From the Mouth of Babes 21/12/2015

Hey Readers,

  1. My ds1 is obsessed about talking about winter and why it is dark so early. We have explained to him about the way the earth tilts and that it is further away from the sun at this time of year. But I love his sweet explanation of why it is dark, "because the satellite in space pushes the earth and that is why it is dark".
  2. My son keeps going around saying, " I'm electricity and I'm going kill you". This is because he is fascinated with the electrictry warning labels and loves to be active in his descriptions.
  3. My eldest has informed me, "we have a holiday home in Wales which is £10 and it has blue walls and orange carpet". Oh, son if life was only that cheap we would be living the high life ;)
  4.  I suppose a lot of children go through this phase but my eldest is constantly taking about poo. He loves declaring after he has been to the toilet, " I have done a really big smelly poo, I'm looking at the poo, you are a poo/I'm poo, poo, poo,poo". Which is all fine until your in a isle at the supermarket. Awks!
  5. My youngest is so sweet at the moment as he has learnt FAST that if he wants something he will smile at you very sweetly and say, "plea" his way of saying please!
  6. When my husband told my eldest in the supermarket that he had a really bad headache he emphasised and said, " daddy, I will cut your head open and take your brain out". Love the simplicity of this ideas.
  7. Recently when asking my DS1 a question, he replies by saying, "my brain needs time to think".
  8. My DS1 goes swimming with his friend and during  November the friend went to see relatives in India for 3 weeks. Then today my son said to to me, " mummy, I want to go to a normal house (as aposed to a holiday home) to India on Wednesday so we will need  the TomTom and need to go on a reallllllllllllllllly big aeroplane". 
Cheers for reading X


Hey readers,
My word of the week is:


We went over to visit my the inlaws in Wales and my boys two uncles that live there as well. Boy was it tiring and fun driving down with two excitable boys. But to be fair they were really good and patient waiting. When we got through to Wales is was non stop raining. My boys don't often see hubby's parents much so they were full of energy and mischief. They loved spending time with someone different had lots of fun just generally playing and just getting undivided attention.
We also went over to my hubby's brother in Cardiff which was mental but fun. With their uncle has five children plus my two boys meant a lot of noise and laughter. It was a late finish and has left me exhausted mentally for the week. There for I have been resting a lot over the week to make up for it. I made sure I had plenty of rest for yet more noise and fun woth my mum (who is a little bit on the eccentric side shall we say). We are venturing into the doom of soft play area. I decided to go during the week rather then a Saturday to protect my delicate little ears, haha.

Cheers for reading X


Hey readers,
I chose my word because we have been getting festive and on friday we headed to our local Christmas market. We don't often go out in the evening so was a pleasant change. Also we went on a ferris wheel which was rather fast which my eldest found hilarious. Don't kids have warped up sense of humour, or is it just mine because they mine and mummy does too, haha!
We also found our new christmas tree in TJhughes which is fuller and has glitter, very pretty! I will retract what I said last week about me and my husband planing on put up our tree on the 13th. That has changed due to finding this new christmas tree and my husband wanting to put it up straight away. Therefore we have put up our trese earlier then anticipated.
For about three years now in our home we put our Christmas tree in the hallway with a guard around the christmas tree to protect from little pinkies. This year husband decided to put it in the living room, which worried me as in wasn't sure how well behavioued my youngest would be. Well I am pleasantly surprised with only a handful of times with the boys pulling off the decorations they have been really excellent with it. Which is really good as it really is cosy especially at night in the living room.
Cheers for reading X

FTMOB - 07/12/2015

Hey readers,
Well we are back to my own installment of Chat from my boys.

