Wednesday 8 July 2020

7 ways to get your child to drink more.

Hey readers,

It can be hard to get kids to drink sometimes and they may need some encouragement so here are my 7 tips to get your child to drink more. 

1.  Frozen fruit.

My first tip would be if you are giving your child a drink of water it can be quite bland so to add some flavour a slice of frozen fruit can enhance the flavour. 

You can even try putting a small slice of fruit such as raspberry or strawberry into an ice cube and freeze that to see how they get on.

 2. Fun straw. 

Kids love fun things that grab their attention so having a fun straw will certainly get them to try drinking.

You can get a variety of different colours and styles that stand out for the child. They are available in a number of online and in-store. Below I have put a photo exam of fun straw so you get the idea. 

3. Let them chose their bottle. 

Kids love having their own independence so giving them the choice (obviously depending on price) this means they are more willing to drink from a bottle that they have chosen. 

4. Use a water app. 

There are many good free apps on the market that you can download and use as a visual tool to encourage your child to drink more water. 

One such app is Plant Nanny. If you haven't heard of plant Nanny is a health app with the element of fun attached to it. The plant keeps your company every day by living in your phone. 

It encourages you to drink regularly by doing this you have to water your plant at different times of the day to help it grow. 

The nanny will remind you how much you have to drink every day and just a fun way to get motivated to drink more. 

5. Role model.

Practice what you preach and sometimes just leading by example and drinking yourself can encourage a child to follow suit. 

6. Have a variety of choice.

Having a variety of different flavours of drinks makes it much more enjoyable for the child as they have a choice. 

Whether it be milk, juice, squash or even a smoothie can get a child excited because they are not just having the same boring drink again and again. 

7. Make fruit lollies. 

An alternative way to get fluid intake up for a child is to make fruit lollies. not only do they have fruit in but water as well to keep them hydrated. Here is a link to BBC Good Food with a fab list of different types of fruit lollies you can make at home. 

hope you have found this post helpful in getting ideas to encourage your child to drink. Have I missed out on anything? Or is there a technique you use that has been effective in helping your child to drink more? Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section down below.

Cheers for reading X 

Musings Of A Tired Mummy

Monday 6 July 2020

6 reasons why introverts are awesome!

Hey readers,

One time I used to hate being an introvert and even more so when someone called me that.

 I think people associate introverts with negativity but as I have gotten older I celebrate being an introvert that is why in this post I am going to tell you the 6 reasons why being an introvert is awesome. 

1. They listen. 

Introverts are good listens on a whole, they like to listen to what people have said and take their time to process what has been said. 

Also, introverts do not like to be the centre of attention but prefer to take in information that is around them. 

2. Self-awareness.

I think introverts are more self-aware with who they are as they take a lot of time working out their environment and how they responded to situations.

 I think introverts take time to reflect upon their actions and more likely to understand themselves as an individual on that basis. 

3. Careful. 

As introverts spend a lot of time thinking - whether it be what to say or reflecting on a situation that has already occurred introverts tend to be cautious with what they say and do. 

I know for me I worry that I may say something wrong so I have to be confident before I say the things I need to say, it is almost like you are on guard for your own safety and peace of mind.

 I now feel tenser in public and a huge relief when I can close my front door and just take the mask off without the state of alert consistently when around other people especially when I  do not know them. 

4. Fewer people. 

The fewer people an introvert knows the better as there is less responsibility to keep up on top of the social element that is involved with friendships and whatnot. 

However, that may be such a negative thing as introverts take responsibilities such as being loyal and a good friend seriously meaning that what they do is the better quality they give out. 

One of the reasons for introverts to not need people is because they find their own happiness from inside themselves as opposed to wanting something from someone else.

5. Sensitive and thoughtful. 

This next point ties in with number 4 because the introvert is highly sensitive and takes on any criticism to heart. 

Introverts what to do a good job as they take things personally. The introvert is conscientious and when they do something they put all their effort into doing what is expected of them. 

Also, they listen to individuals and are good at it so they will remember the important information that the person has said and will keep hold of it, use it and help the person. It also demonstrates that the person can be relied on as they provide the expectations of the other person. 

6. Loneliness.

Introverts are not scared of loneliness, maybe one of the reasons is because they don't require energy from people but can find answers from themselves. 

They enjoy their own company and to some extent thrive from it, therefore, they comfortable with not needing to have the presence of others to find happiness.

