Sunday 13 January 2019

My Sunday Photo 13/01/2019

Saturday 12 January 2019

5 ways on how to eat mindfully.

Hey readers, 

I have had issues with my relationship for a long time and I have slowly been working hard to have a better grip on how I respond to food. One way in which I work on is a thing called mindfulness eating. 

What is mindfulness eating? 

In simple terms instead of rushing my food down me, I am consciously aware of my food and taking in all the feelings and sensations I great when I eat which means it makes me feel fuller for longer and I can enjoy eating instead of it being a chore. 

There are many different ways to do mindful eating and I am to explore them below.

1. Stop. 

I think because when I was growing up it was common practice to eat ALL your food of your plate because if you didn't it would be a waste and people seem more frugal when I was younger anyway. Even though I now know this is not a good practice to participate in. It is more important to listen to your body and stop when you feel full rather than just eating for the sake of eating. 

2. Listening. 

One of the techniques I have adapted with mindful eating is listening to your body and eating something when your stomach rumbles or your feeling faint because your blood sugar is low. It is ok to eat when you want, you don't have to eat junk food either it can be something small and satisfy like a piece of fruit or some yoghurt. Also, getting out of the bad habit of eating your emotions - this is something I have struggled with, whether it be good or bad times food is there as a way to deal with the emotions. Now I try other techniques such as going for a walk or buying a book I want when I want to celebrate something I want to achieve, 

3. Eating together. 

I am a binge eater though I am getting better it is working progress. A characteristic of binge eaters is eating alone, secretly and rushing the good down my gob without even thinking about it. Now, I try to eat with people or when I do have a binge do it outside with people - amazing how you don't rush around others. 

4. Diet.

At the end of the day food is fuel and getting the right nutrients is key in giving you that energy to feel better. It is better to eat a variety of food then just food that is comforting and being restricted. Eating meats, vegetables and some protein is all the way forward. 

5. Sit Down. 

I am guilty of rushing about, eating on the go and just doing something else whilst eating. A good habit is to sit down, take your time and focus on just at the moment eating the food, making sure it is chewed enough and enjoying the flavours. It is a lot more enjoyable eating food this way and adapting to a slower pace. You feel better for it after and if you take the time to eat slower you reduce the risks of getting indigestion.

Cheers for reading X 

Wednesday 9 January 2019

4 ways to help Seasonal Affective Disorder

Hey readers,

The days are so gloomy and dark that they can really influence your mood and impact your day. During the winter months, a lot of people experience a seasonal condition called Seasonal Affective Disorder.

What is a Seasonal Affective Disorder?

It is a condition that happens during the dark, cold short days and the long nights during Winter. When you experience not a lot of light it can really suck all your energy out of you. Suffers have also expressed feels of lethargic, low libido and restless sleep.

There is a theory to support Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) when the light goes into the eyes it can react to the hormones in your body which affects your mood. Hence why people feel much more cheerful when the sun comes out to play.
Another theory is that suffers from SAD when experiencing lack of daylight and shorter days will produce higher levels of melatonin which makes them feel lethargic
One in 15 people in the UK is known to suffer from SAD.

Of course, if you are feeling depressed then the first port of call would be to go and speak to your GP to get the right professional support needed to tackling SAD.

Tips to help SAD.

1. SAD lamps.

You probably have seen Sad lamps that specialise in producing a lamp that mimics daylight. 

Apparently having the light that feels like outdoor light has been able to help suffers from SAD feel better.

These light boxes are aimed to help with light therapy were the individual sitting in front of the light for 30 minutes say will help them feel better in their body and mind with having exposure to light during the winter months.

There is a variety of light boxes now on the market and there are even ones that can work with your alarm clock that gradually build light into the room making it much more manageable to get up in the dark winter mornings.

2. Diet.

Food is energy and it is important to have the right food for keeping your energy levels high. Reduce the amount of sugar in your diet and opt for fish, fruit and vegetables.

3. Vitamin supplements.

People who suffer from SAD have reported that taking vitamin B12 and vitamin D has also helped with their mood.

4. Outdoors.


Sometimes going outdoors even though it is cold can do wonders for your mood.
It is a great way of getting some exercise in and blowing the cobwebs off.
Wrap up warm and see the beauty that nature has to offer. 

Incorporating 30 minutes exercise a day can help produce the feel-good chemicals such as serotonin so it will enhance your mood. Going outdoors will also allow you to get the natural outdoor light as well as an added benefit for exercising outdoors.

What things help you beat the winter blues?

Cheers for reading X

Tuesday 8 January 2019

10 things that make me happy right now.

Hey readers,

January is a funny old month, it can be a bit miserable and a wet month where you skint and a bit fatter. so I thought to cheer myself up I am going to write about currently things that make me happy during the January month.

1. This Christmas I got my favourite presents which is my beloved rainbow and glitter lava lamp which I love dearly. Not only is my lava lamp really pretty but it helps me calm me down when I am having a meltdown because of my autism. I love watching the glitter as it is so calming the way the glitter swirls around.

2. I am so grateful for routine especially after Christmas and new year holiday where everything seems to go out the window and can be a bit much. Routine helps give me that calmness and order that makes me feel safe and less anxious.

3. even though it is cold and bleugh I enjoy winter walks where the frost is twinkling on the floor and you get a cold nose. u like being in the open and helps my mental health a lot. not to mention it burns off kids excessive energy that they have.

4. photograph helps give me focus and allows me to dip into my creative side. I enjoy experimenting and learning through trial and error. photography gets me excited and looking for something fun that captures my eye.

5. during the colder months I love nothing and better then to snuggle in my head with my heated blanket on full blast. especially we. you look out of the window and it is all grey, this is the ultimate cosy for me.