  1.  One morning when I was getting changed and my son was in the room he announced very matter of factly, "Mummy, you have biggggg nipples" (refering to my boobies, haha).
  2. This week my son has caught a cold after my DS2 had the germs. He has been telling everyone, "Louie made me ill" haha.
  3.  My son has learnt a new word and thinks it is the bestest and saying it all the time. That word would be TESTICLES! He asked me what they were and that was my reply and now he likes to inform everyone about it.
  4.  My son has got a brillant imagination at times when he informs me, "Mummy, your elbow is leaking?" I reply, "what is leaking from  my elbow?" He responds, "poo is dripping out of your elbow".  Yep he is one of those children that find poo/wee/sick noises hilariously funny!
  5. Another brilliant antitide from my DS1 said, " Monty (the cat) is in my tummy" laughing hysterically at the thought.
  6. My DS1 is really interested in how he was born and the whole process. Thank God for good old YouTube where he could understand about the egg and sperm etc. But one part he found difficult was how he got in mummy's tummy and for along time believed that I eat him up and that is how he was conceived. I just love the simplicity of my son's thinking at the moment. 
  7. My youngest is collecting words and sounds like the rate of knots. Currently he is pointing at most body parts waiting for your response and saying first syllables to that. Going to be fun when my other sona chatterbox.
  8. When I introduced my DS1 Ghostbusters I don't think he would be interested in it. How wrong was I. He adores the theme tune and even after a long period of time is constantly singing, "who you going call, GHOSTBUSTERS!".
  9. If you ask my youngest do you want mummy, daddy, milk, book etc he will shake his head and say clearly, " No".  But the other day I asked him does he want chocolate? And he looked at me and smiled the checkest grin and murbled yes. I just love his cheekiness.
  10. My eldest is mechanically minded and we live in a flat with a lift. He has seen several occasions engeriners fixing the lift and is obsessed with the way it works. Every single time when we get in the lift he states, "Mummy, the belt on the lift is pulling up and over going back down and is moving the lift".
Cheers for reading x


Hey readers,

My word this week is:
I have been getting motivated this week (last few weeks I haven't been arsed as I would start to think about it and  lose interest).  However, soon as it is the first of December I gone bit mental. This is probably because I am hoping to get as much done as soon as possible due to seeing the cues and how busy shops are getting. I am starting to find thr choas difficult so I want to get it done and dusted then I can relax and try and stay away from the shops.
It definitely feels like Christmas is nearly here, we have our adverts up and even though my eldest is desperate to eat ALL his chocolate he has been really good at stucking to the rules!
I have put up some decorations up but need to buy a tree. Me and my husband agree to put up our tree on the 13th as my hubby used to put it up on the 24th and I used to put it up on the 1st. Therefore as we all know relationships are about compromise so we have met in the middle at 13th.
Cheers for reading X


Hey readers,
Hope you are well. My word of the week would be:
This is because I have been challenged with getting out of my comfort zone and practising positive steps to become more confident and help improve my behaviour. I have autism (as you probably well aware) but one of my downfalls is communication particularly when asking for help such as asking on the bus where such and such stops at. Or when I am in a shop asking if they have a certain thing in stock.
Also, building my confidence by going in public areas where my social anxiety is heightened. I have a key worker now who helps try and progress with goals that I made to achieve.
However, my anxiety has been high due to the start of this intervention which I accept is natural but it has an affect on my patience and parenting. And sometimes I struggle when say my son had a meltdown when he is overly tired. But hopefully with time I can be a better mummy and be a bit more relaxed.
Thanks for reading XX


Hey readers,
My word of the week is:
I don't know what has happened this week but this wet weather has been a right royal pain in the arse!
It is so much more hard work when you cooped up indoors trying to entertain two toddlers. Especially as I feel terrible in saying no to my DS1 every time he asks to go to the park. Our local park as been redeveloped therefore he is obsessed. But so far we have only been once as it ridiculously wet to go.
 I would love to just fall asleep whilst watching a movie snuggled under the blanket Fat change of that! Instead got caught up in the rain looking a drowned rat whilst trying to tame my two year old troublesome toddler who really is testing his boundaries at the moment.
But at least I get to use up some of the arts crafts I have stocked up on in an emergency.
Another bonus of it being a November is the fact all new comedy dvds are out. Meaning that I have something decent to watch and help destress. I can not recommend Alan Carr Yap Yap Yap tour, so funny had mecin stitches!
Hope you have a  good week.
Cheers for reading X