Do you identify as an introvert? what do you think about these traits? Lave to heat your thoughts in the comment section below. 

Cheers for reading X 
Shank You Very Much

Sunday 5 July 2020

Autistic Feet

Hey readers,

My feet hurt today as a result of overusing them yesterday. I know so what?! 

Here is the thing why I am talking about my feet is the fact I am autistic you see and my feet posture is not very good.

 I have always had problems with standing and the way I coordinate my feet with walking.

I am so clumsy as well when I walk. I am guaranteed to trip up even if there is nothing there. 
The amount of bashing my toes into stuff and cursing under my breathe is unreal. My husband affectionately finds it funny.

I also shuffle my feet, especially when I am stressed. I am constantly getting told stop shuffling your feet like I am some kind of child.

You don't realise how hard it is to put one foot in front of the other. It can be really challenging. 

I never really thought about my physical problems when I was younger and now as an autistic adult, I am still learning.

It is my arms I struggle with - not really knowing what to do with them when I walk. I find them painful and just frustrating. It is like I have to train my mind to swing my arms when I walk. It is so difficult as I am rubbish at doing two tasks at the same time.

One of the major problems that I struggle with as an autistic person is using my spacial awareness skills and navigating around objects and people.

 I am not good at forward planning especially in a busy place where I am over stimulated with the sensory information. 

Sometimes, I get so overwhelmed that I need to sit down and take a moment to take a break because of how mentally exhausting it is.

If I don't think about my walking and focus on it, I really struggle with bumping into things or trip up.
We as a human are meant to learn this skill at an early age and it to be developed. 

Therefore not having to think about it as it is a long term in implicit memory. It is wired in the brain so you don't have to think about it, it is second nature. 

 Being an autistic person we miss out on this opportunity and I do wonder before language evolved how many humans died due to lack of 'natural' skills due to having a different way of thinking.

So, therefore if you do wonder why do us autistic people get SO tired this is a little insight because we have to constantly work our arses off and remembering all these 'natural' rules that people take for granted.

Cheers for reading X
3 Little Buttons

My Sunday photo 05/07/2020

Wednesday 1 July 2020

Reading and mental health.

Hey readers,

I have found reading to be beneficial for me and my mental health. Even though I have some really crappy days I still try to read because I find it helps in a small way, it might not be much but it is powerful. 

So in this post, I am going to get explore some reasons why reading can help with improving your mental health.

1. Escapism.

There is nothing worse than the feeling of not being able to escape your own thoughts that are constantly blasting at you. 

It can be easy to focus on them because they are so loud for attention but sometimes what I find helpful is a distraction and in this case reading. 

Reading for me is escapism from my thoughts because I am focusing on something else therefore not giving my thoughts the attention but focusing on reading can give me a break for a bit. 

 I read psychological thrillers and the escapism from the ‘real world’ is what is appealing. I like to get into the mind of someone else's story, this helps a lot when I am feeling particularly down and need something to give my mind a break from my life stresses.

2.  Reduces stress.

Reading can reduce stress because when you read for fun it is pleasurable and something that you enjoy.

 There is nothing better to read a good book where you can’t put it down and that is real enjoyment that is a positive effect on your mind. 

The story capturing your attention therefore you reduce stress levels by relaxing your tensed muscles, giving yourself that feel good chemicals when pleasure is activated in the brain.

3. Mental stimulation.

Reading can help with giving our brain some stimulation by keeping it working through reading and creating scenarios in our head of the plot of the story. These are great to keep your mind active and functioning and engaging in areas of the mind.

4. Memory.

Reading helps with your memory because for example with a story you need to remember each character what they are like and key events that has happened to make sense of the future story that you are reading. 

Again it comes back to the point about having to focus on something other than your own thoughts. This is refreshing because it gives you that break for the distress which can help reduce mental stress in the long term.

5. Sleep.

Reading before bed is a perfect ritual you should master as it helps increase the quality of your sleep. Reading before sleep allows yourself to relax your body and get it in sleep mode. 

Reading can also help you switch off from your own thoughts allowing quicker time to get to sleep. 

Overall with reading at night focusing on the book reduces the negative thoughts because you’re focusing on the reading meaningless likely to wake up if you are relaxed.

Have you found reading has helped you with your mental health? Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section down below.

