Sunday 27 October 2019

My Sunday Photo 27/10/2019

Wednesday 23 October 2019

10 things that are annoying about the school run.

Hey readers, 

Since being a mum of children of school age for over 4 years I can now say I have had some experience of being a school mum so to speak. 

Here are some observations that you may recognise if you too are a parent of school children. 

1. Schoolbag.

Always check the school bag the day before because you can bet there will be one day where there is something seriously important that you have to sign for. 

2. School uniform. 

 Make sure you double-check your child's school uniform before leaving the door.

 I myself have been caught out with one of my darlings having the trousers on the wrong way or the other child has the small cardigan on and resembling something from a 90s boy band.

3. Toilet. 

The chances of one of my children needed the toilet before we head home after school or before school is 99.9% chance that yes they will need the bloody toilet. Regardless of the fact that they will deny it until the cows come home. 

4. How you doing?

Never expect to get an answer to a question that enquires about your child's school day because you will never get an answer. The only two responses are, nothing or ok.

 Thanks for the enlightenment darlings I really now know what you do at school for the 6 odd hours your in education doing sweet FA apparently. 

5. Rain.

 As sod's law loves to wind up parents you know full well the day you decide not to have a coat that the heavens will open. Then what happens is naturally you will resemble a wet, miserable rat cursing under your breathe. 

6. Money, money, money.

You seem to now need to take out a loan because of the amount of money needed for school activities. 

It just never seems to end from days out to the cake sale to the sodding lollies that are near the school gate that you can't hide from your child. 

7. PE kit.

You think you have crackled this school run malarky, got that cocky smile over your face until you reach your child's classroom and your child informs you that they haven't got their pe kit for today, GRRRR!

8. Morning.

It doesn't matter how much time or even extra time getting up early at some point along the process of getting ready for school it will go belly up. 

Your child will have a meltdown, there is toothpaste all over their clothes (the one time you forget to tell them to brush their teeth before getting their school uniform on). 

One of your children thinks it is funny to hide the hairbrush or the fact before leaving the door after several prompts your child still has not put their shoes on.

 Seriously, I don't know why I bother I am destined not to be on time without running in a mad panic down the road. 

9. Wakey wakey.

 Why is it so hard to wake your child up on a school morning but they are jumping all over you at silly o'clock on a Saturday morning?!

10. Waynetta Slob.

 Why is it all the other mums look well together with their overall presentation and you resemble Waynetta Slob and the sad thing is you cant hide under sunglasses during winter. 

Cheers for reading x 

Tuesday 22 October 2019

Social Anxiety.

Why do I screw it up,

Words are there.

But they don't come out.

Now I am left with doubt,

Paranoia to the max,

Over analysing,

All the things I could say,

But the anxiety cripes me,

Now I am sad,

Because yet again I have messed up.

Monday 21 October 2019

Depression and parenting.

Hey readers,

Sometimes I feel that on my blog I should not discuss depression as I am so ashamed because that is what society makes me feel like at times. I have always been embarrassed to say that I take anti-depressants and that in turn makes me feel weak. 

But deep down I know that my depression is a genetic and chemical reaction, it doesn’t make me a bad person because of it.

Truth be told as a parent with depression there are days when I hardly do anything, the only thing I attempt is to the bare minimum for my children. Once the children have gone to bed it allows me time to cry from all the build-up sadness and frustration from the day.

Some days are better than others, but now again I get dips and need that extra hand from my husband. For instance, I struggle to deal with the social side of taking my children to nursery or school. 

It is not always just the socialising but the physical environment is so hard for me to manage. I literally feel so suffocated and overwhelmed by the sensory stimulation that is happening in the room. 

I am autistic on top of all this and usually, I can find that it interacts with the depression.
Therefore heightened social situations can make me feel rubbish and can contribute towards me beating myself up for not being a good enough at being a parent because I am not like all the parents.

 It tends to result in me coming home and breaking down. I feel rubbish and tend to just want to sleep in order to escape the reminder of my shortfalls as a parent and person.

Other times, I struggle with dealing with the temperament of my children or talking about topics such as death, as this can trigger my OCD. No one teaches you how to communicate to your child and some days I just have to admit to defeat as it is too tough for me to deal with and hubby would have to take over.

When I am going through a dip in my mood I can spend the whole day dragging myself down, I physically feel on edge and know that after all this there is going to be a massive panic attack. 

I hide away from my husband, as I am not good at communicating at that moment, I don’t instantly have the words to say. I feel therefore this risks the chances of irritability between me and my husband. 

I don’t like being touched for a cuddle, I just need the time for me to mope and allow the emotions to pass. I don’t want solutions, I try lots of things but at that moment I just need to be. I don’t run form it anymore, at the end of it, I kind of feel better out of my system.

It helps me feel calmer and my body feels like it is being heard.

Sometimes, the best thing is to accept it at that moment, don’t find solutions because at the end of the day it is something that you can deal with at a later date when your mind is in a clearer state.

 I have learned when you are that emotional, nothing makes sense and I tend to make the wrong decisions so it is better for me to not make any decisions at all during my 'meltdowns'.

 I feel now that I have learned how I react and what is best for me is less painful and it allows me to feel more in control ironically.

Cheers for reading X

Sunday 20 October 2019

My Sunday Photo 20/102019

My son wanted to show the world the big crisps he has found in his crisp packet lol. 

7 things to do when you are having a bad day.