FTMOB 15/11/2015

Hey readers,

  1. The last week and a half my DS2 has started nursery and already his language has improved. He now loves coping tytms to sings that they sing such as Wheels on The Bus.
  2. My eldest when having his bath after dinner says to me, #look ast hjid tummy it looks so big". Which tyo be fair it did, haha!S
  3. So my son said to me today when playing with his small Minion Kinder Egg toy, "mummy he is flying home". I ask, " which way is his home?" And my son replies, "he going that way (indicating left), no mummy this way (turning instantly right).
  4. My son is fixated on Fireman Sam and repeatedly recently my DS1 has said to me, " mummy when I grow up I want to be a fireman".
  5. When my husband lifts my sons above his head he makes the eating noise and my son says, "I've eaten your hair all up daddy that is why we are bauld now". 
  6. My DS2 has now officially said, " mummy". I don't know weather I should celebrate this milestone or dread hoiw much I will hear it ;)

Cheers for reading X

FTMOB - 02/11/2015

Hey readers,
Hope you enjoyed the half term, its be a former of a week with insightful chats from my eldest. My youngest is started go make a lot different sound shapes sothat is positive.
Anyhow here are few installments of chat from le boys.

  1. My eldest watched me dress in the morning and rather euthastically pointed at my chest and says, "boobieeeees". Thank God it is not said in public!
  2.  My eldest informed me this week he likes buses, voom voom cars, police cars, parks...interesting!
  3. Watching Thomas this morning both boys together put their arms up and repeated choo choo train like they do on the telly!
  4. Currently near where I live you can see a building being demolished and my son calls the machine that pulls the building apart a " munching machine#.
  5. My youngest has now adopted the word "why" and I bet it is from copying his older brother.
  6. My eldest is fascinated by our first aid kit and comments, "that is where the plasters are and adult medicine lives".
  7. Every time my son seems anything he wants he replies, " I want one of them " or "I want that for my birthday".
  8. My eldest enlighting me by telling me that he is growing and he will grow into an adult and therefore he can do the washing up and cooking like mummy and daddy.
  9. We walked past some older children playing on a field a football match and my son says, " I want to that when I am older and then I will win ".
  10. When we got out of the car my eldest said to me, " careful mummy the exhaust is very hot. You must not touch it or you will get burnt".
Cheers for reading X


Hey readers,
My word of the week is:


I chose the word noise as I have a lot of.internal chatter going on. However, I feel so good not having to run around like a headless chicken this week with not having to drop and pick up my son from nursery. It is lovely to see my son not so tired from nursery and not going to speech therapy this week. It gave my son the time to spend with his brother and just generally chill out.
The downfall of not being so structured and having less time is falling back on blog admin. I am the type of person to feel  guilty with not catching up on comments, commenting on linkies and so for. I don't know why I just think I am too conscientious at times and put too much pressure on myself. I am like that with everything though, if someone wants me to do something I immediately jump up like lightening to do it.  So, I feel guilty when I have been a bit slow, but it is silly really. I am sure I am not alone but I tend to over analyse like I am now and I really hate that about my personality. But sometimes it can come in handy, so really swings in roundabouts.
Anyhow I will be looking forward to carving our pumpkins as I love arts and craft type stuff with the sproglets. So happy Halloween readers and hope you have some spooktacular fun ;)
Cheers for reading X

First Child Vs Second Child

Hey readers,

I am writing this post to tell you my experience of what it is like to have a first and second baby and the differences between them. Trust me no child is the same but also you are neither the same. As experience and life shape, you and we are always moving forward whether we like it or not it, fact!
I digress, Here is my top ten list of the differences of having a first and second child.

1. When I first had my baby boy I was a nervous wreck about everything. My anxiety was flying off the radar. The change was so overwhelming and the feeling of not being in control because I have never done this whole parent business before emerged. I wanted to be perfect but I learnt fast that was an unrealistic expectation and unreachable! The second baby was a bit more relaxed (I always have anxiety) but felt more aware and knowledgeable second time round. Didn't fear labour as most of my fear first time round was based around the unknown.

2. First-time child  I could pay attention wholly on my darling and was a lot easier to have a focus on one child. Second time round was intense and very difficult for me as I am not good at multi-tasking. I am autistic I Iike to pay attention to one thing at one time. Trust me with an inquisitive and excitable toddler that ain't going happen. My two year old was mental with energy and was bouncing all over the place therefore found it very challenging. I think for both of us in reflection was a difficult transactional period. Now two years on I love it more as my boys are friends sometimes and my youngest can copy my eldest. His speech is better and faster and picks up on things from his brother.

