Sunday 15 January 2023

My Sunday Photo 15/01/2023


My Sunday Photo 15/01/2023

And just like that the tree is gone until December! 

Friday 13 January 2023

Ways to respond when someone says they have depression.

Hey readers, 

You will likely come into contact with someone who battles depression at some point.

If a friend or member of your family has opened up to you about their depression, you probably want to know how you can support them. 

When someone opens up to you about their mental health, responding constructively is crucial because depression is a severe illness.

We're here to assist by demonstrating how to react when someone discloses they have depression. Do you wish to discuss it? When you're ready.

Ways to respond when someone says they have depression.

1. I'll be here.

Although you can't make someone talk, letting them know you're there for them can make them feel supported.

You should remark you've noticed they're having a hard time, and you're available if they want to talk if they haven't been open with you about their melancholy. 

If you merely ask them, "Are you OK?" they may already be accustomed to acting fine and say, "I'm fine."

Tell them you'll be there for them when they're ready to chat if they're not ready right away.

 They might consider your offer and come to you when they are struggling and need someone to discuss their issues.

2. Offer a silent embrace or hug.

Silence is a vital tool that may acknowledge the gravity of a situation without adding to it. 

Hugging or holding their hand might be a soothing act if you have a close relationship with someone.

 Sometimes, nothing more than your presence not your words is required.

3. Take as much time as necessary. 

Even seemingly simple things can feel daunting to someone experiencing severe depression or simply in a terrible mood. 

Even simple tasks like cooking or taking a shower may seem overwhelming, especially in the morning. 

Giving them more time to do these duties is a good idea because many people with depression experience mood improvements as the day draw to a close.

4. Try to have these discussions face-to-face.

Although it's acceptable to have these chats over the phone or via text, speaking in person is much more helpful.

So much is lost through texting in terms of tone and harshness. You could suggest they pick up the phone if someone texts you and admits they're depressed. As previously mentioned, you could also call them right away. 

Feeling burdensome is a sign of depression, so even if someone wants to talk on the phone, they might hold off because they don't want to feel like an imposition.

Alternatively, reply to their SMS with a statement that you care about them and are open to a face-to-face conversation.

What suggestions would you give to speak to someone with depression?

 Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section down below.


Cheers for reading x

Monday 9 January 2023

Why can dancing relief stress

Hey readers, 

You may be wanting to start trying something new in the year so here's the reasons why you should consider dancing.

Why can dancing relief stress

1. The mind feels good. 

The scientific reason why dance can act as a stress reliever stems from the idea that when the body feels good, the mind does, too.

 Any type of physical activity releases neurotransmitters and endorphins which serve to alleviate stress.

 Neurotransmitters are chemicals within the brain that help communicate messages throughout the body. Endorphins are the body’s natural painkiller to reduce stress and improve the mind’s perception of the world.

 Thus, after a good workout, the endorphins cause the body to feel calm and optimistic. The endorphins also aid in improving the quality of sleep, so that a few sleepless nights due to stress can be avoided after dancing! 

2. Improve your fine motor skills, coordination and balance.

 Good coordination and balance are what stop you from walking into things or falling over. 

Dancing is a very intricate art form, and as you can see from the routines on Strictly, it requires a lot of coordination and balance.

 With a lot of practice, you will even find you become less dizzy when doing a dance that involves lots of spinning around, such as the waltz.

 Dancing is also an excellent way of improving your fine motor skills - these are movements involving your hands, fingers, feet and toes, which aren't necessarily the focus of other types of exercise. 

Dance classes can even teach you how to fall more safely, so you'll learn how to reduce the impact if you do take a tumble.

3. Dance can help with weight loss. 

Dancing is also a form of both aerobic and anaerobic exercise, which is a great calorie burner, Dr Gardner says, “Jumping and twirling movements are great aerobic training while holding positions of squatting and balance positions can turn on the anaerobic energy system,” she explains. In general, the more up-tempo the dance style, the more calories and energy will be burned. 

