Monday 11 July 2022

5 Ways to cut down the cost of fuel

Hey readers, 

Times are tough for everyone and it is important to save where you can so here are my top 5 tips on how to cut the cost of fuel down.

5 Ways to cut down the cost of fuel                                                                                                 5 Ways to cut down the cost of fuel                                                                                                  5 ways to cut down the cost of fuel

 1. Find the cheapest petrol station. 

The price you pay for petrol or diesel can vary hugely depending on where you live and which fuel station you go to. While you don't want to drive for miles to get fuel, it can save you lots of money if you manage to find the cheapest station in your area. The website Petrol Prices allows you to do 20 free searches on petrol stations near you to see who has the best rates. This could save you on average of £226 on petrol or £158 on diesel every year, according to the RAC. My husband found a difference of around 2p per litre in his search.

2. Plan your journeys.

When it comes to fuel efficiency, anything that makes your car work harder to get you where you need to go is likely to use up more fuel – and cost you more money.
That’s where it pays to think about your journey. Road surface quality plays a big part. Obviously road surface quality isn’t always within your control but for trips where you know the route well, try to stick to smooth, flat roads as much as possible.
Advance journey planning can also help you save fuel by making combined trips. If you know you need to pick up a few things from the supermarket ten minutes away and visit your parents across the city, why not do both on the same trip? It will save you the hassle as well as money.
3. Keep your tyres pumped.

Often motorists only check their tyre pressure once they have a puncture, however, this is a costly mistake. Low tyre pressures create heat and friction with the tread and sidewalls flexing, with research showing that you use an additional 3% fuel for every 10% of your tyres that are under-inflated. Not only that, tyres with insufficient pressure lead to poor handling of the vehicle with the potential for loss of control and accidents.

4. watch how you drive. 

Cutting down on the amount you drive is an easy way to reduce the amount you spend on fuel. But it’s not always possible. Instead, think about changing your driving technique. The best way to do this is to avoid heaving braking, harsh accelerating and excessive speed.
Driving at 70mph uses 9% more fuel than driving at 60mph, and 15% more than driving at 50mph. Being in the wrong gear and straining the engine will also use up more fuel.

5. Making combined journeys. 

Instead of driving to a destination and driving home again before going back out, try and combine all your journeys into one. The experts explained: “A hot engine is a more efficient one because your battery works better in warmer conditions.“One way that you can improve your overall fuel economy is by combining several smaller trips into one long journey.”
What do you think of my tips on cutting down the cost of fuel? Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section down below. 

Cheers for reading X 

Friday 8 July 2022

Abortion and me

Hey readers,

 I'm lucky. I live in England and have the right to have an abortion if I want to. Many years ago before having children there was this one time when I chose to have an abortion. I was with my husband at the time, we weren’t married then but I was in my first year at university, dealing with crippling depression and had already attempted suicide. 

Then during the summer term, I was constantly sick and didn’t feel right, my period was late so did want most women would do in their 20s took a pregnancy came back positive at that point I absolutely shit myself.

 I was terrified, I really didn’t think about children at this point and when I did I knew it was not the right time. It was just not right for me, I knew I was not mentally capable of looking after a child.

Abortion and me

I did talk to my husband (boyfriend at the time) and we talked for a long time and he agree with me. He was a saint and supported me right through. We booked an appointment with BPAS and they did a scan and then talked me through the process. They then booked me in about a week later to go to the clinic to get an abortion.

It was a clinic not in the city I lived so had to travel to another city to get to the clinic. It was all very professional and didn’t feel judged by the staff. It was done within the afternoon, it felt odd after because literally, all the pregnancy symptoms cleared within the hours of that day – such as tiredness and sickness.

Although at the clinic I was not alone there were many other women like myself going for abortion and also I like to add that a lot travelled from Northern Ireland as it is illegal to have an abortion – so that just goes to show the lengths women will go to have a safe abortion.