3. My eldest had one cold in a two year period. Then he attended school and has a several cold/flu type illnesses. Whereas my second has had several illnesses pre school years old due to my eldest sharing his lovely germs.

4. With the first baby time was a lot more readily available therefore it was easier going out shopping and the like. Soon as the second one came along it was very, very stressful and struggle for me to manage when out and about. OK, lot easier now my son has kissed goodbye to the buggy for good. I don't have to worry about crashing the double buggy everywhere and running over peoples as much now! It is more manageable now though still don't do it frequently with two together as I get meltdowns due to being autistic. Luckily I am in a place where I don't have to worry too much about having to take them both out at the time. Like I said previously I really struggle to multi-task and then add social situations I am diabolical. Second time round I have less time to focus on each boy. However, I have to manage a routine after time and have adapted within my means. I am very lucky that my eldest picked up potty training in a week and that includes at night. So when it is nappy changing I just focus on including my son as a little helper so he doesn't feel left out.

5. With my first child I learnt the hard way with to make sure that everything was out of reach as soon as he could walk. In contrast, the second child is a breeze with safety as I had prior experience with it and already got a lot of safety features in the home.

6. When I was weaning my first child I was advised to baby-led weaning which as typical me I took as Gospel. I went to the group and followed the rules to the book. The downfall was I took everything literal therefore when they said the child had to use their hand I did just that. I didn't use any utensils as they said they had to experiment and learn for themselves. Being autistic common sense lacks and finding a medium ground is something that I fail badly with. No one explains instructions clearly therefore I find these periods of learning extremely stressful and it can really get me down. 

Second time around with weaning  I said fuck the rules and the stress. With weaning the first time round taught me to do with what I wanted to do. OK, the child was more compliant which made it a hell of a lot easier but I was more relaxed and I believe that influences parenting experience for all. 

7. When I had my first child I sterilised everything and had a panic attack if the lid of the bottle fell on the fall. Compare this to the second where the three-second rule applies right?! My thoughts are germs will help build his immune system and playing in mud is part of sensory play right ;)

8. As a new mum you want to try EVERYthing and get so absorbed in trying to be a perfect mother so therefore.o attended the dreaded baby group. The most boring thing in the world was attended by the groups. They nearly killed me with the stress of it and the social situations. I just found them so boring and the chat well was beyond tedious. I am just not one of the mums and certainly prefer structure play and not to be around small talk. Second time round I attended the baby groups and decided enough was enough. I am going to go to a dance group and the library group as I enjoy them as they are structured and love stories and songs over messy play ;) the pressure is not on so much and feels much more laidback about the issues around making sure my baby interacts properly. He has an older sibling so he is not going miss out. lol. 

9. When settling my eldest to sleep we cuddled him to sleep and then put him into his cot. where he would sleep soundly most through the night. In sharp contrast with having two children we put them together in their own bed in the same room and often leave them to get on with it. As they share a bedroom this impacted on them. Once we dropped the side of the cot for my youngest he would not settle at first. This impacted both my boys sleep settling as my youngest found it at first a novelty. So we had to stay there sitting with both boys fell asleep. However, one would wake up and crawl into the others bed. Normally my youngest as he is very affectionate and they would most of the time sleep together in one bed cramped together. Now, though it is more of a morning ritual for the boys to cuddle in bed at least us parents can have five minutes of peace before the mayhem begins.

10. When documenting baby's development you covered it and monitored intensely compared to the second child and you have some prints hitten away. But at least with the second time around you are not on tenterhooks as you know roughly what to expect. The major valuable lesson is that each child is different and will do what they want in their own time. Even if it is not what you expected most time you will find a way of muddling through.
Cheers for reading X


Hey readers,

My word of the week is


Knowing that we are coming to a half term and a breakis well needed here. I break from the mayhem of getting the my little boy to nursery is making me want to punch the air . I didn't think it be so tiring picking up and dropping off.but then for someone who struggles socially and the fact that their is no social order with people wondering everywhere Inn the building causes me to panic. Put anxiety is very high knowing I have to go in the building each day and face the chaos to not have to think about it for a week sounds amazingly blissful.
 I think that I am not the exception everyone in our household could do with a break and chill out. Everyone seems a bit more tired especially me and I  am not looking forward to the clocks going back. Though I do like the darkness and candle light. God I feel old when all I think about is sleep.I have two important meetings next week and so a break just to get through them would help my autistic mind.l aching bones.
I am finding it difficult with lots of new things happening that this October break with less pressure will do me the world.

