Monday 25 December 2023

Beating the Christmas blues.

Hey readers, 

While twinkling lights, festive music, and the cheerful moods filling every space promise a magical holiday season...the reality often feels far from picture-perfect.

Beating the Christmas blues.
Financial strains, demanding social obligations, sadness over lost loved ones, and impossible-to-meet expectations contribute to what experts call the “Christmas blues."

Up to 1 in 12 people battle mild to more serious symptoms of anxiety, depression, and loneliness during the holidays.

 You are not alone or imagining things if your most wonderful time of the year is leaving you overwhelmed and down

Arm yourself with coping strategies, support, perspective shifts, and self-care habits to prevail over the Christmas blues this year.  

Where Do the Holiday Blues Stem From?  

Christmas cheer seems to fill every space from November through New Year’s Eve.

 The stark contrast between the ever-playing holiday music and the actual internal mood makes feelings of grief, frustration and disconnect more apparent during the season of joy.  

Additionally, no holiday inflates expectations and stresses tied to money, family, food and hosting more than Christmas.

 The pressure to create perfect memories despite not having the time, budget or relationships to fulfil idealised visions leaves many feeling inadequate. 

Finding Relief from Holiday Blues
If you feel crushed under the weight of Christmas letdowns or harbour bitterness over all that remains unfulfilled, purposefully incorporate these strategies:

• Set Realistic Expectations: Aim for connection over perfection so you feel less disappointed. 

• Reflect on Highlights vs Shortcomings: Recognise this season held beauty despite struggles. 
• Make Time for Self-Care: Don’t abandon healthy habits that bolster mental health. 

• Limit Social Media Use: Reduce comparisons to unrealistic portrayals flooding feeds. 

• Seek Out Community Support Groups: You are not alone in this struggle. 

• Practice Gratitude: Appreciate current blessings rather than fixate on deficits. 

• Prioritise Sleep, Diet and Exercise: Caring for your body stabilises emotions. 

• Embrace Your Feelings: Allow yourself to grieve, wrestle, and process without shame. 

Christmas won’t Always Feel This Blue. 

By permitting yourself to feel, strategically caring for your whole self, embracing support, and centring connection over commercialised visions of full holiday happiness, you can lessen 
the intensity of Christmas blues. 

Reframe your expectations while proactively caring for your emotional needs amid this chaotic season. 

Gift yourself grace, space to process honestly, and the comfort of community. 

You’ll make it through to the fresh start a new year provides!

Cheers for reading X 


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