Showing posts with label word of the week. Show all posts


Hey readers,

My word of the week is:

because I do not know if you are aware but the sun has been shinning a lot. I even dusted down my sandals, bliss to have air circulating around your feet.

  Now, that the temperatures have been mild I have also taken advantage of this factor and washing on the line all week, of course, I had to mention washing because I am a mum right and it feels like I am permanently in and out of the washing machine, lol. 

I am also walking more now that I treated myself last week to a Fitbit, it is a great motivator and much better than the old pedometer. I am definitely been out more and opted to walk instead of not doing any exercise which feels wonderful, of course, it also helps that the sunshine has been out which makes it much more of an enjoyable affair. 

Hope you have had a good week., 

CHeers for reading X

Half term

Hey readers,

My word of the week is 

because we have just had a week off school for half term holiday. My eldest really enjoys the break and rest from school as he has told me. 

Both boys have had some extra swimming lessons so that has helped burn up some energy. 

But let's not forget the homework, which I feel is relentless but we cracked on with it to get it done. 

We have also been to the dreaded dentist
 I had really bad intrusive thoughts over the fear of all my teeth falling out.

 I had a new dentist and he was really understanding. He understand and talked me through what was happening which helped my anxiety a lot. 

The boys loved the dentist and the novelty of the dentist chair lol plus they even got free balloon, simple pleasures and all that hey. 

Hope you have had a good week. 

Cheers for reading X 


Hey readers,

My word of the week is:

This is because I've had a couple of changes and that something I struggle with. but hey go carry on and all the stuff. 

My youngest had an awful cough and was sick because of the mucus. His temp was also up and on Monday he was like death. So he had a couple of days to recuperate.  

Also, this week both my boys had the opportunity of parents coming to have lunch with them. Sadly my youngest was sick but my eldest was fine so he had the choice of mummy and daddy. 

So he picked me eek was expecting that. Still, even though my anxiety was through the roof I did it by myself so was that slightly nerve-wracking. my eldest was also very tense and anxious so I something to focus on to try and keep him calm. 

He also is not good with the change to routine and he doesn't like the noise which was a lot more now that there were more people than normal in the dinner Hall. 

Anyhow, hope you have had a good week 

Cheers for reading. X
Hey readers,

This week's word of the week is:

As you are aware my son goes to beavers and each week one of the beavers gets to take home the cuddly beaver for a week. Well, this week it was my eldest turn, though it could have been my youngest as he too is a beaver now. So, at the weekend we have been carrying him about and on Saturday we took the beaver on a nature work to get some photos in. The beaver was so lucky he even got to go down the slide....Haha!

My boys share a bed together and of course, beaver had been taking part in a sleepover. I went into the bedroom the other night to see beaver the beaver tucked right in the middle between my two boys, cuteness overload.

I think the hardest part of having beaver is that my son gets very attached to him, so when we have to return the beaver he gets distraught. We have been telling him that he need let other children have a go because it is important to share and that if he is good then he may come back another week. This has helped him understand and feel a bit calmer.
Hope you have had a good week.

Cheers for reading X


Hey readers

My word of the week is:

I just had one of them weeks when things have been testing me and make me think what is the whole point of it all really.

I went the other day to a place further afield from where I live so had to get the bus which is stressful for me in its self. When I get to the place this was on a Wednesday morning post 9 am and oh my gosh the place was heaving full of oaps. 

I am not used to this environment so really struggled to navigate and manage the noise.  Typical I picked the busiest day of the week. 

Then I go do a bit shopping for odds and sods and then get to the till and find I have not got my bank card it is at home. I then panic at the to and have a panic attack. So that was frustrating because it took time to go there and come back.

The next thing that annoyed me was instructions and people making them clear meaning that was is expected is not being reached.

Anyway, it's a half-term holiday so we can have a jolly good rest from it all.

I hope you have had a good week.

Cheers for reading X


Hey readers,

My word of the week is:

because my emotions have been very up-down. I have felt frustrated with the school regarding my son and feeling like I am fighting a battle. I have been struggling with depression (but won't depress you with that).

 I have also had some happy moments because depression is not always a straight line and mental health is very messy.

I was proud of my son this week as he received marvellous reader award from school. He hadn't needed to be asked to read this week because he has been really loving Roald Dhal Revolting rhymes, he was hooked. I also dug out Dirty Beasts by Roald Dhal this week and he was hooked. He loves the funny dark side of tales, which is a very good choice in my

Also, this week I and hubby had a checky date night during a school night, haha. We went to see Simon Evans at Loughborough. It was a good night and just h tonic needed for both of us.
Hope you have had a good week.

Cheers for reading X