Cheers for reading X

Musings Of A Tired Mummy

Sunday 28 June 2020

8 Things not to say to someone who is dealing with anxiety.

Hey readers,

As an individual who suffers from anxiety for a number of years, I have had my fair share of experiences involving people saying things to me that is not really helpful when you're trying to deal with anxiety.

So here is my 10 popular comments people have said that should not be said to someone who is suffering from anxiety.

1. Trendy.

Social media is a great tool in raising awareness of mental health. The downside is that some people may not be genuine in saying they have a mental health condition. 

They may say they have mental health issues to help with social media engagement or as an excuse for behaviour. Sadly the genuine people who suffer from anxiety get tarnished with the same brush.  

I know people use Google to self-diagnosis and in some cases the may be genuine. It is OK to talk about anxiety because how else are we going to raise awareness.

I think most people who say they suffer from anxiety are genuine suffers but sadly only takes a bad apple to affect a community. I didn't talk about my mental health for a long time to anyone or the odd person who I trusted.

 It takes a lot of courage for people who genuinely suffer from mental health. Trust me I do not see it as trendy. It is an ongoing battle and something if I could wave a magic wand make it disappear.

Sadly I can't make my anxiety vanish away and therefore have to focus on managing it rather than focus on a way of getting rid of it. 

I still get feelings at times of being ashamed if I am honest maybe because of past experiences of people turning a blind eye or not willing to talk about it has had an influence on me.

I am learning like everyone that talking helps and if you do suffer from mental health conditions then do be afraid of speaking up snout how it affects you.

2. Get over it. 

The amount of times I have been told to simply just get over it is unreal. Yeah sure mate I'll just click my fingers and get over it. It takes a lot of hard work to manage anxiety and you don't really know what is going on so don't assume that someone can just get over it!

3. Everything will be fine.

I know when people say this they mean it with good intention. However, anxiety is a devious little bugger and can really make you believe what you are feeling is real. Sometimes just listening to the anxieties helps a lot more helpful to say.

4. Calm down.

There is nothing more infuriating than someone telling you to calm down when you're in the grips of anxiety. 

It almost feels like when someone says calm down like they are not taking your feelings seriously. If anything saying calm down just triggers me and makes me angry which is not good either.

5. It's all in your head.

Of course, it is in my head, anxiety occurs in the mind right? One thing is for sure it is real, though some of the thoughts are maybe questionable in regards to the truth in relation to how the anxiety makes me feel.

6. Your such a weirdo.

There is nothing more encouraging than someone knocking you for suffering from anxiety. Just because it is different from the way you think or act does not make it OK calling someone a weirdo.

7. Have a drink you will feel better.

OK having a drink can be a relaxant however, we all know too much alcohol is a depressant. If drinking alcohol becomes a regular coping mechanism for dealing with anxiety it can actually hinder your mental health. 

Once the effects of feeling relaxed and letting go wear off alcohol tend to cause more anxiety which defeats the point anyway.

8. Other people are suffering much worse conditions then you are. 

This does not really help to compare a person to another person. We are all different and on our own journeys. Comments like this make you feel rubbish and reduce the likelihood of wanting to talk to you again about how you feel.

Have you experienced any of these observations? Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section down below.

Cheers for reading X

Navigating Baby

My Sunday photo 28/06/2020

Friday 26 June 2020

My mummy pet hates

Hey readers,

 With parenthood, nothing runs smoothly and somethings can quite frankly get on your goat. Nothing is perfect in parenthood it comes with its challenges so here are most irritating pet hates that annoy the crap out of me.

1. Repetition of questions.

I know it is lovely when your little one speaks and has an inquisitive mind showing that your little darling is into things. 

But let's face it there is only so many times you can answer the same question again and again and again and again before you secretly fantasy about quietness just for time to think without being smothered with the demand for answers!

2. Hearing my own voice.

What can I say my children as soon as they learnt the skill of selective hearing they get smart and used it to their advantage.

 It is so dame annoying hearing your own voice and trying to stay calm. For example, getting your children to school and encouraging them to get dressed when they so can't be arsed so they chose to ignore you instead. 

Not to mention if you have more then one child and hearing you say time and time again play nicely, stop jumping on your brother, for God sake just share the plastic jelly baby pot.

It is a totally minded field for me to understand the social rules of parenting and what to say or how much to say to other parents. What to get your sons to friend from school etc. 

 My son has not even started school yet and then it will even more social rules to deal with.
When having a baby you were entitled to watch several hours of crap TV in peace with hot teas.

