Tuesday 4 December 2018

Sensory Overload

Hey readers,

Today is a wet and miserable Saturday. I took the boys to go and see Santa because it was the best day for us with everything else that's happening in the run-up to Christmas. Also, like to mention husband was here as well so I had that support him.

I thought it would be a good time to take my eldest who is potentially autistic though we are in the process of getting him assessed.

I thought if he has a less busy day he may be able to manage better. However, that did not seem to be the case. He struggled with the experience. I don't know why but husband commented on the fact that his heart was racing and he was asking million and one questions. Overall, he was just generally really anxious and agitated.

Anyway, we decided to go to Sainsbury's which is just across the road from where we have been to see Santa in town. I wish I could stay outside with the boys because I hate going to the supermarket with other people, especially at a really busy supermarket. Of course, it was absolutely pouring it down. Why is it when it pours down and you feel meh it just makes it feel much worse.

I haven't been in a supermarket on a Saturday for a very long time and safe to say I still hate it with a passion, now I understand why I avoid it at all costs.

Not only was I struggles but also both boys were too. I don't think it helped that they were tired after walking about and with all the excitement of seeing Santa.

My eldest who decided to kick off in the supermarket and just say no to everything, however, we did give him a toy to help keep his mind occupied rather than focus on the anxiety. At this point, I was slowly beginning to crack up because I was really struggling with so many different factors I was on the brink of having a meltdown.

I generally forgot how bright the lights in the ceiling really affects my vision. Not to mention the noise was so loud, people were here and there with no order. My boys were arguing and demanding for this and that.

I had anxiety already as I knew my son could potentially kick off at any minute.
I needed to get out and I did I think at the right time. I feel a failure now because I just can't cope. Why did I have children? these type of questions circler my head because I am rubbish and still can't believe my husband allowed me to have children.

Yes, this is in the moment but these feelings are strong and they are hard to leave them behind. I am feeling yet again like an inadequate parent. I know that is the difficult part of having autism as a parent with having to face many a challenge. Somedays I can manage where others all I want to do is break down in a crumble and hideaway. So, I decided to write down my feelings in this blog post to help me accept the situation and not let it eat away internally.

Cheers for reading X

Thursday 22 November 2018

Hey readers,

This week's word of the week is:

As you are aware my son goes to beavers and each week one of the beavers gets to take home the cuddly beaver for a week. Well, this week it was my eldest turn, though it could have been my youngest as he too is a beaver now. So, at the weekend we have been carrying him about and on Saturday we took the beaver on a nature work to get some photos in. The beaver was so lucky he even got to go down the slide....Haha!

My boys share a bed together and of course, beaver had been taking part in a sleepover. I went into the bedroom the other night to see beaver the beaver tucked right in the middle between my two boys, cuteness overload.

I think the hardest part of having beaver is that my son gets very attached to him, so when we have to return the beaver he gets distraught. We have been telling him that he need let other children have a go because it is important to share and that if he is good then he may come back another week. This has helped him understand and feel a bit calmer.
Hope you have had a good week.

Cheers for reading X

Sunday 18 November 2018

My Sunday photo 18/11/2018


Hey readers,

This week has been


Because I have had a nasty cold and cough and that allows makes you feel ugh. 

I just haven't got the energy and there is always something you need to be doing. I did manage to go on a family walk on Saturday with the family, which I really enjoyed. 

I am glad I pushed myself to go out as I really didn't want to. The fresh air and taking photographs are two of my favourite things to do, so doing that really helped lift my mood.

I have also been on my period this week as ladies we all know what a pain and emotional wreck that can be. My anxiety is through the roof because of it. At least it is done now for another month, silver linings and all that.

I hope you have had a good week.

Cheers for reading X

Sunday 11 November 2018

My Sunday Photo 11/11/2018

Friday 9 November 2018

Hey readers,

My word is:

I don't know why but every year I get worked up about Christmas and I have to get all the presents sorted out. I tend to get very stressed because it is a chance and that stresses me out.

It doesn't help that things have gone wrong and you need to find the money to replace them, sod's law and all that. I wish I had savings but too poor for that. So, you worry about it all. Anyhow that has been sorted and is a huge relief. But the other night I spend writing and rewriting lists as it calms me. I just go into panic mode because I gotta kind of thing outside of the box and try to budget. 

I think because everywhere Christmas is being pushed now after Halloween has been done and dusted. anyhow, I got it all planned and feel back in control.
Cheers for reading X

Friday 2 November 2018


Hey readers,

My word or the week is:

as it is the return school and the non-stop letters and now double the number of letters I receive as I have two kids that go to school now.

Of course, I had to mention Halloween. We decorated the home and looks awesome. Both boys went to a Halloween party and loved every minute of it especially when they had to try and eat a doughnut hanging up.

 They got suited and booted as well with their outfits - a witch and a Skelton. There was a disco and my eldest has really gotten into recently dancing so definitely in his element with that.

I am loving the early dark nights. I just feel more relaxed maybe because there are fewer people knocking around haha. I was also impressed with how well the boys managed with the clocks going back.

Cheers for Reading X