One of the saddest parts for me of that day is when leaving the clinic there were prolifers protesting and calling us women all sorts of nasty names such as murders and that shit cuts deep.

Emotional though it took time to register the whole situation it felt a bit like limbo until it dawned on me that it did happen and then it hit me hard. I felt bad, it didn’t help that people that I thought I could trust that I told turned on me and called me a murder, a bad know all the shitty comments people call you. It hurts because they know before the ordeal you went through and used that to get to you and they know it will.

Years later when I got pregnant again and went to the regular first scan I go to for 12 weeks to check everything I had a miscarriage. Because it was my first and no one really talks about miscarriage and I have crippling anxiety I had really intrusive thoughts like it is my thought it happened and it is a result of me having an abortion because I am a murderer.

Reflecting back I know this is just the anxiety getting me when I am in a vulnerable state, now being more aware and know actually miscarriage is more common than you may think.

Regardless of some of the negative aspects of my journey, I am grateful for the fact that living in England I can have the free choice to have a child or not. It is my choice and if I ever chose again to have an abortion I can do it safely without worrying that anything terrible will happen.

I believe women should have that choice and that is sad to see in America that it has gone backwards in time with 26 states making it illegal to ban abortion and now the changes are them women will still have an abortion but not in a safe environment. Like always it is mostly down to the white middle-class male telling us women how to live which is deeply sad.

Cheers for reading X 


Monday 4 July 2022

autism and waiting

Hey readers,

I am already anxiously waiting but I am ok with it because it is arranged and in my mind, I have that set goal as it were but as soon as that changes I start to get really anxious. 

autism and waiting

the more I don't know what is happening because people lack the ability to communicate or have this theory to see what happens which in this innocence I fucking hate. Because I already had a plan, I wanted to follow it through, I was anxious, it hasn't happened. It has changed now all my little markers of what is going to happen throughout the day are changed this has thrown me out of synch. 

It is so stressful as a parent with autism myself I have this extra guilt that I meant to be on top of it, ok it is fabricated from my own mind but some of it I get the scenes from some people who assume I am a little spoiled bitch. Yeah sometimes I am a twat but during times I can assure you I am not, these times when I am waiting are the hardest things I have to deal with as an autistic person. No matter how long I have been on this earth, it doesn't get any better. I get still frustrated, I still have meltdowns, I still lose my shit and reach breaking point because I just simply can't cope it, my mind can't cope with it. It is like a volcano watching it starts erupting when the change happens I cant calm it down especially when no one tells me what the hell is happening or gives me black and white answers. 

I think I am just livid at times because I am realling on other people which I hate. I hate it, I do. I am a control freak in that sense, I just don't like that control and I am not got that power the time it makes me so livid especially when some people can actually do something to help the situation and sit back and do sweet FA.

There is the element of the unknown, I don't like the unknown it's grey and it has answers... all the things I hate. I like exact, black and white, something that is definite. I am just rigid and flexible and that is my downfall, it is always been my struggle and it is where I hate waiting. People can't give me answers if things run late, where are they? How long are they going to be? I just get more and more anxious. As you keep reading you can feel the anxiety build-up and there is only so much someone with autism can manage because there is a lot of emotion to deal with and someone with autism is not good at managing emotions. The messy and hard, grey and unpredictable.  

Before you know it I am screaming because my body is too aroused with adrenal and anxiety, I want to run away but also want to scream fucking head off. Because quite frankly I am angry, I don't have the communication skills at this point just pure range. 

This now will mess up my day; the next day I will cripple with guilt and sadness. I will hate myself and everything that is autism. This is why I hate waiting and why it is such to wait as an autistic person because it is an emotional rollercoaster. 

Cheers for reading X 

Sunday 3 July 2022

My Sunday Photo 03/07/2022

My son performed with his class for a performance at Coventry Cathedral on Tuesday. 

Friday 1 July 2022

How to deal with parental burnout.

