Friday 15 April 2022

100 easy child-parent date ideas

 Hey readers, 

Sometimes life can be hectic so making time for your children can be excellent for them. Making 1-2-1 time can make them feel special, create happy memories and help form a strong bond. Below I have a list of a whopping 100 parent-child date ideas to get you inspired, there is a variety of different things as everyone is different so pick one suits you :)

100 easy child-parent date ideas

o out to lunch.

2. Try fishing together.

3. Go to the zoo.

4. Go to the park and play. 

5. Head to a movie. 

6. Check out a museum. 

7. Go for a hike.
8. Take a dance class. 

9. Go to a play. 

10. Feed the ducks at the park.

11. Grocery shopping. 

12. Bowling. 

13. Fold paper airplanes and test them. 

14. A trip to the bookstore. 

15. Board games. 

16. Go bird watching.

17. Mak fairy houses.

18. Plant your own plants. 

19. Look for shapes in clouds. 

20. Make a bird feeder. 

21. Grow fresh herbs in containers. 

22. Break out your films collection.

23. Build a fort.

24. Build a lego castle. 

25. Camp in. 

26. Have breakfast in bed. 

27. Play a card game. 

28. Play charades. 

29. Pack a picnic. 

30. Take a road trip to a nearby city. 

31. Visit a historic house or farm. 

32. Visit a local farmers' market. 

33. Collect rocks and paint them. 

34. Use chalk on pavements. 

35. Fly a kite.

36. Camp in your garden. 

37. Lisen to an audiobook together. 

38. Stargaze. 

39. Bake cookies. 

40. Cook a new dish together. 

41. Go out for breakfast together. 

42. Go on a bike ride together. 

43. Paint pottery. 

44. Go to the arcade.
45. Go to the mini-golf. 

46. Ride scoters together. 

47. Go to the library together.
48. Go on a nature scavenger hunt. 

49. Rock wall climbing. 

50. Go to a sweet shop. 

51. Go watch a film at the cinema. 

52.  Go for a walk. 

53. Play catch. 

54. Do a craft project together. 

55. Volunteer at a local charity together. 

56. Cuddle on the couch. 

57. Take a drive.
58. Go for a run.

59. Geocaching. 

60. Go go-karting. 

61. Ice skating. 

62. Watch the sunset.

63. Rollerskating.
64. Go to the beach. 

65. Go get ice cream. 

66. Go out for pizza.

67. Attend a special event in your area.
68. Walk around and explore the area that you live in. 

68. Cuddle. 

69. Play with playdoh. 

70. Scrapbook together. 

71. Look at old photos.
72. Make homemade pizzas. 

73. Make slime. 

74. Do a science experiment together. 

75. Do some yoga. 

76. Watch some sport. 

77. Walk in the garden together. 

78. Eat in the back garden. 

79. Talk. 

80. Play dress up. 

81. Go to an aquarium. 

82. Go swimming.

83. Go to an amusement park. 

84. Jump in puddles.

85. Go camping together. 

86. Take pictures. 

87. Go to a farm.

88. Visit a garden. 

89. Find a carnival or festival. 

90. Go to a pet store

91. Go to a coffee shop. 

92. Go on a train ride. 

93. Go to a nature centre.

94. Paint pottery. 

95. Go shopping. 

96. Go to a high tea.
97. Go to a pick your own farm. 

98. Hunt for Pokeman

99. Play a game on a games console. 

100. Do a puzzle together. 

What do you think of my child-parent date ideas? Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section down below. 

Cheers for reading X


Monday 11 April 2022

Why social media is important.

Hey readers,

Social media can get bad press but there are some really good quality reasons for why social media can be good so let's celebrate the positive today. 

Why social media is important.

1. Communication.

Social media is an avenue where regardless of background, education or wealth can speak up on topics or opinions freely. It allows discussion where sometimes it might not constantly occur in other situations in life. 

Social media has changed the way we communicate from the time it tasks to respond, to communicate with anyone in the world. There is a sense of connection in finding similar people with the same thoughts and beliefs.

 People with similar interests are coming together and forming groups and sometimes depending on the topic raising awareness. This also can help build relationships and can definitely feel less lonely when you can find people who think similar to yourself.

