Friday, 19 November 2021

Why I hate Elf on the shelf

Hey readers,

What I am going to write in this post may divide opinion but it is only my opinion so don't get too distressed if you're a fan of the old Elf on The Shelf.

 I am not, lol so I am going to tell you why.
If you haven't heard of Elf of Shelf let me give you a quick explanation about this popular trend at Christmas time. 

It is an Elf that is sent from Santa to check up on children to see if they are being naughty or nice. 

It derived from America from a story that was written in 2005. Parents go out and buy an Elf toy (if you buy the book there is one with it).

 Every day from the 1st of December right up to Christmas parents will bring old Elf when the kids are in bed and place him around in the home in different locations each day.

 Another addition to this phenomena some parents even add presents with the Elf to reward the child for being good.
Why I hate Elf on The Shelf!!!11.png


The idea of encouraging children to behave because the Elf is watching them can potentially encourage children to be deceitful and hide their behaviour in order to get rewards.

Pain in the bum.

The thought of having to think of new and creative ways for the Elf is hard work especially in December as it tends to be one of the busiest months of the year.

  There is the pressure to buy all the products that are attached to Elf on the Shelf and just encourages consumerism. 

Not to mention the pressure on Social Media to outdo friends or acquaintances with what the elf has been up to.


There is nothing more creepy than knowing an Elf is watching you all the time and is knocking about at your home.

 Why do we need to make children feel they are being watched I much prefer to give my boys the trust in doing the right thing.

 Not to mention giving them the feeling that they have the respect of their own privacy without thinking that an Elf is constantly watching them.


I have seen many fails on YouTube regarding Elf on The Shelf and one of the themes that made me question the whole idea of the Elf is the sheer anxiety and distress that it causes children.

 Some children have a fear of toys that come alive, especially if they have seen them in movies such as Toy Story.

The Elf can cause some children to be petrified in case they have done something bad and will get punished. Where it could simply be the case that they have done a mistake and that it was not intentional. 

They may feel paranoid and cause more distress, it may trigger them to be anxious when they really don't need to be,  bearing in my mind that The Elf on The Shelf lasts most of December.


It is common knowledge that sometimes the best way to learn is through mistakes, but this stops children from learning through making things right when they are simple but on the naughty list. They don't get that opportunity to learn and grow as a person.

So, there you have it, that is why I hate Elf on The Shelf? Are you a fan or do you hate like I do? Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section down below.  

Cheers for reading X


  1. I was tototally creeped out by the idea of elves watching me when I was a kid...

  2. I have enough problems with the tooth fairy arriving on time. I can't bel;eive anyone would sign up to a daily thing!! Thankfully it wasn't around when my kids were little #MischiefandMemories

  3. I have to agree, I'm really not a fan. My youngest daughter would love one and speaks about it often, but I'm torn! #mischiefandmemories

  4. We don't have an elf in our house and I'm with you that the thought of an elf watching your every move is a bit creepy. Plus it's one more thing to add to the to-do list at an already busy time of year and I really couldn't be bothered with it! #MischiefandMemories

  5. This wasn't around when my kids were young, however I was always threatened with only getting coal for Christmas if i wasn't good, it's just another way of controlling kids behaviour.
    Thanks for linking with #pocolo

  6. I have zero interest in doing elf on the shelf. I think it is a sweet idea but has been blown out of proportion especially if it has to be done every year with no duplication. Thanks for linking up with #MischiefAndMemories

  7. I hate the damn things! I didn't get one, but my sister bought it for my kids when she used to travel to the US all the time. My kids actually love them and ask when they are coming back so I am now stuck doing it, but I wish I wasn't #MischiefandMemories

  8. I've been able to avoid Elf on the Shelf until this year. I must admit, I'm not a big fan but all I do is move it into a funny postion each day to make the girls laugh. There's no backstory with ours and I don't use it for behaviour #KCACOLS

  9. somewhat funny story - I moved out in March of 2019 and one of my brilliant ideas was to have our elf here when my daughter spent her first night at the new house to welcome her. Long story short, I ended up moving the thing every night for almost two straight years. oops #KCACOLS

  10. Yes I totally agree with you on this one. I do find the elf a bit creepy and I'm not a fan. Thanks so much for linking up at #KCACOLS

  11. You've made an excellent case here for why Elf on the Shelf is a bad idea, in many ways. I can see the fun aspect of it as well, but all in all I agree it's not a great thing, and I'm glad we've never got into doing it. As you say, December can definitely be stressful enough anyway, so no need to add this into the mix! Thanks so much for linking up at #KCACOLS x


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