash off a new purchase or a gift card.

For instance, you can exchange your Apple iPhone for up to £315 in store credit on the Apple website. You may be eligible for a credit of up to £45 even with an older model like the iPhone 7.

The additional businesses with which you can exchange gadgets are listed below. What you want—cash or a credit to use towards future purchases from the same brand—determines who you choose.

Only mobile phones are accepted by Carphone Warehouse, but they guarantee quick payment and will deposit the money specified for your phone into your bank account as long as it is in the condition you described.

Currys accepts trade-ins for a variety of goods, including computers, tablets, smartphones, gaming consoles, smart watches, and more.
Three accepts used smartphones, tablets, and wearable technology. If your device is received by Three by 1pm, payment is made the same day.

Smart watches, tablets, and phones may all be traded in with EE Trade-in. According to EE, users traded in smartphones with an average value of £170. (between January and July 2022).

Vodafone accepts mobile phones. You can exchange for bank transfers, monthly savings on your airtime bill, or credit on your Vodafone account.

Check whether free postage is offered or whether you need to visit a store before you trade.

Have you recycled your old phone?  How did you do it?  Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section down below. 

Cheers for reading X 

Friday 10 February 2023

100 different ways to say I love you

Hey readers, 
Without using the three words, there are plenty of other ways to express your love. We don't all always feel comfortable expressing "I love you."
 Many of us have trouble expressing our emotions. Your partner, for instance, might be everything to you. 
You want to tell them you love them, but finding the right words to use might be difficult. You could feel ashamed when everyone can see what's going on in your heart
Being preoccupied with our life can make us forget what's essential: expressing our loved ones' affection.
 I love you doesn't have to be expressed. There are numerous ways to say how much you value the other person.
Communication is the foundation of relationships. These types of small acts deepen relationships over time. Here are 100 ways to express your love to your partner and brighten their day. Look at this.

100 different ways to say I love you

1. I love you to the moon and back again.
2. We fit together like puzzle pieces.

3. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me.

4. You complete me.

5. I can’t believe you’re mine.

6. You are a beautiful person inside and out.

7. I am here for you…always.

8. I’m yours.

9. I’m the luckiest person in the world.

10. We are meant to be.

11. I’d do anything to make you smile.

12. You are my soulmate.

13. My heart calls out for you.

14. I like the way you make me feel, even when you are not around.

15. Hold you in high regard.

16. I am deeply affectionate towards you.

17. I am greatly enamoured of you.

18. I am deeply devoted to you.

19. I hold you in the highest esteem.

20. I am deeply in love with you.

21. You have captured my heart.

22. I treasure you.

23. I am deeply invested in you.

24. I cherish you.

25. I’m crazy about you.

26. I’ve got a crush on you.

27. You light up my world.

28. I’m head over heels for you.

29. I’m sweet on you.

30. Je t'aime.

31. Every time I look at you, I feel love and inspiration.

32. I just wouldn’t feel complete without you.

33. I am here for you . . . always.

34. You are my treasure—the most precious thing in my life.

35. We are perfect for each other.

36. You are captivating.

37. I am infatuated with you.

38. I picture growing yearn for you.

39. I cherish you above everything else in my life.

40. I'm smitten with you.

41. I don’t even want to think about what life is.

42. You're simply the best.

43. You mean so much to me.

44. You're mine, and I'm yours.

45. I picture growing old together.

46. I’m totally into you.

47. You always brighten up my day.

48. I've totally fallen for you.

49. I can’t believe how hard I’ve fallen for you.

50. We fit each other perfectly.

51. We have amazing chemistry.

52. If I were to spell out my favourite thing in the world, I’d spell “Y-O-U.”

53. You are incredible.

54. I love you from the bottom of my heart.

55. Everything about you turns me on.

56. I'm addicted to you.

57. I like the way you make me feel, even when you are not around.

58. You mean the world to me.

59. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.

60. You can't deny what's between us.

61. What did the volcano say to the mountain? I lava you!

62. You are the crayons to my colouring book.

63. You’re that nothing when people ask me what I am thinking about.

64. I’m crazy for you, or maybe just crazy!

65. Love is being silly together.

66. We go together like biscuits and gravy.

 67. You are my favourite distraction.

 68. Let’s grow old and wrinkly together.

 69. Even during a zombie apocalypse, I would still chew you.

 70. You are just like bacon; you make everything better!

71. You're everything to me. 

72. I’ve fallen for you…and I can’t get up.

73. If I wrote the book of love, you would be my dedication.

74. When I look at you, I feel a warmth in my heart. At least, I think it’s warmth; I did have a burrito for lunch.

75. I plan on bugging you for a long, long time.

76. I’d like you to guest star on my Love Boat.

77. Let’s get it on! No, really, stop laughing; let’s get it on!

78. I just wanna be your teddy bear. Well, not a soft, squishy teddy bear, but more of a rock-hard, six-pack teddy bear.

79. You’ve stolen a pizza, my heart.

80. Life would be boring without you.

81. I’m wild about you.

82. You make my heart happy.

83. I thank God every day for making YOU.

84. You are the greatest gift on earth.

85. You are my cup of tea.

86. My life was empty until I met you.

87. I love you more than bacon.

88. My heart beats only for you.

89. Our love can conquer anything.

90. Keep calm; my heart belongs to you.

91.  Be mine forever.

92. I love you with all that I am.

93. You make my life whole.

94. You are my happily ever after.

95. Every day is special because I get to spend it with you.
96. You take my breath away.
97. I love you beyond measure.
98. You’re my boo.
99. I’m batty about you.
100. You’ve stolen my heart.
Cheers for reading X