 Now moving forward to the child age you may as well kiss goodbye to watching anything of your own during the day. 

With our home now with two children and their noise and demands, you miss your programme anyway so you may as well just watch another God dame episode of Talking Tom.

Songs that get stuck in your head - from the telly whether that Mighty Mike or Fireman Sam theme tune you will be stuck with it going round in your head all day long and find yourself humming along.

3. Getting under your feet.

I love my kids but at times they can get so frustrating as they have this ability to get under your feet when trying to do something. 

Alternatively, my eldest loves to try and block you from entering a room just for laugh. It doesn't matter whether your rushing around cleaning the flat to make it look half decent for visits it is more fun to stop mummy, yeah right!

4. Lego pieces.

 Lego pieces get everywhere and kill when standing on them. They are so painful and so small that they really should come with insurance.

5. Throwing food. 

Why, why, why do children have to  throw food about everywhere in places that are imaginable and find months later vom!

6. Meltdowns.

 I find it stressful in public to deal with meltdowns. Yes, this is typical child behaviour but so hard to deal with especially when your child is tired. 

There is no rational stance with your child when they hit meltdown mode so it can be really stressful to try to get them to calm down and then you need to calm down, just a nightmare really.

With both my sons trying to get them to share the tablet, drink felt tips, stickers you name it I guarantee there will be a squabble between my boys.

 It is so bloody hard work at times to constantly break up the battles but luckily the good outweigh the bad or else I would be locked up in the psychiatric ward.

What is your mummy pet hates? Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section down below. 

Cheers for reading X 

Wednesday 24 June 2020

9 ways to wind down

Hey readers,

As a person who struggles to wind down, it is always good to find ways to help me switch off. 

I am quite an anxious person naturally, so therefore, at times I can neglect myself especially when the anxiety is getting to me. 

So here are my top 9 ways that have helped me destress in times of need. 

1. Technology.

Turn off the technology allows you that time to help switch off from all the noise that is going on. 

It gives you time to turn off the thoughts and help get your body naturally tired and not constantly wired.

2. Caffeine.

 Don't drink caffeine an hour before bed as caffeine is a known to stimulate your mind and the chances are you won't want to go to bed. Therefore resulting in reduced sleep which will impact your day. 

3. Temperature.

 Make sure you get the right temperature for your bedroom as this will help you feel more comfortable and ready to settle down for the night.

4. Reading. 

 Reading before bed is a fantastic way to help get you tired but also feel more relaxed.

5. Television.

In the evening before bed, if you are watching TV watch something that is calming. 

Try to avoid programmes which are thought-provoking and not a programme that will make you think or cause an emotional reaction because you don't want racing thoughts as it can prevent you from sleeping. 

This will likely waste timing thinking where you could have been sleeping.

6. Write it down.

 If you have any thoughts that seem to be repeating and stopping you from getting sleep a good technique is to have a notebook by your bed and write down your thoughts. 

If there are written down the thoughts this can help give you a clearer perspective. This will help settle you knowing that you have written down all your thoughts as a posed to keeping them in your head racing around and getting messy.

7. Bedtime routine.

 Having a bedtime routine can help settle you down ready for sleep as it trains your brain. Therefore making your body get in a rhythm so that will time it will naturally go into sleepy mode and wanting bed.

8. Music. 

Put some relaxing music on in your bedroom as this can create a calming environment and get you in the mood to chill out. 

9. Bath. 

 Having a bath is a great way to relax and soak the muscles after a long day.

What ways help you relax before bed? Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section down below. 

Cheers for reading X

Monday 22 June 2020

A Boy Made Of Blocks by Keith Stuart (Review)

Hey readers,

Today I am sharing a review of A Boy Made Of Blocks by Keith Stuart. It is losing based on the author's relationship with his autistic son.

A Boy Made of Blocks by Keith Stuart

This book has a main theme of Alex who is the dad of his son, called Sam. Sam is a child who is diagnosed with high functioning autism so, he can communicate but to what extend no one is really sure.

Alex has been the main breadwinner, whilst his wife had to leave her job to cater to Sam's needs 24/7. 

Naturally, this seems to have caused a rift between Alex and Jody due to pressure, stress, confusion etc when raising an autistic child.

As we have found out further along in the book that communication between Alex and Jody was broken down, therefore, causing Jody to call time on their marriage, for now, it was deemed a trial separation.