It is not just talking to others but also for example artists have been able to showcase their work and gain popularity through Instagram and create more opportunities for themselves. Other formats like Youtube give singers a chance to branch out to more people with being access to listen on the platform freely.

2.  Awareness. 

Social media is a perfect tool to help raise awareness through sharing stories, narratives, and photos, providing facts and data in a consumable way, making it more appealing for the audience to engage and help understand. 

The work to help create awareness helps build a community. A good example of this would be on Twitter with the #metoo movement, at first, it wasn't really taken seriously but with more stories of women speaking out about their experience of abuse, people began to take notice and actually listen. Just the simple act of using a hashtag allowed communication to open upon such a serious topic. It gave women a voice and power across the globe.

 It highlighted the number of women who had been assaulted and harassed. It allowed family, friends, and co-workers to read the stories from first-hand accounts. It even had success case in prosecuting a famous American film producer who got convicted as a sex offender. 

Even though people were at the time scared to speak because he had the money and power to threaten. But with power and voice game changed and finally, Weinstein got punished for his awful crimes when at the time he thought he was untouchable. #Metoomovement sends out a clear message that people need to talk openly and that it is ok that their voices will be heard.

3. Prompt business.

Social media is the way forward to prompt your business. Most people do not search for information about a company online whether through Google, Facebook, or many other platforms as a way to assess the quality of service or to find something that they are looking for to help them. 

Social media reach your target audience, stay engaged with them, and respond to their inquiries immediately. Another benefit of social media is to help your business to evaluate your completion by monitoring their social media pages.

 Social media helps build customer loyalty.   Not to mention social media opens doors for selling products in different locations other than when you are based and making more sales with your business as opposed to getting work through traditional formats.

What do you think about social media? Have you found any positive benefits of using social media? Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section down below. 

Cheers for reading X

Sunday 10 April 2022

My Sunday Photo 10/04/2022

We started the start of the Easter holiday with a bang....Mcdonalds of course, cause I am cool mum ;) 

Cheers for reading X 


Thursday 7 April 2022

6 ways to recharge your emotional batteries.

 Hey readers, 

Life brings all sorts of stresses such as having a demanding job or moving home. Stress doesn't always have to be negative, it can make an appearance with positive life events such as getting married or having a child. 

When everything is happening at once it is important to take a step back and look after your own well-being and do some self-care activities to help deal with your emotions.  Here are six ways to recharge your emotional batteries. 

6 ways to recharge your emotional batteries.

1. Take a nap. 

To recharge your emotional battery, sometimes you just need to get a little shut-eye. According to the National Sleep Foundation, Napping has psychological benefits: "a nap can be a pleasant luxury, a mini-vacation. It can provide an easy way to get some relaxation and rejuvenation."

Unfortunately, it's not wise to take a nap during work hours when you are supposed to be getting work done. But, as soon as your workday is done, find a c    osy spot at home and take 15 or 20 minutes to get some rest. 

2. Go for a walk. 

When you're very exhausted, it can be tempting to just sit in front of the TV after a long day. But that usually just makes you feel more tired. 

Instead of sitting down to recharge, try getting up and moving around. Walking or biking. It doesn't have to belong, even if it is just for 20 minutes can really help make you feel energised. 

3. Hot bath. 

A lot of tension is being held in the body due to stress which is why having a hot bath can really help soothe aching muscles and not only that a lot of people have to take a bath to be really relaxing. Using Epson salts can help remove toxins,  improve muscle function, and reduce inflammation linked to stress. 

4. Simple scrub.

When you wake up in the morning, use a body scrub on your feet and hands. Use an exfoliating scrub for your face as well. Scrubs can scrub away dead skin cells and improve circulation throughout your body. As a result, your body will end up feeling more energised than before. 

5. Gratitude list. 

According to neuroscientists, gratitude is one powerful act of kindness to yourself, Gratitude has been linked to decreased levels of depression, anxiety, insomnia, and physical illness. 

Gratitude as a practice has long-ranging effects, but a brief gratitude practice is still good for your mind. One quick way to rejuvenate and re-energise your mind is to make a list of three, seven, or ten things that are positive in your day and /or your life. 

This could range from having a car to drive to a job, best friends, or even a latte. Being grateful for the things that you hab increase your happiness levels and energise your mind to continue to do well. 