Hey readers,

As parents we have all felt tired, it is a natural part of parenthood however parental burnout is slightly different as it can impact your health for long periods and it won't be cured simply by having a good night's sleep (of course that does help) but long term strategies need to be but in place to help you manage parental burnout on a day to day level.

What is parental burnout?

When we are talking about parental burnout, we are referring to the physical, mental and emotional exhaustion that one feels from the chronic stress of parenting. I think being a parent you take on a lot of responsibility of looking after a child or children and trying your best to meet all the needs that can at times take its tolls on you.  I don't think it is talked about another because there is a lot of guilt and shame attached to feeling parental burnout that you won't open up due to fear of judgement which then makes the situation worse. 

Symptoms of parental burnout - burn in mind different levels can occur so it will depend on the person but this is just a general list of symptoms. 

* Brain fog. 

Sort tempered. 


*  Increased stress levels. 


 Feelings of isolation. 

 Obsessive-compulsive tendencies. 

Decreased sex drive. 

Hormonal imbalances. 

Tensions and arguments with your spouse. 

May feel not connected with your child, which can lead to emotional distance.  

How to manage burnout. 

1. Get enough sleep. 

Sleep is so important for your mental health and even as a parent at times it can be hard to always fit sleep in especially if you have a newborn just making a small power nap of 20 minutes can make a big difference to how we feel and regulate your emotions better. 

2. Talk to your partner. 

If you have a partner or close friend talk to them about how you are feeling, it may sound obvious but we don't always take the time to sit down and make effort to actually talk about how we really feel. It can be one of the best forms of support for preventing or alleviating parental burnout. 

3. Set boundaries - learn to easy no.

It is ok to say no and you do not have to say yes to everything. Remember who is the boss you do not have to say yes to everything your kid asks of you. Sometimes you have to stand your ground with your children and setting boundaries is vital for your own development. It's ok to not be popular with your kids all the time, it happens to all parents kids have to learn that carnet gets everything they want. 

4. Get some self-care incorporated into your routine.

The importance of incorporating self-care into your routine is a must for your own well-being. It is not selfish to do something for yourself from time to time and sometimes it can be better in the long run because needs are met. It is also ok to ask for help from people that offer and just making time to do things that you enjoy can really help reduce burnout and make you feel more relaxed in life. 
5. Be a good enough parent to lower expectations.

Instead of aiming to the perfect level of parenting aim for being a good enough parent and lower the expectation the weight will soon come off our shoulders. As long as kids are healthy, happy and loved then that's all that counts, it doesn't matter if they have the latest technology or branded clothing or going on a holiday because they have the foundations of a good childhood which is the most important. 

6. Go to your doctor. 
If it does all feel like it is getting too much then go further and speak to your GP and get the support you need, don't feel ashamed because they are there to help you. 

Have you ever dealt with parental burnout? What do you think you think of my tips on how to deal with parental burnout? Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section down below. 

Cheers for reading X 

Monday 27 June 2022

Autistic Parenting.

Hey readers,

Since my son goes to school and one of the problems I struggle with being an autistic mum is socialising with other parents.

The dreaded waiting at the school gates with the deafening noise makes my head spin. I physically shake and want to stim so badly that I need to control myself in order to mask these problems I deal with.

Autistic Parenting.

I know you ask why, why don't I just be me. But it is not just me, it is my son as well. I am part of him and what I do influences him. Maybe not obviously but in the subtle ways with speaking to parents and getting that invite to a friend's birthday. People judge sadly and what I do can include or isolate him, as sad as society is.

The hard thing for me as a parent is to appear shy/enigma in order to not let people see the real me as I am hyperactive/spontaneous, and might not say the right thing. Laugh and be childish and not click with others.

