Friday 1 April 2022

Autism and lonliness

 Hey readers, 

It is lonely being an autistic person in this world. All I ever see is how to be accepting of your autism, be proud to be different. But no one ever talks about the loneliness of being autistic, of always being on the outside and never quite fitting in. 

Just on Twitter alone the messages I read (problem with autism I tend to read things wrong) but this is my interpretation is that if you dare say anything negative you are a bad person. It feels so skewed and that alone is isolating. The feeling that you can't be your true self or be open because you will get shot down for feeling such negative emotions associated with being autistic. 

autism and lonliness

Then there is loneliness when for example I am married to a neurotypical person (someone who doesn't have autism) at times it makes me feel angry because my husband is completely different from me. He hasn't the same struggles, he is good at communication and he talks to EVERYONE. 

He is laid back and sometimes he is lonely because of having negative feelings, especially when feelings of not being adequate. I'm constantly being reminded ok it is light-hearted and only meant to be fun but at times it gets to me, I go to a place alone and cry because it is hard living in this world when you never feel you reach a level that is acceptable. 

When you try so hard but you somehow seem to screw it up, you say the wrong thing, or when it is too much you have a meltdown because you just can't cope with the situation that is happening around you. 

You look around and you see people understand these unwritten rules and even though you can mimic them if it is not linear and something slightly changes I end up confused or not doing the acceptable thing. I know people are going to say that it is ok to be different, but is it really because it does feel like that.

 If you're on the outside and people just don't understand. I suppose I bring it on myself because even though I write my blog and it is open in real face to face I am a private person. Plus  I have always been better at writing down thoughts because I can take my time, come back and edit, etc but when I try to communicate it is my anxiety that cribbles me. 

I overanalysis things and it gets to me. I feel alone in this world, even when I am around people, I never feel like I quite fit in. I know I am not the only autistic person to feel like this but it gets lonelier when you are out in the world, not in a little bubble on social media. When you watch people engage, you think why can't I do it or say the right thing that makes you feel so alone, it can be crippling.

 There are days when you wake up and think not again I have to battle being an autistic adult. You dread going to sleep because it takes so much energy to get up and carry on. To be constantly reminded that you don't fit in and you fail. That stuff hurts and gets in deep over the years, it is painful and again the loneliness creeps in and eats away at you. 

I don't really know what the point of this post is, but when you are in a click or watch someone struggle who alone just remembers they may be really struggling on the inside. You never know what is going on in someone's head so just remember to do anything in this world be kind. 

Cheers for reading X 



  1. Sending love and hugs, sorry you feel this way. It must be hard but I wouldn't worry so much about Twitter, I often read things on there and take some things said the wrong way. x

  2. Aw, I'm sorry that you have been made to feel rubbish. Like Kim said, I wouldn't take no notice of social media.
    Always here if you need a natter or to just vent a little! xx

  3. Oh Sam, I know how hard it is. My Adult son is autistic, and sometimes he just goes off and does his own thing, then other times I can tell he is struggling with being different. It must be so difficult. I understand about celebrating being different too, it is pushed a lot but it really isn't much comfort at times. Being different is hard, not matter what people say. We can only hope that acceptance is truly around the corner. I've known you through blogging for many years now and you seem like a lovely person to me x

  4. One thing is the written word on SM can read in a different tone to the intent. Some times I see my own comment after I've posted it and realise it reads angry or aggressive when really I was just commenting but I tend to do SM when I'm walking the dog or waiting for a bus or something, so in a hurry....I think everyone gets in their own head too much for their own good sometimes. I had a girls lunch and I made a comment I hadn't seen one of them for ages (I didn't mean anything by it other than I felt it was a long time ago that we'd had dinner) Then she sent a text asking if I wanted to meet for lunch nearby (cos she was working from home and felt like going to this cafe) and I had a panic that I said something rude at the lunch after a few drinks and she wanted to talk to me about it. I couldn't think what it was but I wondered if she thought my comment about not seeing her was rude or something. Of course, she was just making a spur of the moment plan. I told her what I'd been worrying about and she looked at me like I was a nut (but she's too polite to say more than 'of course you didn't, I just felt like coming here' but I'm sure she made a mental note to remember I'm completley paranoid...ha!)

  5. I'm so sorry that you are struggling with feeling lonely due to being autistic. I don't have autism but I can relate to that feeling of not quite fitting in and it is hard. I'm sorry that you don't feel you can express yourself openly on social media and feeling shut down for expressing the negative emotions. I hope that it helps a little being able to express them through your blog. #DreamTeam

  6. I am truly sorry and it is hard often times. Sending you love and warm hugs.

    -Soma xx

  7. Sending hugs Sam. There are so many reasons why this post is important. This is you speaking out about how you feel, and this is valid and real. I always find writing things out helps as well. A bit like a puzzle of emotions, and once they are down, I can see more clearly. I know it's not the same, but our little #dreamteam bubble is here for you. Thank you for sharing your post.

  8. Such an important message about not making assumptions about people. I think it is natural but mistaken for us to compare ourselves with others. I always feel socially awkward and on the outisde of any group and it breaks my heart to see my eldest is the same. Thanks for linking up with #DreamTeam

  9. We never know what's going on with people or what's happening inside, thanks for sharing this lovely - it's such an important thing to be reminded of. Take care of yourself too x #PoCoLo

  10. sorry to hear this. I follow a few people on twitter who are autistic and have learnt to scroll past things that I feel could be misconstrued. When I think they've misunderstood something with their reply, I will PM to explain.
    Thanks for linking with #pocolo, hope you had a Happy Easter and that you'll be back with us on the 29th April
