Friday 24 February 2023

Homework in primary schools should be banned

 Hey readers, 

I have two children aged 9 and 11, both in primary school, who also get homework each week.

I believe that homework should not be given to children in primary schools for many reasons, which I shall discuss below.

The first point I want to make is that giving homework each week makes students tired when exhausted from the long week
 of learning at school. 

I feel weekends should be a time for children to relax and not waste themselves doing homework. 

Doing homework at the weekend leaves children tired, making them not have the energy to do sports or exercise, for example, especially if, like my son, they have additional needs like autism, which means it takes longer to process the information and can cause emotional outbursts. 

Homework in primary schools should be banned

Not only that, homework takes up a lot of time, especially as not all children can immediately comply; it can be a lot of hard work to get kids to do the job, which leads them little time to do any hobbies or activities to help them relax and wind down. 

Another point I like to raise is that it causes conflict within the family home because it is a lot of stress for parents to get children to do their homework. 

Children don't always want to work at home because they see work as being at school and fun at home.

 It can cause arguments when frustrations arise to get the child to do the job or if a parent doesn't understand how to explain what is needed of them. 

With parents, it can cause problems as what they learned at school, say 20 to 30 years ago, can be utterly different learning to what their child is used to now.

 This can cause the child to get more confused if they have two different ways of being told how to learn something, and they could get it muddled up in their head.

 The parents need to understand the child's way of learning, and sometimes this does not happen, which can cause conflict.

Homework often puts children off education as it is deemed pointless, tedious, stressful and tiring. 

Usually, teacher underestimates how long it takes, and they forget that not all children have access to a quiet environment causing them to struggle to focus on doing their homework at home. 

Also, homework leads to negative consequences if not done right with negative feedback or detention (even in primary school, they still lose out on playtime if children do not do their homework on time).

 Therefore this can leave a bitter taste in a young person's mouth and make them demotivated later on from wanting to continue in education or, even worse, drop out or skip school entirely. 

The proof is in the pudding, as they say, and you now have to look at Finland, which sets minimum homework but remains one of the most successful education systems in the countries of the world. 

What do you think about homework? 

Do you think it is a good thing or a bad thing? Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section down below. 

Cheers for reading X 


  1. I had so many battles with my girls when they were in primary school to do their homework, especially my youngest. What should have taken half an hour was taking double that on a Friday and then reading every night, spellings to learn and whatever else they added. Being forced to read a book every night from school really put my youngest off reading. In secondary school homework is acceptable but not in primary school. x