No one ever prepares you for this and how it will influence your son's confidence. Will, I further fuck him up if I am me, should I hide away in order to make my son blend in better. Or should I be authentic as it provides my son with an understanding of disability and difference-making him more accepting of others that are different (not necessarily autistic)? Just one mould fit it appears in this modern culture I feel and that all problems should be hideaway as it still a taboo, to be honest with children without some professional having a fit and pretending that everything is fluffy and cosy in life.

These are the kind of decisions I have to make. I am currently taking a step back from school duties as the anxiety is so high and paranoia is kicking in.

They say life is too short and you should just do what the fear wants you not to do. But to what extent is this not a good idea anymore.

Baby steps are hard for me as it is grey, I am all or nothing and I find it hard once I have an idea in my head to stop myself from committing to it fully. Alternatively, I just shut down and have no interest in participating in the demotivated situation I have to face. All I want to close off, cry my eyes out, and feel is the point in doing it all. Should I have been a parent? do I have that right? and similar thoughts take over my thinking.

Nothing is ever clear, no right or wrong answers which for my autistic brain feels overwhelmed and can trigger a meltdown in order to try and regulate how I feel.

Autism is selfish or is it people don't see I am trying to work my ass off that little bit more as every day is a struggle and I have to make decisions fast.

it is frustrating when people think oh she doesn't look autistic she can walk down the road or she can communicate. When really most of it is planned, scheduled, and played out like a script. Most of the time I am blagging it with the information I hold from past experiences/observing or reading how others deal with this as a parent.

Don't judge me when you see me, I am scared because I don't know what I am doing.
I am not good with emotions, they are messy and I don't do messy.

I like order and structure, I like steps that have a sequence. When it is spontaneous and in no order I am scared and my anxiety reaches new heights.

SO this is what I am currently trying to work my way through and yeah I can do a course and have some rules. But then things change, situation/environmental/age, etc influence the shit I have to deal with. As we all know change is the enemy of an autistic person.

It is all very well having short stints of parenting courses to guild you but for an autistic person we need continuous support and sadly it is always because of the funds and people like to group everything in one category.

I always find it ironic that autistic people like logical order but that disability is so grey and complex it is unreal.

That is it that is one of the many battles I undergo as an autistic parent and we haven't even reached pubescent years.....oh what joy!

Cheers for reading X

Sunday 26 June 2022

My Sunday Photo 26/06/2022

My Sunday Photo 26/06/2022

Checking out the local exhibition: Be Yourself; Everyone Else is Already Taken by Daniel Lismore at the Lady Herbert Art Gallery in Coventry.

Friday 24 June 2022

Reasons to love summer

Hey readers,

We have had a couple of days so naturally can’t help but get excited for the arrival of summer, I am British it is a thing and the fact that it properly me majority wet. That won’t stop me from celebrating all things summer.

1. sunshine. 

2. going to the beach. 

3. Ice cream. 

4. BBQs.

5. The light nights. 

6. Sandals. 

7. Ice cold drinks.

8. Tan lines. 

9. Warm sand. 

10. Looking at the stars. 

11. The sea. 

12. Swimming in the sea. 

13. Road trips.

14. Writing in the sand. 

15. Summer thunderstorms. 

16. Outdoor fun time. 

17. Long walks. 

18. Daisies everywhere. 

19. Sunsets. 

20. Fly a kite.

21. Hang out the washing. 

22. No homework.

23. Picnics. 

24. Eating alfresco. 

25. Blue skies.

26. Open windows. 

27. The summer breeze. 

28. Water fights. 

29. Hot tub. 

30. Go pick your own strawberries. 

31. Wild swimming. 

32. Having a coffee outside. 

33. People watching. 

34. Boost your mood. 

35. Slush puppies. 

36. Flowers in full bloom. 

37. Trees full of greenness. 

38. Don't have to wear a coat. 

39. Lighter meals. 

40. Salads.
41. Picky teas.
42. Not having to wear socks. 

43. The fact that everything feels more hopeful and better. 

44. Not having to wear loads of layers. 

45. Having more energy.
46. More time outdoors in the evening. 

What do you love about the summer? love to hear your thoughts in the comment section down below. 