Cheers for reading X

A Bit Of This, A Bit Of That

Hey readers,
I have gathered even more chat over the last couple of weeks from the boys for you to enjoy:
So my son turned his arms out and spis around and apparently this is 'me being an electric windmill'. He has been obsessed with windmills ever since we went on holiday this year to Norfolk.
I love my sons replies whenever he realises he gets something wrong or mistaken he says "silly me mummy".
When daddy was sorting out DS1 breakfast one morning he was having toast and he said, " want honey on my toast daddy as it will make me super strong".
Daddy said to DS1 that he was really hot and my eldest responded by blowing him down with spit to call him down, lovely.
Anytime mummy is panicking or nervous my eldest reassurances me by saying "don't worry mummy".
My youngest is still making sounds and can say " ooth, Mr Oom" (Mr Bloom if you were wondering).

None other than Mr Bloom
We have a chilli plant in the kitchen and we have finally grown a chilli and it has now changed a red colour. My son told my husband, "daddy chilli plant red now you can eat it now".
Daddy had a shandy homemade and he was telling mummy that he did not the strength of his drink and my son said matter of factly, " my brain knows how strong it is, it's a little bit strong".
Thanks for reading X

Little Hearts, Big Love


Hey reader,
My word of the week is:-
I chose this word because I feel I have loads of energy this week. I don't know why, maybe it was because I have been relaxing the week before due to poorlyness. But I feel really motivated right now and actually feel inspired to do them jobs that you but off because you just can't be arsed.
Also, I hace signed up for a music class which has taken me awhile to have the courage to do due to slef dealting. But I took the pulge and signed up this week we shall see on the day how that goes.
I feel more motivated and good in myself which will always be a battle with my depression as I am always swinging that arrow from one mood to the next. The lesson I have leant when living with depression is that you appreciate the good days when I feel good and not so self doubting as a parent.
I've been calmer around the kiddos too and being more patient. I have been really working hard on my communication skills. I have had some good news with having a date set for a specialist parenting class as i have some difficults due to my autism. So I am feeling a bit more optimistic and when you finally see some good it makes you feel more positive to face the days. Lets hope it stays this way.
Cheers for reading X

Ftmob 05/10/2015

Hey readers,
Hope your keeping well, I have some great snippets this week so here goes:-

  1. On the bus with my eldest and he says REALLY loadly "where's daddy's muppet'. This comment is in reference to my husband the day before in the car calling a driver a Muppet as they did not indicate ands pull straight of a junction.
  2. When we are in the lift (we live in tower block) and a really tall man gets in and my son repeatedly says "that man is really tall, why is that man really tall!" Yes this made me cringe and kids are far too honest sometimes, haha!
  3. When we were having paella the other week my son tells hubby "I like peas now daddy".  
  4. Now if we tell my eldest we haven't got the money for something my son responds and says, "I've got money in my piggy bank mummy". I can confirm that yes there is money in the piggy bank but sadly only full of twos/ones and five pees. Lol!
  5. My youngest saw a fly come through the window and he says "buzzzzzz"
  6. My hubby has two different songs connected to two different alarm times on his phone each being the music artist Moby. So I put a Moby video on YouTube for my son as he requested so sweetly and he comments and obsesses for days and asked a lot, "why is Moby bauld like you Daddy". Haha!
  7. When I state anything my DS1 things he already knows he replies, "yeah I know". Very little Britain style ;)
  8. My son refers to anything star shape as " twinkle twinkle little star ".
Cheers for reading X


Hey readers,
Hope you are keeping well!
My word of the week is:
I chose mirgraine as my word as it had dominated my week and a huge influence in my mood. It has stopped me from doing my normal days and been a general pain in the arse! But then again it is a excuse to do sod all so every silver lining!
I was dubious to write this as I feel really paranoid about what I write at the moment. I don't know why I just really conscious of what I write about. I don't know if I am the only one who feels like this. Obviously I don't write about personal stuff to me. However, I do try to be authentic even though sometimes I sound like a d**k!
I worry I moan too much but on the other hand this is my space and it is good to moan on here and use as a vent rather then maybe more.negative ways like eating chocolate, haha.
Anyhow sorry about the ramble. I just tend to write  about the first things that pop into my brain.
Thank you for reading and hope you have a good week X


