Monday 1 May 2023

Top tips for new mums.

Hey readers, 

About to become a parent or recently welcomed a newborn? Well, check out my advice on things that I thought were important things. 

Top tips for new mums.

Things that I wish people would have shared with me when becoming a parent for the first time. 

See their top tips for ditching the guilt, keeping stress at bay and embracing the chaos of new parenthood.

 1. Keep. It. Simple!!!

 Your task is simple. The early days feel incredibly overwhelming. 

Keep in mind that your infant requires four things: milk, sleep, warmth, and love. 

Avoid letting the countless self-help books, tools, and routines you must follow clog your head. Just focus on those essential care needs.

2. Trust your instincts.

The best advice for a new mum is to follow your instincts. Being a new mum, doubting yourself is simple because you've never done this. I wish to advise you to believe in your instincts and your mother's wisdom, nevertheless.

You were designed with the abilities needed to be a mother. Therefore, you should consider any internal cues that suggest something is off or that everything is fine. 

Don't question your judgement! Mothers are always right, as the saying goes.

3. Stock up on essentials. 

Stock up on the necessities. Have these products on hand, so you won’t have to run to the shop in the middle of the night. I suggest packing three different bags or sections within your bag with the following:

During your recovery, postpartum products like peri bottles, sitz baths, cold packs, painkillers, and witch hazel pads can help. Additionally helpful are pads and disposable undergarments.

Feeding essentials: These include breast cream and burp towels—a bottle of water, a phone charger, and food for yourself. Even if you want to breastfeed, have sterilised bottles and formula available to be on the safe side. 

I couldn't manage to breastfeed, so glad I had the bottle; my mottle is best fed. Breastfeeding has a steep learning curve and is not something every woman can do.

Nappy station: Stock up on nappies, wipes, and lotion for nappy rash in a separate container. You can change the baby on the sofa since it can be too much trouble to even go upstairs to the nursery, depending on your birth outcome.

Purchase your preferred granola bars and other healthy snacks in quantity, and if you are breastfeeding, it makes you very hungry.

4. Hormones. 

Your emotions will be all over the place. So if you cry, laugh, and sob, don’t worry; it’s natural. 

However, if you have feelings of sadness or anxiety beyond the standard “baby blues”, you may be having postnatal depression, and you need to get professional support from your doctor or baby health nurse.

5. Poo. 

It’s not a topic you EVER thought you’d talk about, but as soon as you become a parent, you’ll realise your new fixation with baby poo. 

Or, to be more precise: the frequency, colour, and normality of your child's bowel movements.

The poop of your child is significant and might reveal information about their general health. 

Here is everything you need about baby poop, from the newborn meconium through the various consistencies.

6. Guilt.

This is a hard one, especially when hormones and tiredness are high but don't put too much pressure on yourself. 

You won't enjoy every moment with your baby, and you know what? That is ok. I used to get so stressed trying to hold on to every little thing, but you can't but yourself. 

I know what you can do is enjoy the simple moments that bring happiness. 

Have you got any tips for new mums that I have missed and are worth mentioning in the comment section? I love to hear them down below.

Cheers for reading X


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