Depending on the style of dance and your body weight, 30 minutes of dancing can burn between 90 and 252 calories. This type of high-intensity calorie burning can help support weight loss if you’re trying to shed pounds.

 If you want to maximize calorie burn, Granger suggests taking a dance cardio class, designed to blast calories and improve physical fitness.


4. Social touch.

Many types of dance require you to be physically closer to people than you would usually be in everyday interaction. 

Your dance partner or group enter your bubble, known academically as your ‘peri-personal’ space.

 This form of close contact (when it is consensual and with partners, you are comfortable with) releases a chemical called oxytocin. 

This hormone makes us feel sociable and helps us bond with the people around us. 

We are innately social animals, with much in common with our primate ancestors. Our need for physical social contact is not dissimilar to how monkeys use grooming to connect with and comfort each other. 

In today’s reserved society, we are considerably lacking in intimate, platonic interactions. Christensen says we need at least 8 hugs a day to feel human. Alternatively, 4 hugs and a dance class.

5. Dancing is fun. 

Dancing is an enjoyable exercise. Although dance is an art form and a discipline that requires concentration and practice, it is also a very enjoyable form of exercise. 

Whether your favourite type of dance is Classical Waltz, Jazz, Tap, Zumba, Hip Hop or Free-Form Modern Improvisation, you will enjoy the social aspects of classes that include partnering with other dancers, group dancing and creative, free-form expression as you learn, practice and perform different modes and styles of dance. 

You will feel youthful, free limber and stronger from dancing regularly. 

Cheers for reading X

Sunday 8 January 2023

My Sunday Photo 08/01/2023


My Sunday Photo 08/01/2022

Monday 2 January 2023

What to do with unwanted Christmas presents.

Hey readers, 

Do you have a gift you don't want? Whether it's a book you've already read, a scarf that's not your style, or a hand cream you've never had before, my handy guide will make gift-giving better than accumulating stuff in your attack collecting dust.

What to do with unwanted Christmas presents.

ive it to someone. 

If you don't like the gift, you can keep it and give it to someone you think will appreciate it more than you do.

Keep the label and packaging intact and save for next Christmas or birthday.

Remember not to give it back to the person who gave it to you in the first place. Give it back only to people you think will really appreciate it.

Sell it.

If you think selling a gift is disrespectful, it's better than returning it or throwing it in the trash.

These days, there are many options besides eBay when it comes to selling unwanted gifts online. 

For example, there are sites and apps that can be used to sell various items such as Depop, Vinted, Shpock, Facebook Marketplace, etc.

If you decide to sell unwanted Christmas gifts on these platforms, it is important to be as detailed as possible in your product descriptions. 

The more information and photos you add about your product, the more likely it is that it will sell quickly.

Return or exchange it. 

If you have a valid receipt, you can return or exchange the wrong Christmas gift in store. First, make sure the giver has included a receipt with the gift.

 If not, you'll need to have a polite conversation with them to explain why you want the receipt.

Christmas gifts purchased online must be returned or exchanged by the purchaser on your behalf.
Even if you don't have a receipt, some stores will allow you to receive a replacement or credit if you clearly indicate that the item was purchased there.

 However, please note that this is at the discretion of the retailer and is not required to be adhered to by the retailer.

Generally, you have 30 days from the date of purchase to return an item. However, many stores are extending this period during the holiday season to give shoppers more time. 

It is important to review our return policy to ensure timely refunds or item exchanges.

But whatever you do, don't let that unwanted gift go to waste. Instead, turn it into something you or someone else can enjoy.

Donate it. 

Giving away presents is becoming more and more popular. If you don't have time to sell your own, donate your unwanted Christmas presents to a local charity shop to sell them for you.

Some items can be donated directly to charity. for example:

You can donate your child's toys to the hospital's pediatric ward (remember to check what you can donate). 

Books can be donated to libraries, schools, or other literacy-based charities. 

Sports equipment can be donated to local sports clubs. 

Clothing can be donated to homeless shelters. 

Some charities accept gifts such as furniture, bicycles, and computers, but always check with the charity to see if you need the item.