6. I do love a good old book to get lost in. I partial to a psychological thriller because the suspense keeps me going and wanting to read more.

7. I love cups of tea during winter, there is just something lovely about wrapping your hands around a hot brew and breathing in the warmth from the stream.

8. Cuddles from my boys and the fact that they love me even though I am flawed they see the good in me. To have that love unconditional is a gift in its self especially when I am feeling sad I hold on to that love a little bit harder.

9. Hot showers are bliss especially when you have burning red skin. When you go out in the cold and it takes you ages to get warm to then have that shower to warm you all over is bliss. Followed by getting to my warm pyjamas is heavenly for me, it is the small things really.

10. Finally, my last favourite thing I have been enjoying in January is throws and I am really fluffy and soft. I love snuggling down in the evening, the only downfall is that I don't want to anything other than veg out.

What kind of things tickles your pickle in January? I would love to hear your thoughts.

Cheers for reading X
3 Little Buttons

Sunday 6 January 2019

my biggest pet peeves

Hey readers,

This post is going to be a rant about all the little things that niggle me and that wish I could just ban them from happening.

Loud cheers.

chips close colors crisps
My biggest pet peeve ever is when people eat loudly, especially with food like crisps on a bus where I can not escape. Or if I am at the library on a computer writing blog posts and all I can hear is the loudly chomping, it infuriates me beyond belief.

Husband snoring.

When my husband snores so frigging loudly and even if I push him in the back he seems to be unresponsive. It is SO loud and I literally just stare at the ceiling causing my husband under my breathe.

Being late.

I hate being late it sets off my anxiety. I would rather be early and wait then fear of being on the spot and the attention on me. I have social anxiety and it is one of my biggest fears. Ironically my husband is much more laid back then me and happens to 99.9% cutting it fine to get to places.

Slow walkers.

You know them types the people that walk ridiculously slow in front of you and then they have the check to move about when you try to pass them and hurry alone. It is like they have eyes in the pack of their heads or something.

Line cutters.

germany kiosk line lunch

You know the people that think the rules don't apply to them and feel that they can do as they please and skin in the line regardless of anyone else who has taken ages waiting.

Kids talking over you.

Bloody kids talking over you when you are mid-sentence and then they shout so no one knows what is happening or what to do next as you lose your train of thought.

Car indicators.

Why do we have indicators in cars to show others what they are planning to do on the road not only for car drivers but also pedestrians who want to cross the road say? We may as well get rid of them and live in chaos.


When people take a handful of napkins from an eatery and they intend to use only one. What a waste and why did they need to take a handful why not one.

Dog poop.

You are walking somewhere and you spot a dog having a poo and the owner than with no care in the world not bother to clean up after them, absolutely disgusting and no respect for others at all.

Car park spaces.

mercedes benz parked in a row

When people take up to car spaces when they clearly use one but are just selfish and don't think of others.

Loud noise.

When people purposely whack up the volume of the phone and blast their music on public transport and don't bother to even have headphones. They just don't care for the fact that maybe not everyone wants to listen to your rubbish music.

What pet peeves rile you up the wrong way?

Cheers for reading X

my Sunday Photo 06/01/2019

Saturday 5 January 2019

The cheesiest of pick up lines.

Hey readers,

I thought for a laugh I would write a list of the worst pick up lines ever, enjoy!

8 Planets, 1 Universe, 1.735 billion people, and I end up with you.

Call me Shrek because I’m head ogre heels for you.

Do you have 11 protons? Because you’re sodium fine!

“Did you just fart? Because you blow me away!”

It’s handy that I have my library card because I’m totally checking you out.

Do you have a Band-Aid? ‘Cause I scraped my knee falling for you.

please call an ambulance your beauty I'd killing me.

I'm not a photographer, but I can picture me and you together.

If you were a vegetable you'd be a cute-cumber.

Are you an interior decorator? Because when I saw you, the entire room became beautiful.

Let me tie your shoes, cause I don't want you falling for anyone else.

Are you an omelette? Because you're making me egg-cited!

Did you sit in a pile of sugar? Cause you have a pretty sweet ass.

Do you have a pencil? Cause I want to erase your past and write our future.

Do you know what my shirt is made of? Boyfriend material.

"Do you have an ugly boyfriend? No? Want one?"

You must be a banana because I find you a peeling.

On a scale from 1 to 10, you're a 9 and I'm the 1 you need.

You can call me Nemo because I'm never afraid to touch the butt.

I might as well call you 'Google' because you're everything I've been searching for.
Did the sun just come out or did you just smile at me?

Can I have your picture so I can show Santa what I want for Christmas?

If you stood in front of a mirror and held up 11 roses, you would see 12 of the most beautiful things in the world.

Can I follow you? Cause my mom told me to follow my dreams.

I value my breath so it would be nice if you didn't take it away every time you walked past.

I without you is like a nerd without braces, A shoe without laces, aSentenceWithoutSpaces.

Do you want to play house with me?
You can be the front door, and I'll slam you until sunrise.

Hey girl, feel my sweater. Know what it's made of?
Boyfriend material.

You make me wanna go inside your wine cabinet and pull myself out a stiff one.

I want you to know something but I'm too scared to tell you in person. So I'll just let the first 3 words of this sentence say it for me.

Is your dad a military general? Because when you walked by, my privates snapped to attention.
If you were a triangle you'd be acute one!

Sorry, it took me so long to message, I was at Whole Foods trying to figure out what you like for breakfast.

What's a smart attractive man like myself doing without your phone number?

What is your favourite pick up line?

Cheers for reading X