6. Declutter and organise. 

This is what I love to as as a way to recharge myself. It may sound off at first, but when you think about it, decluttering and organising your workplace or home allows you to free your mind. 

You can get off whatever is blocking your way physically and mentally. Every time I clean my home, I instantly feel food. I feel lighter and that I'm ready for what comes up in my life. 

Therefore, try to declutter and organise your life from each area. It can be your living area, your workplace, your relationship, or your desktop to name a few. After you have done that, you will feel lighter and fresher. 

Is there anything that you do that helps recharge your emotional batteries that I have missed off the list? Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section.

Cheers for reading X 


Monday 4 April 2022

The power of sleep.

Hey readers,

I love to sleep and I can not lie. I think sometimes especially as parents sleep can go on the back burner or not be taken seriously. As a person who suffers from mental health problems I fully am aware of the importance of sleep. There are so many good reasons why getting forty winks is really important and can have an impact mentally and physically on your well-being.

sleep reduces stress, it allows you to have a break, a rest, and time for your body to naturally heal after a long day.

When sleeping the immune system is activated and helps to give the body the healing process, that is why it is so beneficial to sleep when you have a cold or flu.

The power of sleep

Sleep is the best meditation ~ Dalai Lama

Sleep can help you feel refreshed and rejuvenated allowing you to feel creative and the energy to face the day ahead.

Sleep helps us feel better and less irritable. We are more patient and less likely to 'loss it' because we have more energy to think things through. We are much calmer because we have more free space to think as we have the energy to do so, making us more patient and allowing us to take time to think logically.

Sleep helps us regulate positive and negative emotions and sleep helps us less likely to respond to emotional stimuli giving us time to enjoy the day.

Having a good night's sleep improves memory and performance which ultimately gives us more free time if we do things quicker. Therefore getting more out of the day.

Sleep has many benefits to your physical help with reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes, your immune system function, and help keep your heart healthy because it gives the body time to process correctly.

Cheers for reading X

Sunday 3 April 2022

My Sunday Photo 03/04/2022

My boys made a special knot for part of their work for cubs this week. 

Cheers for reading X 


Friday 1 April 2022

Autism and lonliness

 Hey readers, 

It is lonely being an autistic person in this world. All I ever see is how to be accepting of your autism, be proud to be different. But no one ever talks about the loneliness of being autistic, of always being on the outside and never quite fitting in. 

Just on Twitter alone the messages I read (problem with autism I tend to read things wrong) but this is my interpretation is that if you dare say anything negative you are a bad person. It feels so skewed and that alone is isolating. The feeling that you can't be your true self or be open because you will get shot down for feeling such negative emotions associated with being autistic. 

autism and lonliness

Then there is loneliness when for example I am married to a neurotypical person (someone who doesn't have autism) at times it makes me feel angry because my husband is completely different from me. He hasn't the same struggles, he is good at communication and he talks to EVERYONE. 

He is laid back and sometimes he is lonely because of having negative feelings, especially when feelings of not being adequate. I'm constantly being reminded ok it is light-hearted and only meant to be fun but at times it gets to me, I go to a place alone and cry because it is hard living in this world when you never feel you reach a level that is acceptable. 

When you try so hard but you somehow seem to screw it up, you say the wrong thing, or when it is too much you have a meltdown because you just can't cope with the situation that is happening around you. 

You look around and you see people understand these unwritten rules and even though you can mimic them if it is not linear and something slightly changes I end up confused or not doing the acceptable thing. I know people are going to say that it is ok to be different, but is it really because it does feel like that.

 If you're on the outside and people just don't understand. I suppose I bring it on myself because even though I write my blog and it is open in real face to face I am a private person. Plus  I have always been better at writing down thoughts because I can take my time, come back and edit, etc but when I try to communicate it is my anxiety that cribbles me. 

I overanalysis things and it gets to me. I feel alone in this world, even when I am around people, I never feel like I quite fit in. I know I am not the only autistic person to feel like this but it gets lonelier when you are out in the world, not in a little bubble on social media. When you watch people engage, you think why can't I do it or say the right thing that makes you feel so alone, it can be crippling.

 There are days when you wake up and think not again I have to battle being an autistic adult. You dread going to sleep because it takes so much energy to get up and carry on. To be constantly reminded that you don't fit in and you fail. That stuff hurts and gets in deep over the years, it is painful and again the loneliness creeps in and eats away at you. 