Hey readers,
My word of the week is:
This is because we have been out.and about and just generally having fun with my boys.
As you are probably aware we have been blessed with a few days of sunshine and warmth. Obviously, being British weather you have to cease the moment.
Therefore we have been exploring local parks, including a new one which was refreshing to have new scenery. We also had lovely crisp walks crunching the leaves and  even having the odd ice cream.
We also ventured out to Button Dassett country park which is brillant for little kids as it allows them to be free to walk about without worrying about cars. We also got to watch the sunset setting on top of a hill which was lovely do as a family.
That pretty sums up my week, hope you have had a good week.
Cheers for reading X


Hey readers,
My word of the week is:-
I have chosen upheaval for my word as I feel so much change happening right now in my life.
My boy had his birthday and just feel like time is going to fast.  I want to stop it but I need to accept that is.the nature of life.  I keep reminding myself that it is what it is and that somethings  are out of my control and that what is important to mu health is tocalm down and just enjoy the moment. This is always probably going to be a big challenge to me. It is so hard to relax as a parent especially when there is so much noise goqong on in your head.
Some days I don't know whether I am coming or going and other days run smoothly. It is hard work being a parent and trying to get it right and not screw it up too much. Argh.
Anyhow, I feel hormonal tight now so that makes a bit more tricky. Hopefully with some quiet time at the weekend things will pan out more better for me. Sorry for the chaoticness in my writing but this is how I have been feeling this week. Fingers crossed next week I will be a bit more calmer.
Have a good week and thank you for reading X

Selection of chat with the boys

Hey readers,
Gathered up a selection of the finest chat with the toddlers, haha. Here goes:-
  • My son running around like a helicopter pretending and saying 'emergency, emergency, crash'. You can imagine it arms out doing this down isles, parks anywhere really. You got love kids imagination!
  • I ask my eldest how old will he be when he has his birthday? 'Mummy I will be four next' so cute and so proud to inform me that, bless.
  • My eldest informs me with such urgency, 'mummy, my shoes don't fit anymore and i need to get my feet measured as they are way too big'. Now I shall inform you that he made this decision when he overheard me talking to daddy and discussing the fact that  we need to get the boys feet measured soon.
  • I asked my eldest what he wants to do  for the day and he responded by saying that he 'wants to go on a bouncealine'. Got to love the made up words kids create.
  • My youngest son can now say a handful of words which include ballon, me please, book, shoes. Today was the first time he waved and said goodbye.
  • My youngest is also in between babble and chat and loves making sounds. He has a geko cuddly toy and learnt from his older brother the sound of a dinosaur. He now is fixated with making this sound a lot which is ever so cute as it is such a gentle noice.
  • My eldest has learnt the word YouTube and asks if he can a video on YouTube all nthe time. must be a very popular word for tots or I am a very bad parent, haha.
  • My son spontaneously told me speed bumps go up and down and demonstrated with jumping up and down like a kangaroo.
  • My youngest son pushes his play pushchair into living room and I followed him behind and my son turns around and says stop with his hand out, checky monkey!
I do love this stage of childhood it really makes me laugh and surprises me how much little ones take in, genius!
Cheers for reading X


Hey readers,
My word of the week is
A lot has happened over the past few months that can only be described as testing. At times I really felt that I won not be able to manage but lucky I have had so much support from my husband. Though it has been rocky for all my family we are still hear and shown the world that we can do it.  I know I am not perfect and have disabilities that effect me as a person and a parent but with the correct support we have moved forward. Finally it feels like we have seen a light at the end of the tunnel.Though I have lost things on the way I will always be committed to my children. So I am celebrating a new direction and change  in my  life and feel so much more positive.
Thank you for reading and sorry it is so cryptic but don't want to air my laundry in public as it is very personal.  But this event has had a huge impact mentally and physically this week that it was only right to include it this Week!