Cheers for reading X 

Monday 20 June 2022

5 Ways to get rid of hiccups.

 Hey readers, 

Now and again we have all experienced the annoyance of hiccups. They can be really hard to get rid of so I have found some simple solutions that are effective ways to get rid f hiccups successfully so the next time you have a bout of hiccups you can quickly eliminate them. 

5 Ways to get rid of hiccups.
How to get rid of hiccups. 

1. Breathing.

Breathe in and hold your breath 3-to 4 times in a row. Slowly inhale to fill your lungs with air. Hold your breath for 10 seconds, then exhale slowly to release the breath. Repeat 3-4 times, holding your breath for 10 seconds each time.

2. Bite on a lemon or taste some vinegar.

Biting on something bitter like lemon targets the vagus nerve, which runs from the brain to the stomach. This sends signals to the brain, telling it to switch its focus from hiccups to the sharp taste instead. This tip also works if you use vinegar or anything as strong-tasting.

3. Place sugar on the tongue.

Take about half a teaspoon of sugar and keep it at the far end of the back of the tongue, Hold this for two minutes and then swallow the sugar. Applying pressure along with the tongue aids in eliminating the tightness in diaphragm muscles. 

4. Drinking cold water. 

Drink the cold water through a straw. No one knows exactly why it works, but it could be down to controlling your breathing. 

5.  Pressure Points.

Some of the stranger home remedies that say they stop hiccups relate to pressure. In fact, some people have success with acupressure.

Try pulling the tip of your tongue, or gently pressing on your eyeballs, in an effort to stimulate and distract the vagus nerve. Some doctors suggest putting your fingers (carefully and not too far, obviously) in your ears to stop the hiccups. The branches of ... wait for it ... the vagus nerve, reach into the auditory system, too. You could also try gentle apply pressure on both sides of your nose while swallowing.

How to reduce the risks of getting hiccups. 

When eating try to slow down if you eat fast and make sure that you are chewing your food thoroughly as fast eating can cause air to get trapped in the food which may set off the vagus nerve. Making sure small bites and taking frequent sips of water can help reduce the risk of getting hiccups. 

Some scientists believe that hiccups are a way of telling your body to stop if your eating too much, it is important not to pig out because your body needs time to process and break down the food. The extra stomach acid can bring on hiccups. 

Some spices can irritate the lining of the oesophagus and stomach. At the same time, they can also cause acid from the stomach to leak into the oesophagus. The extra acid can bring on hiccups.

Like spices, alcoholic beverages can cause a simultaneous irritation of the oesophagus and the stomach. And over time, excessive drinking can damage the lining of the food pipe. Parties, like the kind some college students attend, where people consume a lot of alcohol as quickly as possible, can lead to acute ingestion.

 The digestive system not only becomes irritated by the alcohol, but big gulps of it cause the oesophagus to expand rapidly, resulting in hiccups. 

Needless to say, the vagus nerve is not a fan of over-imbibing in food or drink.
But most of the time with hiccups they will disappear with time however if they do last longer than 48hours probably best to speak to your GP as this could interfere with eating, breathing, and sleeping.

Are there any methods that I have missed that have helped you with getting rid of hiccups? love to hear your thoughts in the comment section down below. 

Cheers for reading X

Sunday 19 June 2022

My Sunday Photo 19/06/2022

I and the boys checked at spitfire play that was on display yesterday ✈ 

Friday 17 June 2022

Why daddy you rock!

Hey readers,

On Sunday it will be Father's day so I want to celebrate the daddy to my sons in this post. I have jotted down some reasons why daddy rocks and why we are so glad you are in our lives.

1. You break down things simple and easy to understand. Partly because of your nature and the mere fact you live with an autistic person. This has helped my boys learn and communicate well with you. It has also taught me how to talk better with the boys as I make things far too complicated.