I don't really know what the point of this post is, but when you are in a click or watch someone struggle who alone just remembers they may be really struggling on the inside. You never know what is going on in someone's head so just remember to do anything in this world be kind. 

Cheers for reading X 


Monday 28 March 2022

Shopmium app review.

Hey readers,

I love to save money and a good way to do this is through your phone. There are different apps now on the market that can save you money. One of them that I am going to look at today is called Shopmium. 

Shopmium app review.

Shopmium is a free cashback app where that provides exclusive discounts or free food that you simply scan the food barcode and receipt. Once approved the money will then be returned to your Paypal account within 24-48 hours. 

Shopmium app review.

Shopmium often uploads different offers so be worth checking the app frequently to see if there are any new updates on the app.  

There is a thing called a Shopmium club where you can earn stars which can make you go up a level and there are 3 levels in total. What can help you earn stars are referrals and cashback requests. When you reach a gold level that means you get VIP extras such as getting requests looked at within 24 hours and seeing offers a few days before others on lower levels do. 

Also on your birthday, you will get free gifts such as a box of Lindt chocolate which I think is a nice touch. 

You can download the Shopmium app on android and apple store. You can not use Shopmium on a desktop site. One thing to note is that you can only download Shopmium on iPhone 5 and those models after that running ios 9 as a minimum and Android version 5 (Lollipop).

Generally, It should take Shopmium within 48 hours to get back to you (unless your gold level). You should receive a payment if no problems.

 Now and again I have had Shopmium email me with regards to difficulties reading the receipts that I have scanned in and they simply request for me to rescan the receipt. 

  So the second time made sure the receipt was straight and had good lighting and iv had no problems after that.

If you refer a friend, using your referral code, and they sign up and make their first cashback offer Shopmium will give you £3 of credit and your friend will receive a free can of Pringles.
If you so wish you can use my referral code: KYKFGYUL.  

 Navigating is really straightforward as there is a bar on the home page where you can either click through on all offers to see all the offers you can select a certain supermarket.

It is much easier if you are in a certain supermarket to find the relevant offers that the store you are in to click on that specific store. 

Where can I use Shopmium cashback app in-store? 

* Tesco.

* Sainsbury's 



Other stores.


*  Holland & Barratts.



When you click on the offer at the bottom there are their icons in the right-hand corner with a red heart which you can on to save for a later date. 

There is the blue pin which shoes were the locations that you can buy the product.

Finally, the green barcode which you scan before buying to make sure you have the correct product if you need that peace of mind.

Shopmium app review.

One thing I would like to mention with this app is where I can get caught out in regard to the deal. 

Below is a screenshot it says 50p off and sometimes in a rush I have been caught out with not thinking straight and misreading the information thinking the product was the amount off as opposed to just the amount of the product if that makes sense. 

If it says the rice is 25p off it doesn't mean that the rice is 25p it means that if the rice is £1.25 then it will cost you £1.00 and you will get the 25p cashback returned to you by Shopmium in your Paypal. 

So always be careful reading what the deal is as you may be short-changed and you may not necessarily get the deal you wanted. 

Shopmium app review.


My opinion of this app is it is brilliant,  I don't think it is good as Checkoutsmart (which is a similar cashback app to Shopmium). Then again there are some really good offers, and I have in the past saved some money so I can't complain especially when often there is a lot of free or reduced food. 
It can give you chance to try something new where you might not normally go and chose a product which I think is a great way of testing something out. 

What is your opinion of Shopmium? have you tried it? love to hear your thoughts in the comment section down below. 

Cheers for reading X

Sunday 27 March 2022

My Sunday Photo 27/03/2022

My eldest did an art piece for school and he put a lot of effort into completing a portrait of King Henry VIII. We are really proud of him and it is going to be hung up in a new art gallery local to us when it gets opened up soon. 

Cheers for reading X 


Friday 25 March 2022

The best Easter decorations to buy this year

The best Easter decorations to buy this year

 1. Poundland - gonks - £1.

These little fellas are only £1 but come in lovely pastel coloured hats and have showcased their impressive white beards to brighten up your home for Easter.  There are four to collect and they make a great little collection. 