 What do you do with your unwanted Christmas presents?  Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section down below. 

Cheers for reading X 

Sunday 1 January 2023

My Sunday Photo 01/01/2023


My Sunday Photo 01/01/2023

Happy New Year 2023 🎉🎊

Friday 30 December 2022

6 things you can use sudocrem for

Hey readers, 

Sudocrem can not make the vast majority of a glamorous addition to your bathroom shelf, but there's a lot a complete host of miracles hidden absent in that itsy-bitsy tub.

Despite largely being known (and loved!) as a nappy rash cream, Sudocrem can be utilized on anything from cuts and lesser burns to skin conditions and even as a confront mask for issue skin.

6 things you can use sudocrem for

Intrigued? Keep reading to have an idea of the extremely surprising utilizes for that dinky red and grey pot…

1. As a barrier cream for fake tan and hair dye.

To same as to Vaseline, Sudocrem behaves as a superior obstacle cream. Implement it to the soles of your feet before an artificial tan sesh to halt them from going orange, or around your hairline before colouring your hair to get rid of stains.

2. Insect bites.  

This is part of the brand-approved ways to use Sudocrem. They say that the cream "helps to repair wounds by forming a protective layer more than the vulnerable area, reducing the risk of infection, and additionally contains a gentle local anaesthetic to soothe discomfort."

The zinc in Sudocrem will additionally aid to decrease the chances of any scarring from the bite, so it's crucial for any holiday.

3. Sudocrem for burns.

you can use Sudocrem for sunburns. As well as assisting with prickly heat Sudocrem is a perfect way to hold the soreness out of sunburn. Gently implement a layer to the area, like you would a confront mask, and then let it sink in slowly.

4. Spots.  

Numerous have found that Sudocrem is working well for those pesky spots that pop up. Just add a dab of Sudocrem on the plot in query and abscond overnight.

Plus, by the soaring zinc oxide content material in the cream, Sudocrem is a sparkling way of assisting to take on acne too. Once a week, implement a slim layer of Sudocrem before bed and wash any excess off when you rise in the morning.

5. Feet. 

Who doesn't like the feel of soft, smooth feet? Well, Sudocrem can soften and soothe dry heels and skin on your feet. It contains an ingredient also known as zinc oxide, which breathes new life into the skin.

It removes all the dead skin cells on your feet that cause dry skin and instead makes your feet feel softer. You don't have to.

Who doesn't like the feel of soft, smooth feet?

Well, Sudocrem can soften and soothe dry heels and skin on your feet. It contains an ingredient also known as zinc oxide, which breathes new life into the skin.

It removes all the dead skin cells on your feet that cause dry skin and instead makes your feet feel softer. You don't have to.

6. Plucking your eyebrows. 

In the same as a stroke of beauty-inspired genius, Sudocrem is additionally fab for reducing redness and soothing the sore skin that comes with plucking your eyebrows. Several women even say they make use of it on their legs afterwards a wax as well!

What do you think about Sudocrem? is it something you use? Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section down below.

Cheers for reading X 

Monday 26 December 2022

How to avoid distractions online when taking an online course.

Hey readers, 

Even while doing your work and studying at home is probably the most practical option, there are many distractions there. We find a lot of our favourite things there! While it can be challenging to concentrate while studying at home, there are several things you can do to cut down on interruptions and finish your job.

Turn off your phone or leave it out of reach.

Turning off your phone can make a big difference if you believe that limiting screen time will still be ineffective. The following time you grasp it to unlock the screen, you'll have to take a moment to think before you act. This advice is for you if you're the type of person that frequently unlocks their phone.

If you really want to go the additional mile, though, you can ask a member of your household to keep your phone until your class is over or your assignment is turned in, or you can leave it in a location that is out of your reach and far from where you work and study.

Workspace study area.

Some of us perform our best work in quiet environments like libraries or coffee shops, while others thrive in noisy environments. Everyone has their own ideal workspace for studying.