2.  You are always there 100% for the boys and take an active role in fathering them. I think you are a really good role model and teach our boys that both mummy and daddy have skills that they can both teach you.

3.  You listen to the boys and are honest with the answers. This has provided trust and security for the boys. They know that they can come to you with any worries and no fear of any judgement.

4. You just want your sons to do their best. It is hard especially once you get into the environment of the school where there is pressure coming from different angles. You have also let the boys decide what they like as long as it is suitable for example not allowing my eldest to watch Deadpool even when he is so desperate to watch him as he thinks he is funny in the mobile adverts!

5. You don't put expectations on the boys as long as they are happy you will support them. If they don't like football that is fine, if they like pink that is fine for example.

6.  I am so glad you are not macho and have a passion for equality and fairness for everyone.

7.  You are the glue that keeps us all sane in our home. You are a great delegate and can come up with solutions to problems whilst mummy has a wobble.

8.  You are the one to teach them all the intelligence stuff while mummy dances around being a silly billy.

9. You work around the family and put us first.

10.  When daddy does something he puts his whole heart in and never cuts corners. He is very talented with design and ideas. 

Cheers for reading X

Monday 13 June 2022

Costa Too Good To Go Magic Bag Review.

Hey readers, 

I have purchased Too Good To Go bags before and have blogged about them before here and here. 

Costa Too Good To Go Magic Bag Review.

If you didn't know how Too Good To Go is an app where you can purchase magic bags from stores such as Morrisons and Greggs for a reduced price and you get food that would typically be thrown away.

Costa Too Good To Go Magic Bag Review.

This is my first Costa Too Good To Go magic bag. I got it on Saturday and the collection time was 3-5 pm. 

It cost me £3.00 and I paid on the app using the bank card details I had saved on my card. 

Contents of my magic bag.

x2 Bakewell tarts - £2.50 each.

Costa Too Good To Go Magic Bag Review.

x2 Ham and cheese toastie - £3.50 each.

Costa Too Good To Go Magic Bag Review.

Feta cheese slow-roasted tomato pasta salad - £3.50.

Costa Too Good To Go Magic Bag Review.Costa Too Good To Go Magic Bag Review.

The total for all the food would have cost me £15.05.

What is also great is you can freeze sandwiches and pasta meals so save money as they won't get through away if they have a short sell-by date.

Have you tried the Too Good To Go App? What are your thoughts? Love to hear in the comment section down below. 

Cheers for reading x

Sunday 12 June 2022

My Sunday Photo 12/06/2022


My Sunday Photo 12/06/2022

My youngest went away this weekend on first water weekend with cubs (scouts) he is super excited. 


Friday 10 June 2022

40 conversation starters for kids

 Hey readers, 

It can be hard to get your child to open up to you therefore a prompt can sometimes really help give them the encouragement to talk to you. It doesn't have to be anything serious the idea is to help with your child communicate and engage in conversation with you.

Below I have got 40 different types of conversation starters for kids as it can be hard to sometimes think of what to talk so we all need some inspiration from time to time. 

40 conversation starters for kids. 

1. Tell me about the best and worst parts of your day.

2. What’s your favourite game to play?

3. If you could be any animal what would you be and why?

4. What’s your favourite thing to do in the car?

5. If you could be anywhere right now where would you be? Wh
at would you be doing?

6. What’s your favourite cereal? Why?

7. What’s the silliest face that you can make?

8. What’s your favourite song? Why do you like it?

9. What was the best holiday you ever had?

10. Where do you like to go in the car?

11. Who is your best friend and what do you like about that person?

12. Did you learn anything new in school today?

13. If you could wish for three things, what would they be?

14. What’s your favourite holiday?

15. If you were an animal, which one do you think you’d be?

16. What three words do you think to describe your personality best?

17. What’s your favourite subject?

18. If you could have any job, what would it be?

19. What’s something that cheers you up when you’re sad?

20. How does it make you feel when you see someone getting picked on?

21. If you could travel back in time, what decade would you choose to live in?

22. What’s the best thing you’ve ever bought off Amazon?

23. What was the last concert you went to?

24. What is one thing you can’t live without?

25. What’s the strangest dream you’ve had recently?

26. What is your favourite book of all time?

27. How many countries have you been to?

28. What’s your favourite city you’ve visited?

29. Would you rather travel via plane or boat?

30. would you be really really hot or really really cold? 