2. T.K.Maxx  - Green moss Easter bunny - £9.99.

This sweet Easter bunny would look great in the garden. I like the contest between the green moss of the rabbit's body and the floral bunnies' ears, definitely something a bit different from your traditional design. 

3. Next - Easter hanging decoration - £5. 

This charming Easter wall decoration from next is subtle in design. I like the play on words with hoppy Easter and the two bunnies sitting together on a bench is so loveable makes you wonder what they are thinking about. 

4. The Range - Louise Brown hare cushion - £10.99.

This beautiful duck egg cushion gives me all the country-living feels. The design is stunning and would make a great addition to anyone's home for Easter or any time of the year actually!

5. Wilko - Easter mug - £4.00. 

**SWEAK** how adorable is this cute play on words Easter mug. It is a perfect cup to pour your morning brew in and put a smile on your face for the day. The design is adorable with the rabbit ears and whiskers incorporated within the text. 

6. Wayfair - Easter wreath - £115.99.

This beautiful wreath covered in pastel eggs would look amazing on the door greeting you when you come home. It is not too overpowering in colour but has enough detail to make a statement so it is a real winner in my eyes. 

7. Poundstretcher - Easter hanging wooden sign  - £1.00. 

A cute but straightforward wooden sign saying happy Easter and heat is even better is that it only costs £1, what an absolute bargain!

8. The British Craft House - bunny rabbit bunting - £22.50. 

My heart just melted at this super adorable bunny punting. How beautiful is it with the great and mint bunnies with blue love hearts in felt material that makes such a cosy vibe feel to a room. 

9. Lights4fun - bunny Easter wreath - £25.99.

This is something a bit different from what I normally see in the Easter decoration section this beavuation rabbit head woven wood with faux flowers and lights attached, It can easily be placed on a door, wall, or even a shelf and it is light up will give a cosy vibe. 

10. B&M - £2.00. 

What an eggcellent way to start Easter breakfast with eggs on toast. These cute bunny egg holders are too cute to resist and would make a great addition to anyone's kitchen (plus you can use them all year round which is a bonus :D ). 

What is your favorite item on my eater decoration list? Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section down below. 

Cheers for reading X


Monday 21 March 2022

How to deal with panic attacks

Hey readers,

As a person with anxiety for many years I have had to deal with a fair few panic attacks in my time. Now the first thing I want to mention is don't worry if you have expressed panic attacks recently they are nothing threatening and they are just a way for the body to respond to the anxiety.

How to deal with panic attacks

Historically we had a response called flight or fight in x times where it was a way to survive where we would either fight or run, normally run especially when there is a hungry tiger coming at yours. Sadly, we haven't evolved enough as humans to get rid of that response in our brain so therefore even though most like changes of bumping into a scary animal is like we still respond the same way when we are in an anxious situation.

 The downfall is that we can produce too much adrenaline and lack of oxygen where we panic and do not breathe correctly because we are panicking too much which in turn escalates to a panic attack. One of the symptoms is you feel like you can not breathe properly. So, I am going to give you my top tips on how to manage a panic attack.

1. No worry.

My best advice when it comes to a panic attack does not worry you are not going to die and that the feelings will dispense within time. I used to be scared of panic attacks or do anything to stop them but actually, they come whether you want it or not. Embrace it and go with it. 

A good visualization is like a wave when it builds up high but then it will fall again and that is a  panic attack in a sense. I have had many and they can confirm they do reach a point and you can get back on the even level soon, you just need to relax and breathe is the fundamental goal.

2. Breathe.

If you're breathing quickly during a panic attack, doing a breaking exercise can ease your other symptoms. 

Try this breath in as slowly, deeply, and gently as you can, through your nose. Breathe out slowly, deeply, and gently through your mouth,. Some people find it helpful to count steadily from one to five on each in-breath and each out-breath. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing. You should start to feel better in a few minutes. You may feel tired afterward so do anything too strenuous. 

3. Positive statements. 

When you are feeling anxious and panicky it can be helpful to use positive statements which can be used to remind you that panic is not dangerous and isn't harmful. The type of positive statements are:

* Panic is simply high levels of anxiety.

*  By remembering these symptoms are nothing more than anxiety, I can prevent further symptoms from occurring. 

My anxiety and panic will pass naturally given time, it doesn't last forever.