On that Sunday Alex left the family home feeling devastated, so he moved into a friend's apartment which was a typical bachelor pad with all the mod cons including an Xbox.

Alex gets into a more depressing situation when the mangers at his job have changed and decided that they no longer need Alex as a mortgage adviser. Therefore Alex decided to take three-month redundancy deal that the company offered as an incentive.

This causes Alex to spirals into depression.
A new arrangement between Jody and Alex where on a Saturday Alex would look after Sam.

 Normally Alex and Sam would go to the park but this worried Alex particularly as Sam was hostile to other children and very scared of dogs. 

Their relationship is very basic and it is all new for both Sam and Alex where they are at the beginning of a journey if you will in finding out about one another.

Jody buys Sam an Xbox and then gets into the game Minecraft. Sam desperately wants his dad to join in. At first, Alex sees this of pain especially as Sam is constantly calling Alex to check every small development in the game.

There were issues that were concerning Alex around technology and whether it was good for Sam to spend such a long time on the Xbox. 

However, this game was a great distraction for Sam as he could totally escape all his worries, especially as he was getting bullied at school for being different. 

We find out later on in the book that it is quite clear that when dad does get involved playing Minecraft with Sam it sort of strengths communication and building a stronger relationship between father and son.

When Sam is not the centre of attention he is more open and thinks clearer without having to worry about talking and what to have to say. Rather, the communication flow is more natural between Sam and Alex. 

This has helped Alex understand his son better through the game and can be less jumping to ideas bur more empathetic to why Sam does the things he does. 

I find this such a  brilliant insight into knowing about Autism. Sometimes, you need to have some sort of physical activity that is about order and structure to help ease the anxiety for a person with autism and help the communication between two people.

There are obviously other branches of 'drama' if you will regarding Alex's brother who died due to a car incident when Alex was young. The theme around guilt, running away and facing up to things is a big topic at the end. 

His sister, mum and Alex all learn to face up to doubts and thoughts. With the main notion of communicating their worries can break down the tension and built back relationships instead of hiding for fear of the outcome. 

This can help the process of grief and move forward in all the individual's lives.

There are little nuggets of wisdom from Sam and we can learn a lot from Sam with making things simple outlook of the human race. Seeing them as objects and colours that need to fit together.

Overall, it is a heartwarming story and tells the tale of strangers almost rebuilding and strengthening the relationship between families. I love the fact that it is a personal account and feels real rather than just listening again and again to the rubbish of the professionals.

There is a new book after this one which I will definitely be reading in the future be as it would be lovely to hear the new developments of what has bee happening in Sam's life.

 Especially, as at the end of this book, Sam has moved to a new school that specialises in autism.
This book is definitely a must if your interested in autism or wants to hear about an autistic parent's point of view.

Cheers for reading X

Sunday 21 June 2020

My Sunday photo 21/06/2020

Friday 19 June 2020

5 life lessons I have learnt

Hey readers,

I thought today I would share with you the five top lessons that I have learnt so far in my life.

  1. Good people.

My first lesson is that there are more good people in the world than bad. I know shock horror I am sure the media would love to differ but then again it wouldn’t sell papers.

 Sometimes we can all get sucked into the doom and the gloom of bad news that we can forget that there are so many good people in this world. I think the below quote is spot on and something that we should all try and remember.

“At times the world may seem an unfriendly and sinister place, but believe that there is much more good in it than bad. All you have to do is look hard enough. and what might seem to be a series of unfortunate events may in fact be the first steps of a journey.”
― Lemony Snicket

2. Sod’s Law.

The second lesson I have learnt is that Sod's Law will always kick your ass every single time. When you think you know what will happen in life then you can guarantee that something will pull that your feet at that moment in time.

 I suppose a classic example would be where is that bus when I am running late when normally it is bang on time!

3. Not all thoughts are true.

As a person who suffers from anxiety, you believe every thought and feel though that may not always be the case. Sometimes, our mind tricks us into thinking stuff even though it is not true.  

But remember that it is important to not always believe these thoughts, yes they seem real but always remember they are just thoughts and it is your choice to choose to believe in them or not.

4. Feelings.

Feelings can be good or they can bad. As I have mentioned before I am a person who suffers from anxiety and depression which can at times take me to dark places. 

It can be scary and feel like you are going to be stuck feeling this way forever. But rest assured as someone who has battled for a long time with mental health conditions feelings pass with time. 

