50 boredom jar ideas.

Hey readers, 

Those who can handle adversity often do. Although, as a parent, we know to help with creativity by making an I'm Bored Jar to help give ideas for things to do when boredom hits.

What is a bored jar? 

A bored jar is a container with ideas for things to do when your child gets bored. It doesn't have to be a jar; it may also be a tiny box, tub, or bag. Even though our bored jar is just a simple recycling container with some lollipops inside, it is essential in our home.

Building a fort, making the bed or painting rocks are just a few examples of creative, fun or practical ideas. Ideally, these activities should be ones your child can perform in and around your home.

Therefore, you can go to the jar, box, or tub, and you'll have many ideas at your disposal if your kids get bored, or you run out of things to do for the day.

50 boredom jar ideas.

The type of things to our on a stick are enjoyable, like going on a nature hunt or making an obstacle course; others will make your kids think a little harder.

 To put it another way, there is a possibility that they will reach into the "I'm bored" jar and discover an activity that will make them feel less bored than they had anticipated. 

They might visit the "I'm Bored Jar" for the remainder of the year, then.

Check out these 50 I'm Bored Jar ideas right now!

50 bored jar ideas. 

1. 30 mins YouTube. 

2. Bake a cake. 

3. Build a Den. 

4. Play football in the garden.

5. Tidy your room.

6. Play Dress Up.

7. Watch a movie.

8. Paint a picture.

9. Vacuum the house.

10. Create a scavenger hunt.

11. Transform a cardboard box into a house, car, or whatever you want.

12. Build an awesome fort, inside or outside.

13. Research an insect, animal, planet, or country. 

14. Build a bridge that can support a tennis ball. 

15. Use a large piece of paper to draw a neighbourhood map. 

16. Create a new language – create a dictionary of terms. 

17. Make friendship pins or friendship bracelets. 

18. Make an original board game. 

19. Do twenty star jumps. 

20. Write someone a letter. 

21. Have a disco. 

22. Paint your family. 

23. Make the beds. 

24. Design a new car. 

25. Play charades. 

26. Craft a robot from recycling. 

27. Paint rocks. 

28. Call a grandparent. 

29. Dress up. 

30. Try some yoga. 

31. Dance to loud music. 

32. Tidy craft cupboard. 

33. Sew something. 

34. Bake cookies. 

35. Make some ice lollies.
36. Ride your bike. 

37. Water balloon fight. 

38. Wash the car. 

39. Make something with buttons.  

40. Read a book. 

41. Write in your holiday book. 

42. Tidy your bedroom. 

43. Do one job. 

44. Draw something. 

45. Draw an animal. 

46. Draw our house. 

47. Paint something. 

48. Watch a movie. 

49. Do something for someone. 

50. 30 mins on your computer console.

Cheers for reading X  

1 comment

  1. These are fantastic ideas especially since it's not just crafty things or things which take a lot of effort.
