Sunday 20 October 2019

7 things to do when you are having a bad day.

Hey readers,

From time to time we all have bad days and that is ok. I have compiled some ways to help you when you are having a bad day. These tips are been successful for may so it is not just empty words.

1. Breathing exercises.

A way to help destress is to try out the breathing exercises and making sure you use deep breathes and use your lungs properly. Doing these exercises helps slow down your breathing and can be really therapeutic to just stop and focus on your breathing. Youtube is a brilliant source of visual aids to run through the step-to-step guide to doing deep breathing.

2. Meditation.

Meditation is so useful to help calm you down, give you something to think about other than the negative feelings that you hold. It helps distract you and give you something to focus on that can help make you feel calmer and relaxed.

3. Hot bath.

There is something about having a hot bath that really calms me down. I feel my muscles after been tense all day to soak them in hot water really beneficial. I just love after feeling really relaxed and putting on really soft PJs helps me chill out.

4. Watch a film.

A brilliant way to escape is with a film and getting a nice throw to settle down. It is a great way to switch off because often I am feeling exhausted after a bad so relaxing with a film is a great way to unwind.

5. Unplug.

The internet is addictive, it has its positives with having a wealth of information, interactions and entertainment. The downfall is it can lead to obsessions or transfixion and makes you feel rubbish. This is not great when you already feeling pants. I find just turning my phone off for an hour or two really helps me just switch off and allows me that time to think by myself.

6. Feel it.

Sometimes, when you are feeling bad instead of running away from the emotions, it is just good to be mindful even though it can be challenging. It is ok to have them negatives feelings, it is ok to cry and be angry. It is much better to have it there rather than trying to block it out or go into denial. Feeling them emotions is more practical and it may take less time to have to own them. When you explore them emotions it allows you to understand and accept what is happening to you.

7. Blame game.

I know it is so easy to find anyone other than yourself to pass the blame on to and ok sometimes it may be another person's fault. But that doesn't mean that we have to hold on to that anger, it just causes negativity and by letting it go gives back that freedom to move forward.

What things do you do to help when having a bad day? I would love to hear your thoughts in the comment section below. 

Cheers for reading X


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