Hold on to that thought when you are in a dark and scary place, you can and will get through this even if it takes time. Life is constantly moving and so will you.

5. A cup of tea.

The final lesson that I have learnt in my life is and one of the best cures for stressful situations is to have a cup of tea and toast like it is the best way to solves problems.  So, if I need time to think this is the one-stop solution to give me a chance to think clearer.

What lessons have you learnt in life? What do you think of mine? Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section down below.

Cheers for reading X

Wednesday 17 June 2020

Benefits of practising silence

Hey readers,

There is so much noise around us nowadays especially as we are at home more. The noise is everywhere from the TV, phone, tablet whatever there is a constant stream of information that wants to grab our attention.

Sometimes it can really get to me because of how easy it is to access and can get overwhelming. That is why it is important to learn the skill of taking ten minutes a day along in the quiet to just be without any distractions.

I have started doing this a few months ago and I will be honest at first I did find it really hard with having so many racing thoughts, it just didn’t feel comfortable, however, over time it gets easier with practice and you will be amazed at the benefits it can have on you.

I find taking time out each day to slow down is important as it really helps me appreciate the moment instead of constantly wanting to do the next thing. It gives me that time to just stop and breathe. I simply do nothing and it is really relaxing to just let go and take in the moment.

The way I like to incorporate my 10 minutes of silence a day is to lie on my bed as that is my favourite place to be. I turn everything off and close my eyes and let whatever comes into my head slip away. I forget about it if it is important it will come back to me. Just allowing the flow to come and go really helps give me a little bit fo calmness for that day.

I think it is a real skill to learn to be present and in the moment, even if it is just for a small percentage of the day. The world moves fast and it is too easy to get hooked into the chaos of it all. I really enjoy moments where I can just sit and be mindful, to feel whatever it is and just breathe. I am not massively into mindfulness but just sitting and breathing has helped greatly with learning to relax, which funny enough is something I am not very good at.

I have found it to help my anxiety and thoughts by training myself to not feed into them but focus on the sensory of the here and now. I am learning to let go of the anxiety and knowing that ten minutes of the day is mine to just be, relax and appreciate what is happening right here and right now. 

 I think just allowing myself permission of sorts to do this because I constantly feel that I have to be doing something or have not achieved anything. Sometimes, you can learn a lot more just being and reflecting rather than constantly on the go where you don’t appreciate things because your constantly wanting to move on to the next thing.

What are your thoughts on practising silence? Do you incorporate silence in your day? Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section below. 

Cheers for reading X

Monday 15 June 2020

20 non-screen activities to do indoors.

Hey readers,

Bored at home with the kids and looking for something to d that will distract them enough to stop watching the screen. Look no further as I have 20 fun activities to do indoors when at home. 

1. Make a fort.

2. Do some potato art  - simply cut out shapes from the potato such as a star and then paint the potato shape and cover the sheet of paper.

3. Can't go wrong with reading a book.

4. Have a bath any old time, doesn't have to be in the evening but sure is a time killer and most kids enjoy the bath right?!

5. Do a jigsaw puzzle.

6. Make your own playdoh, really easy to do and the kids will love it.

7. Paint some stones and leave them out when you go out on a walk for someone else to enjoy.

8. Play a board game – my favourite is UNO.

9. Turn the radio on and do some dancing in your living room.

10. Make an indoor obstacle course indoors using objects in your home. You could use pillows, toys and cushions to help create a fun way to make an obstacle course.

11. Let your kid’s vacuum (oblivious depending on their age, don’t recommend giving a one-year-old) but kids absolutely love playing the adult role and teaching them to look after the place they live in.

12. Play some bubbles.

13. Make a card for family or friend. You don’t need much simply use paper and colour pens. People will love to receive something handmade as it is that personal touch.

14. Learn the Japanese origami which is the art of paper folding.

15. Make paper aeroplanes.

16. Try some coin rubbing art.

17. Plant some seeds – a couple of simple seeds to plant is mustard or crescent and you can just place them in an empty yoghurt pot and watch them grow.

18. Make some homemade ice lollies.

19. Make tape roads – all you will need is masking tape and put on the floor to create roads and roundabout. Then after kids then can use their cars on it.

20. Make some gratitude paper chains – done a post here on how to do it.

What things do to you do when indoors with your kids? Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section down below. 

Cheers for reading X