I can continue without needing to escape or avoid. 

I have never fainted, choked, or had a heart attack. 

Reminding yourself of these facts can help to prevent further panic cycles from happening. 

4. Drink water.

Dehydration can cause more than just thirst and dry lips. It can also set the heart racing and make you feel light-headed and dizzy, all sensations that are common during panic attacks. Be sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day to ward off any 'thirsty' mood swings. 

5. Distractions.

Having distractions techniques can help you focus on something else when you're in a panicked, anxious, or distressed state. Although it may seem like a difficult thing to do, it can become a useful and healthy way of coping with the situation. Here are some ideas that you could try out, or ask your close friends and relatives to do with the tour when you need support. 

* Counting things around you for example how many blue things are in your room. 

* Doodling or colouring. 

* Counting backwards from 10, then from 25, and then 50. 

* Focussing on your breathing, but breathing in for forum, holding your breath for four, and then breathing out for four

* Image a place where you feel safe, and then imagine the sounds you can hear in that place. 

Have you ever experienced panic attacks? What has worked for you to help reduce anxiety during those difficult times? Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section down below. 

Cheers for reading X

Sunday 20 March 2022

My Sunday Photo 20/03/2022


Friday 18 March 2022

My spring clothing wish list 2022.

 Hey readers, 

As of 20th March, it is officially Spring, yay which means lighter nights, warmer days, and not so many layers in clothing. I have selected 10 pieces of garments that I think are amazing and would love to have for the spring season.

My spring clothing wish list 2022.

1. Yours Clothing - £23.99.

My spring clothing wishlist 2022.

My first piece is this lovely light green knit from Yours Clothing. It is light but it is not too heavy but great if you just want a little bit of extra clothing on to keep you warm.

2. Asos - £25.00.

My spring clothing wishlist 2022.

This next piece is from Asos is a lovely mini midi dress in bright pink and red with the fun design of flowers on, a great design to brighten up my wardrobe. 

3. Kaleidoscope - £59.00.

My spring clothing wishlist 2022.

Sometimes during changes of season, it can be hard to know what to do regarding coats as sometimes it can be too hot for a full coat and sometimes is enough to protect you from the chili breeze. Well, I have a perfect solution to this dilemma with this stunning purple blazer from Kaleidoscope is a perfect statement piece to have you can wear smart occasions or wear it casual with trainers and jeans making it a very versatile piece to have. 

4. River island - £32.00. 

My spring clothing wishlist 2022.

Coming in next is this casual number from River Island with this light blue oversized shirt for the perfect casual look and it is so versatile whether it is done up or let loose you can make it match any outfit you want.

5. Sainsbury's - £22.00.

My spring clothing wishlist 2022.

Nothing says comfort like mom jeans and these jeans are a little bit different than the norm with the white daisy embroidery on them, they will be perfect to team up with a white t-shirt and trainers. You can purchase these jeans from Sainsbury's.

6. Matalan - £12.50.

My spring clothing wishlist 2022.

This pink top from Matalan is so cute with the thrilled sleeve top, it will keep you warm but not too much so partnering with trainers is perfect for the spring season. 

7. Asda - £12.50. 

My spring clothing wishlist 2022.

Of course, with every great outfit a good bag is a must, Check out this lovely black pleased crossbody bag from Asda. It is black so makes it suitable for a variety of different outfits that you can wear throughout the springtime. 

8. Next - £80.00. 

My spring clothing wishlist 2022.

Having a gilet is a great piece to have in the wardrobe especially during springtime when you want something a bit warm but not too hot this is a perfect solution for the dilemma, This is a longline belted gilet from Next which open and close depending on how warm you are and the colour I really like in khaki green. 

9. Joules - £45.95. 

My spring clothing wishlist 2022.

This dress from Joules is a lovely yellow spring colour with the spots to brighten anyone's day up. It is a lovely floaty dress that you can wear for casual park dates having picnics or dressing it up with tights and a cardigan for when it is more chili days to be had. 

10. Monsoon - 55.00. 

My spring clothing wishlist 2022.

These beautiful green cotton trousers from Monsoon with detailed floral embroidery at the side of the pockets and embellished with miniature beats give all the bohemian vibes. 

What is your favorite clothing item that I have picked for my spring clothing list? Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section down below.

Cheers for reading X 