Think of it this way: anything that minimises distractions is "perfect." During certain times, you might not always be able to go outside and take your online course at your preferred location. All you have at home will have to suffice.

You can try to imitate and design a work-from-home environment. As much as you can, make this area your preferred study location. If you're in a library, sit next to a bookshelf to study; if you like a coffee shop, prepare yourself a cup as you take your course; and if you want to be near people, phone a friend or study partner during your break.


Creating a daily schedule for completing your online coursework is a fantastic approach to cutting down on interruptions. You may ensure that you are focused during the times you plan to work on your schoolwork by creating and adhering to an online study timetable, which will increase your productivity!

Make a plan for your studies first. Determine the times of day that you are most productive. Perhaps the peaceful hours of 7 to 9 a.m. will be perfect for you if you're a morning person. If your family is out and about in the afternoons, you could study during that time instead. Make a conscious effort to approach your new study sessions as "distraction-free" times.

Scheduled breaks. 

It's a wonderful idea to build periodic screen breaks to your online study plan to prevent burnout, boost productivity, and allow the course material to really sink in. As a result, make an effort to schedule five to fifteen minutes every hour or so to stand up and take a quick break from your computer. Fill up your water bottle, get some food, go outside, and relax at this time.

Make sure your break doesn't go over your allotted time if you intend to return to your studies, though. To ensure that your study schedule stays on track, try setting a timer. In other words, try to avoid doing anything online that can distract you from your studying, such as checking any unimportant messages, using social media, viewing films online, or anything else.

Cheers for reading X 

What to do between Christmas and New Year (Twixmas).

Hey readers,  

Do you struggle now that Christmas is very and there is that funny period waiting until New Year's Eve comes well that is called Twixmas. 

What to do between Christmas and New Year (Twixmas).

What is Twixmas?

Twixmas is the term used to describe the days between Christmas and New Year (December 27-30) when you can take a much-needed break from your work and family schedules. For many of us, it's time to completely unwind and let him go about his day doing nothing.

It can be a struggle with not having any structure to your day and you may be looking for something to do so here are 6 things you can do during this weird time to keep you occupied. 

1. Post-Christmas sales.

Enjoy the after-Christmas sale from the comfort of your sofa. Get home bargains without fighting crowds. Buying tickets such as sofas at a high price is a wise investment if they are discounted at this time of year.

2. Pantomime. 

Many people enjoy pantomimes before Christmas, but the best time is after Christmas. It's a great day today after the festivities have settled down and are less busy. It's a great time to get kids who are usually indoors out of the house. Christmas attractions, such as the seasonal ice skating rink and Christmas Market, are also usually open, so it's a great opportunity to see them even when it's not crowded.

3. Thank you cards.

Sandwiched between tense gift shopping and a Christmas hangover, Christmas cards are always a rush job. But a thank you card? Now that you have time to think about these bad guys, show your appreciation with a heartfelt handwritten message.

4. Clear out. 

You may have gotten some extra belongings for Christmas. It's a great way to spend extra time flashing your home. Put clothes you haven't worn in the last six months in a bag and donate them to a local charity shop if possible. Treat your child's old toys recklessly. everything is broken. All still in good condition but no longer in use? Pack it up and get ready to donate. Tidying up is not only soul cleansing, but it is also for good reason.

5. Go for a walk. 

Many people ate too much this year. Whether you've overdone it with roses or you've been watching Christmas specials in the last 48 hours, put on your big coat and go for a walk. You may be healed by the fresh air and find a new favourite spot. It's the perfect time to embark on new adventures while maintaining social distancing.

6. Leftovers.

No, that doesn't mean you sit down and eat a lot of turkey sandwiches... just bring out your inner chef and try leftovers from the big day. Whether you're flipping through a recipe book or browsing through the many recipes available online, you can use your time to try great new dishes and discover new favourites. If you have too many leftovers, why not donate your fresh produce to the homeless or your local food bank?

What do you think of my list of things to do during Twixmas? Is there anything that you think is good that I have missed on the list? Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section down below. 

Cheers for reading X