Friday 13 January 2023

Ways to respond when someone says they have depression.

Hey readers, 

You will likely come into contact with someone who battles depression at some point.

If a friend or member of your family has opened up to you about their depression, you probably want to know how you can support them. 

When someone opens up to you about their mental health, responding constructively is crucial because depression is a severe illness.

We're here to assist by demonstrating how to react when someone discloses they have depression. Do you wish to discuss it? When you're ready.

Ways to respond when someone says they have depression.

1. I'll be here.

Although you can't make someone talk, letting them know you're there for them can make them feel supported.

You should remark you've noticed they're having a hard time, and you're available if they want to talk if they haven't been open with you about their melancholy. 

If you merely ask them, "Are you OK?" they may already be accustomed to acting fine and say, "I'm fine."

Tell them you'll be there for them when they're ready to chat if they're not ready right away.

 They might consider your offer and come to you when they are struggling and need someone to discuss their issues.

2. Offer a silent embrace or hug.

Silence is a vital tool that may acknowledge the gravity of a situation without adding to it. 

Hugging or holding their hand might be a soothing act if you have a close relationship with someone.

 Sometimes, nothing more than your presence not your words is required.

3. Take as much time as necessary. 

Even seemingly simple things can feel daunting to someone experiencing severe depression or simply in a terrible mood. 

Even simple tasks like cooking or taking a shower may seem overwhelming, especially in the morning. 

Giving them more time to do these duties is a good idea because many people with depression experience mood improvements as the day draw to a close.

4. Try to have these discussions face-to-face.

Although it's acceptable to have these chats over the phone or via text, speaking in person is much more helpful.

So much is lost through texting in terms of tone and harshness. You could suggest they pick up the phone if someone texts you and admits they're depressed. As previously mentioned, you could also call them right away. 

Feeling burdensome is a sign of depression, so even if someone wants to talk on the phone, they might hold off because they don't want to feel like an imposition.

Alternatively, reply to their SMS with a statement that you care about them and are open to a face-to-face conversation.

What suggestions would you give to speak to someone with depression?

 Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section down below.


Cheers for reading x


  1. This is great advice, I never know what to say when someone says something like they're depressed. I just try to be there for them as much as I can. x
