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7 Places to go to get a free hot drink.

Hey readers,

Who doesn't love a freebie? Well today I bring you 7 places where you can get your hands on a free hot drink how amazing is that?!

1. Ikea. 

If you haven't already then I would recommend you get an Ikea family card. It is really easy to do just pick up a form online or in store and register your details. In the next few days, you will receive an Ikea family card. It gives you benefits such as 10% of sale items, free product insurance, food offers and of course free tea or coffee during weekdays if that isn't enough of incentive I don't know what is. 

2. Waitrose. 

If you have joined up with MyWaitrose loyalty scheme you can get free coffee, however, Waitrose last year have stopped using disposable cups you do need to bring your own reusable cup to access this free offer of tea or coffee at the self-service machine. 

3. Greggs. 

This next opportunity is a one-off offer where you can get a hot drink (regular size tea, latte, coffee etc) when you sign up to Greggs reward app. The app is available on Apple and Andriod. Once you have signed up you have 31 days to go in the store and claim your free reward. 

4. O2 Rewards. 

If you have an O2 sim then you can every week on a Tuesday or Wednesday get a free drink at Cafe Nero (plus you can add the stamps on the Cafe Nero app and when you get 6 stamps you can get another free drink anytime you want from Cafe Nero). 

You do need to scan the barcode from the O2 rewards app and the free drink is only available after 12 pm.

5. My John  Lewis.

You can sign up to the free John Lewis card where you can get a free cake and hot drink this month. 

6. My Gatwick. 

If you are travelling ar Gatwick sign up to My Gatwick and then you are entitled to free coffee amongst other offers. 

7. Booths. 

If you live up north then you probably have heard of Booths which is a food, wine and a grocery store. Sign up to the Booths loyalty card and when you take in your reusable cup it entitles you to a free hot drink. 

Are there any other places that I have missed off the list where you can get free hot drinks?

Cheers for reading X 

Companies that reward you for recycling

Hey readers,

Do you want to get some cash for old items that you do not use then one way to do this is to exchange your old items for new? Not only do you get some cash but also recycling will help the environment win-win.  

There are many companies that now offer money for the exchange of old items and below are a list of some companies that offer this service. 


So H & M offer a point service where you drop a bag of old clothing and doesn't matter about the condition you can still get rewarded. Every bag you hand into H&M you can get a £5  voucher off your next £30 shopping in H&M. 


Lush are very good with reducing packaging on their items. With your empty tubs, you can return 5 empty containers and you can get a free Lush fash mask. 

Mac Cosmetics.

Mac is promoting ways to reduce waste and you can be part of the Mac recycling programmes (which has been running for many years). What you have to do to receive a reward is to return six empty man containers and Mac also collect 'primary packaging'  that material that encases the product. You can return the recycled items to a Mac store or online. For your reward in returning the item, you get a MAC lipstick for free. 


Windows offers you a Microsoft reward card when you return computers or games and then you can buy something new in store. 


Colgate since last year has started doing a recycle reward scheme in conjunction with Terracycle.  For each shipment of waste over 200 grams, the sender will receive TerraCycle points, which can then be redeemed to the charity, non-profit or school of the sender’s choice. One kilogramme of waste will earn 100 points, worth £1 – so the larger the shipment, the greater the reward, making it beneficial for large organisations and councils to sign up and create community collection points.


Costa coffee gives 25p off your coffee when you bring in your own reusable cup instead of using a Costa disposable one. 


If you have any old ink cartridges knocking about then take them to Tesco as they will reward you in points for recycling old ink cartridges. The points vary from 25-100 Clubcard points. There is also a minimal of 100 cartridges each year for Tesco card holder. 

M & S. 

M & S have teamed up with Oxfam where if you donate branding clothing or soft furnishing you can get £5 off voucher a £35 M & S shop.

Monki offer when you hand in your old clothes and textile items a 10% off voucher in one purchase. Bear in mind that the voucher lasts up to 6 months as a way of saying thank you. 

Do you do recyling? Is there a place that offers rewards that I havent mentiuoned. Love yo hear tour comments in the comment secition. 

Cheers for reafing X