Sunday 10 November 2019

My Sunday photo 10/11/2019

Friday 8 November 2019

**AD** #FriendshipFriday

Hey readers, 

Did you know today is the 8th November which means #FriendshipFriday that coincides with anti-bullying week which happens every year in November. 

This post is all about the SockShop campaign about bullying and self-harm. 

Sockshop is working together with Kidscape who work with children and want to see children grow in a world without bullying and harm.

 They provide advice, training and practical tools for children, families, professionals, and carers to prevent bullying and protect young lives. 

So, for this campaign, the wonderful people of Sockshop designed a very special edition od Elmer the  Patchwork Elephant socks to celebrate the famous children's book character's 30th birthday. 

Below are pictures of me trying out the Elmer socks which have the distinctive patchwork rainbow trademark pattern on the socks. 

I found the socks super soft and made from bamboo which is great for me as an autistic person who appreciates soft material. 

They also when wearing the socks all day don't get sweaty and are super comfortable perfect for keeping your skin soft and protected. 

Also, the socks have a smooth hand-linked toe seam which is fabulous for sensory issues.

 The socks come in men, women and children's sizes. I want to find out more information about the socks click here.

For every purchase of these socks, 10% will go to Kidscape which will help support which is important charity work. 

Cheers for reading X 

I have been gifted a pair of Elmer Sockshop socks in order for a review and raise awareness for the charity. However, all opinions expressed are entirely my own.

Tuesday 5 November 2019

Why is it that I don't have the tools,

To parent the way I am meant to.

People assume I know,

Most of the time,

I am floating,

Going nowhere,

Feeling lost,


Isolated and scared,

No one ever,

Tells you this is reality,

But guilt reminds me,


Sunday 3 November 2019

My Sunday photo 03/11/2019

Wednesday 30 October 2019

5 ways to tell you that your cat loves you

Hey readers,

We all know cats rule ;) *ok that's it's just my opinion*. So many people assume that cats are cold creatures which beg the question of how do you know if a cat loves you?

Well, below I have outlined 5 ways your cat loves you.

1. Headbutts.

You know your cat likes you by the way they come over and rub against your leg. This shows that they are really very happy to have you in there space and like to be close to their owners.

Also when cats are rubbing up against your legs they are rubbing their sent onto you as a way to say you are accepted to them and they are happy to have you in their home.

2. Sleep.

One of the loveliest things is when cats come over and sleep on you or close by. They clearly want your company and feel safe with you around them. They can be vulnerable when they are asleep so if they do sleep near you this demonstrates that they are happy and contented to sleep in your presence.

3. Cat tail. 

Though there are different meanings as to what a cattail means and how the cat is feeling. One positive sign is when your cat's tail is twitching at the tip of the tail. This is an indication that the cat is happy and feeling blissful around you.

4 Blink. 

Do you notice when your cat moves their paws up and down while purring at you?  well this is called kneading - when the cat was a kitten they would knead against their mother to stimulate milk production. Now that the cat is an adult they still hold on to these behaviours to show their affection.

5. Greetings. 

When I come home from a long day out my cat greets me with his tail up and this is another positive sign that they are happy to see you.

It also shows that they have missed you and want some love from you as well.

Do you have cats? What ways does your cat show you love? Love ot hear your comments down below in the comment section. 

Cheers for reading X 

Monday 28 October 2019

5 ways to help your child get out of the pushchair.

Hey readers,

With parenting, there are never-ending stages that you have to work through with your child. For me as a parent of a stubborn child, one of those stages would be to successfully not use a pushchair and my child to be independently walking. I can confirm that my children are 5 and 7 I have achieved that twice and come out the other side and still smiling. Here are some tips that I have found useful for when I did work through this transition with my children. 

1. Regular trips. 

When starting off helping your child to get out of the buggy and use their feet it is important to make sure that you do regular trips or take your child out the chair where it is safe to do so. It may take time for your child to get used to the idea and that is OK because change takes time. It is important to not push your child but to keep giving them positive praise so that they are encouraged to continue and learning to be independent without the pushchair. 

2. Harness. 

If your child is one of those that rule feral and doesn't like to stay close *ahem like both my children* then a good solution to give your security is to purchase a harness. This is a strap that goes on the child's wrist and you as the parent hold the other end so that they close by giving you that peace of mind. You can buy these from Boots and supermarkets so the yare easily accessible. 

Make sure you have a harness/link wrist or even a bag with a harness. Though my son hated that others love having a little back all of there own. This can help little ones feel independent.

3. Motivator. 

As a motivator, my son would carry something small as he loves to help and copy adults. Even if it is just a carrot he will feel important and want to help. Therefore it can help motivate him to walk further without the need of wanting to go into the pushchair. 

4. Reward Chart. 

A  reward chart is a good idea if you want your child to perform postive behaviours such as walking close by, or walking x amount of time out of the pushchair. If the child sucessfully achives five stas they can have an reward that is the  as an incentive to promote walking and can help them be more inclined to walk that bit more.   The kind of rewards you can do is have a faviorutite to read, can put a cartoon they like or even go to their favioiurite park to play one day during the week when they have reached their goal of x amount of stars.

5. Park. 

To get them to walk somewhere like a park once a week so they get a chance. This helped with my eldest as it was more fun to be free to run around but also can help them built up their fitness.

Have you successfully achieved leaving the pushchair at home and your child walking independently? I would love yo hear your thoughts in the comment section down below. 

Cheers for reading X 

Sunday 27 October 2019

My Sunday Photo 27/10/2019