Friday 8 December 2023

A Guide to Overcoming Mum Guilt During Christmas

Hey readers, 

As the festive season approaches, the air is filled with the scent of cinnamon, the warmth of twinkling lights, and the promise of joyous family gatherings. 

However, for many mothers, the holiday season can also bring a heavy dose of guilt.

A Guide to Overcoming Mum Guilt During Christmas

 The pressure to create magical moments, bake Pinterest-perfect cookies, and orchestrate flawless celebrations often leaves moms feeling like they fall short.

 It's time to cast aside the guilt and embrace the imperfect beauty of a real, authentic Christmas. 

Here's a guide on how to stop feeling guilty as a mom during the most wonderful time of the year.

1. Let Go of Unrealistic Expectations. 

The glossy images of picture-perfect holiday celebrations portrayed in the media can set unrealistic expectations. 

Understand that perfection is an illusion, and it's okay if your holiday doesn't resemble a scene from a holiday movie. 

Embrace the imperfections and cherish the genuine moments that make your family unique.

2. Prioritise Self-Care. 

Amidst the hustle and bustle, moms often neglect their well-being. Remember that self-care is not a luxury but a necessity. 

Take moments for yourself, whether it's a quiet cup of tea, a brisk walk, or a few minutes with a good book. 

By recharging your batteries, you'll be better equipped to handle the challenges and enjoy the festive season with your loved ones.

3. Learn to Say No. 

The holiday season comes with a barrage of invitations, events, and commitments. 

It's essential to recognize your limits and learn to say no without guilt.

 Focus on the activities and gatherings that truly matter to you and your family. 

Quality time is more valuable than quantity, and a well-rested and present mom is the best gift you can give to your loved ones.

4. Embrace Imperfection in Traditions. 

Traditions can bring immense joy, but they can also become stressors when they don't go as planned. 

Be flexible and willing to adapt traditions to fit the current circumstances. 

Whether it's a simpler version of a cherished activity or a new tradition altogether, the essence of the holiday lies in the shared moments, not the perfection of the event.

5. Involve the Family. 

The burden of holiday preparations doesn't have to rest solely on a mother's shoulders. 

Involve your family in the planning and execution of holiday activities. Whether it's decorating the tree, baking cookies, or wrapping gifts, creating a sense of shared responsibility not only lightens the load but also fosters a collaborative and festive atmosphere.

6. Focus on Presence Over Presents. 

In the frenzy of gift shopping and holiday preparations, it's easy to lose sight of what truly matters. 

Remind yourself that the essence of Christmas lies in spending quality time with loved ones, not the number or expense of gifts. 

Be present at the moment, savouring the laughter, shared stories, and the joy of togetherness.

Remember, being a mom during the holiday season doesn't require perfection; it demands authenticity and love.

 Embracing imperfection and letting go of unnecessary guilt allows you to create a Christmas filled with genuine joy and cherished memories. 

So, this holiday season, give yourself the gift of self-compassion and celebrate the imperfect beauty of your unique family festivities.

Cheers for reading x 


  1. I have had so much mum guilt now that my girls are older. They're not getting as many presents, I decorated the tree how I wanted to and then felt bad none of the home made decorations were on and I have said we're not going crazy with lots of food and chocolate. I am trying to think it doesn't have to be perfect and like it used to be but it's hard.
    Fantastic advice. x