Hey readers,

From time to time we all have bad days and that is ok. I have compiled some ways to help you when you are having a bad day. These tips are been successful for may so it is not just empty words.

1. Breathing exercises.

A way to help destress is to try out the breathing exercises and making sure you use deep breathes and use your lungs properly. Doing these exercises helps slow down your breathing and can be really therapeutic to just stop and focus on your breathing. Youtube is a brilliant source of visual aids to run through the step-to-step guide to doing deep breathing.

2. Meditation.

Meditation is so useful to help calm you down, give you something to think about other than the negative feelings that you hold. It helps distract you and give you something to focus on that can help make you feel calmer and relaxed.

3. Hot bath.

There is something about having a hot bath that really calms me down. I feel my muscles after been tense all day to soak them in hot water really beneficial. I just love after feeling really relaxed and putting on really soft PJs helps me chill out.

4. Watch a film.

A brilliant way to escape is with a film and getting a nice throw to settle down. It is a great way to switch off because often I am feeling exhausted after a bad so relaxing with a film is a great way to unwind.

5. Unplug.

The internet is addictive, it has its positives with having a wealth of information, interactions and entertainment. The downfall is it can lead to obsessions or transfixion and makes you feel rubbish. This is not great when you already feeling pants. I find just turning my phone off for an hour or two really helps me just switch off and allows me that time to think by myself.

6. Feel it.

Sometimes, when you are feeling bad instead of running away from the emotions, it is just good to be mindful even though it can be challenging. It is ok to have them negatives feelings, it is ok to cry and be angry. It is much better to have it there rather than trying to block it out or go into denial. Feeling them emotions is more practical and it may take less time to have to own them. When you explore them emotions it allows you to understand and accept what is happening to you.

7. Blame game.

I know it is so easy to find anyone other than yourself to pass the blame on to and ok sometimes it may be another person's fault. But that doesn't mean that we have to hold on to that anger, it just causes negativity and by letting it go gives back that freedom to move forward.

What things do you do to help when having a bad day? I would love to hear your thoughts in the comment section below. 

Cheers for reading X

Thursday 17 October 2019

Bring winter clothes back to life with Ace for Colours Powder! **AD**

Hey readers,

We now have said goodbye to summer for this year anyway and we are in the middle of autumn. 

So, now for me would be a good time to think about my winter clothing and getting prepared for when the winter season arrives.

  I have tested out Ace for Colours Powder to help give some of my less colourful items a bit more oomph. 

A little bit about Ace colour powder.

* ACE makes life easy with the never-ending school laundry pile by gently removing stains.

*ACE keeps garments bright, robust and clean meaning clothes last for longer. 

* Keep colours bright and fresh with ACE for Colours Powder. 

* ACE for Colours Powder comes in a fully recyclable Tetra Pak.

* Use ACE in your daily wash to keep clothes looking fresher for longer. 

* Call to action: Pick up the ACE product range including ACE for Colours Powder st the nearest Morrison's store or buy online on Amazon. 

Here are some tips to help get you ready with your winter wardrobe. 

1. Rotate. 

Now I am putting away the lighter items such as shorter legging, sandals, and short pyjamas and swapping over to my warmer clothing for winter.

 I like to revolve my clothing depending on the seasons. This gives me a chance to refresh my mind of what my winter items are as I have not seen them for a long time and then you forget how much clothing you have. 

2. Ace for Colours Powder. 

 A tip would be to get some of the duller clothed items and use Ace for Colours Powder to give a reinvigorate your clothes.

 Ace for Colours Powder helps remove tough stains and bring coloured garments back to life. A wash will blow off some cobwebs as like my winter items have been stored away for six months in a dark cubicle. 

Nothing feels good when you get your clothes washed and hung up in the wardrobe all ready for winter. 
I love a jumper to keep me cosy in the winter.

3. Comfort first.

For me when thinking about my winter wardrope it is all about comfort and having soft materials. 

I love fluffy socks, fleecy PJs and long cotton coats to keep me warm when it is wet and cold. 

Nothing bits cosy jumpers and giving them life with Ace Colours Powder to make them soft and remove stains is an added bonus. 

All about comfort. 

4. Dye. 

Now, I am quite conscious of what I am buying and not buying new clothing. Therefore a good way to make old clothes feel new is to simply dye them with a different colour. 

It will give that new factor to it and you don't need to buy new clothing win-win. 

5. Sell.

 When sorting out your clothing and changing the summer items over to winter items a good idea is to sieve items you don't really want.

 A great thing to do to earn a few quid is to sell them to someone else that will home them, therefore being more environmentally friendly all round. 

6. Charity shops. 

If you want to buy clothing for the winter then instead fo heading for the fast-fashion check out the local charity shops.

 You will be amazed at the range of quality items they have in charity shops and it saves you money so your purse is happy. 

ACE for Colours Powder.

So I tried out the ACE for Colours Powder and washed some of my favourite winter items.

 Below is my lovely thick and warm winter coat. I love this coat. It did have some stains but found the ACE for Colours Powder helped get rid of the stains and also helped bring back the washed-out colour of the coat so it feels brand new with it's a bright colour. 

What tips do you have to help get your wardrobe reading for the winter? Love to hear your comments in the section below. 

Cheers for reading X

'This post is an entry for the BritMums #ACEWinterRefresh Challenge, sponsored by ACE for Colours Powder, Get help for all kinds of stains with the Ace Stain Helper
and pick up the range at your nearest Morrison's store or buy online on Amazon'.