31. Can you remember a time when you made someone smile? 

32. Hold were you when you learned to tie your shoes

33. Do you think you could go an entire day without talking?

34. If you could turn one room of your house into a giant trampoline which one would it be?

35.  Have you ever told a small fib so as not to hurt someone’s feelings?

36. Are you good at tongue twisters

37. Do you have the same first name as anyone else at your school? Do you like that?

38. Do you like to look at a clock or do you prefer not to know the time?

39. What’s your favourite joke?

40. Who do you talk to the most on the phone?

What do you think about my conversation starters for kids? Have I missed any off that you think are good ones? Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section down below. 

Cheers for reading X 

Monday 6 June 2022

5 ways to save money on travelling.

 Hey readers, 

You might be thinking of going on holiday in the next couple of months and looking for ways to save money. You can even save even landed in a foreign country just look at my five tips to save a small fortune and all it takes is a little bit of planning. 

5 ways to save money on travelling.

5 ways to save money on travelling. 

1. Use flight comparison sights. 

An excellent way to save some money on your aeroplane ticket is to search on flight comparison sites, which will save you time and money. You can get to compare the different times and cheapest prices so you can work out the best deal for you.

 There are many great websites, for example, Skyscanner and Kayak to name just two of the popular ones but there are many more on the market so it is worth putting in the time to do the research as it will save you money in the long run. 

2. Keep within the luggage allowance. 

Make sure that you are aware of how much luggage you can take with you on a plane. Luggage allowance is divided up into hand luggage which you take with you onto the plane which is usually two small bags.

 The other type of luggage is called hold luggage which goes in the plane's hold. Normally you tend to get about 23kg free and then you would have to pay additional costs for extra luggage weight.

 This is where people get caught out and this can be a hefty fine. It depends on the travel company as to how much so it is vital to check these details beforehand and double-check that you are within the limits of luggage weight. 

3. Avoid extra flight costs. 

When I am talking about extra flight costs this could include things like having to pay for a seat that you can definitely get next to the person you want to sit with. It could be for things like earplugs, drinks and food. It might be best before jetting off that you eat and drink beforehand to save some money on eating up in the sky. 

4. Travel by train or coach instead. 

If you travelling to a European country you may want to consider catching the train or a coach. Although it does take extra time instead of flying it can save you some cash. Companies such as Mega Bus and National Express offer good value coach tickets to different countries from the UK so worth checking them out. The Trainline also offer some good ticket prices if you book in advance. 

5. Book low-cost accommodation.

Instead of staying in fancy hotels to cut costs but still be comfortable check out low cost alternatives such as Airbnb, as in “Air Bed and Breakfast,” which is a service that lets property owners rent out their spaces to travellers looking for a place to stay. Travellers can rent a space for multiple people to share, a shared space with private rooms, or the entire property for themselves. 

Alternatively, there is the option of hostels which are clean and safe places and you get to meet other like-minded people. If you don't like the idea of that in a room with a stranger then there is always to option of getting a private bedroom. There are two good hostel websites that can tell you more information and they are Hostel World and Youth Hostel Association

Cheers for reading X 

Sunday 5 June 2022

My Sunday Photo 05/06/2022

My Sunday Photo 05/06/2022

My Sunday Photo 05/06/2022

Half term holiday all hail the tree to give us much needed fun :)
