Sunday 25 August 2019

My Sunday photo 25/08/2019

Friday 23 August 2019

How to slow down in your life.

Hey readers,

Let's face it life in this technological world can be very fast-paced that can be difficult to stop, think and appreciate what you have around you. I have come up with my favorite top ways to help you slow down and just be present at the moment.

Do Less.

I for one struggle at times with this idea that I need to be on the go all the time. However, I am slowly wising up to the fact that sometimes you just need to do less. 

I have found that in actual fact, in the long run, this will affect overall production because you are getting the rest and not working yourself into the ground. My theory that I try to follow is slow and steady wins the race.

Be present. 

Sometimes we can get lost whether through stress or obsessing something that is good to get into the habit of checking in. This is where on the spot just stop and focus on the environment around you, you will be amazed how good you feel when you get into this habit. 

Do nothing for 10 minutes. 

I just have this thing where I stop doing things for 10 minutes. I have found lying on my bed in the evening looking at the washing moving in the wind on the washing line calming. this helps me to chill out without constantly go, go, go. 

Say no.

Learn the art of saying no because you know what you can because you have a voice and you have that right. Don't feel ashamed because you need to look after yourself. 


Learn the art of delegating tasks. Focus on the most important ones that need to do. Then if you have completed the less important jobs schedule a different time to do the tasks. Be kind to yourself, Rome wasn't built in a day.

Write down.

Write down things that give you pleasure and that you appreciate it. Allow yourself to enjoy the memories and do something positive for you instead of constantly thinking of what to do next. 

Don't multi-task.

I am one of these people that get caught up doing too many things in one go. I find focusing on one thing at one time much better for me and has better results in the end. 


Sleep is so important and helpful to get a rest and break. Making sure you get enough sleep will help with your overall health. 

Turn off technology. 

Make time aside and turn off technology during the day. It will do you the world of good to have some downtime from the interweb. 

Spend time with friends and family.

It is important to spend time with loved ones because life shouldn't be all about work but also having fun and making memories. 

What kind of things help you to wind down? Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section below. 

Cheers for reading X 

Thursday 22 August 2019

Why mockups are key to helping move your blog forward. **AD**

Hey readers,
As a blogger design is important when it comes to giving a visual idea of who you are and what kind of style of writing you want to offer to your readers.
A great way to add personalisation to your blog site or pictures on your posts is by buying digital items called mockups.

If you have not heard of the term mock-ups it is basically a design term meaning an arrangement of text or pictures to be printed.

This is a brilliant concept as there many a variety to choose from so you get the ride design for you that is personal to how you want to express yourself.

Of course, mockups can be used in a variety of places, not just in the blogging world. You can use them to place pictures on clothing and give them as gifts. Or you could use them to get designs on clothing to say for a restaurant. You can even place the design on photos. So as you can see mockups are rather flexible in use in a variety of places.

Going back to blogging as I am a blogger and design and visual features are just as important as words.

Where can you get this mockup?

Well, a specially dedicated website called Design Buddles sells  mockup logo target="_blank">mockup logo. They provide a variety of different and affordable packages so you can tailor them to what you need. The type of packages is Graphics, Templates, Mock Ups, Patterns, Illustrations and Craft Files. 

At Design Bundles you can browse over 15, 000 marketplace products. An example of this would be a mockup logo where 20 different types of logos to add on. The type of things would be useful if you are a blogger and you want to see your merchandise you can get the logo on a cup, or sell t-shirts or even business cards that are going to blogging events and want to promote your blog as a professional blogger. 
20 Logos Mockups example image 1
The picture above demonstrates the kind of design for these 20 logo mockups and what it includes is:

* 20 PSD files.
* 20 Mockups.
* Smart objects to place your photos
* High resolution with 300ppi.
* 3000x2000px files.

So this is really easy to get professional-looking products to further your investment and growth of a blog. It is really easy to contact the individual who is designing and also it only cost £9.98.

Not only that but the designs are tailed to you and you can download them and edit them if you so which. This, therefore, allows you the choice to get the best design for you and your blog. 

Like I said before mockups don't just help out bloggers but they can expand to any area whether it is you wanting to sell products as a business or even perfect for special days like hen dos and want to have personalised t-shirts. 

Another important point I would like to make is that Design Bundles offer 24/7 technical support online so you don't have to worry if you don't feel confident as there is always somewhere there that can help you tackle any problems that you may occur. 

Cheers for reading X 

This is an ad for Design Bundles. However, all opinions expressed in this post are entirely my own. 

Tuesday 20 August 2019

Sensory overload and autism.

Hey readers, 

One of the problems I have is I get overloaded and my mind can't cope with all the information it wants to process.

 This is a big struggle for someone like myself on the autistic spectrum. It is very challenging and hard to deal with at times. 

This post was an idea where I wanted to discuss the impact of sensory overload as a person who is autistic. 

However, the ironic thing is I have been thinking about this post for at least three months beforehand because my head has been spinning as a result of overload. 

I had so my many thoughts that I wanted to write down but it is draughting because of how much there was to process.

I struggle to process thoughts especially when they are fast pasting causing me to stress out.

 I feel overloaded with information and one big thing for me when thinking about how autism affects me is the need for control. 

I am massively swayed to think in black and white and if it is not concrete with regards to my thoughts I find it extremely stressful to manage my thoughts. 

When I feel overloaded I feel at times excited but stressed because I want my thoughts in order and it feels messy.

 I have so many thoughts at times and I want to process them but can't because other thoughts appear.

 I like to take my time and look at the details of the information but when I am juggling these thoughts information gets lost because I can't hold all the information. it is nion impossible. It leads back to not being in control. 

Sensory is a big factor and overload doesn't just deal with thoughts though that is one big trigger for me. 

Another scenario that causes me to feel overwhelmed and the need to want to shut down is when I go shopping.

 My body aches after and when I return home and husband knows not to bother me for a while as I am snappy and need time to wind down.

 Before he used to ask questions and it would really cause me to get stressed out. 

It is mentally exhausting being in a busy environment with people walking in all different directions.

 I struggle with fast movement plus people unintentionally touching you causing me to feel nauseous. 

On top of that, there is space and big spaces and small ones make me feel suffocated.

 If I am in a big Asda store say for example there is humming noises above with the extract fans really hurt my ears. 

The music played in the supermarket is loud and words can cause an emotional response. 

Not to forget I have a need to take in all my environment which is tiring as there is so much to see.

 Then the ultimate thing is the cashier small talk where they ask questions and wait for a reply. 

I have learned to script replies beforehand to respond through new questions occur where I am not prepared. 

I stutter and worry afterward whether I said the right thing. 

I am not good at confidently speaking and saying something off the cuff. It does not come naturally to me.

Afterwards dealing with that over sensory experience leaves me drained because it has taken all my energy to get through the struggles. 

I can feel really dizzy and I need to time to lie down to help get my balance back. 

 So, in just one scenario it all adds up to the pivot point where I am having a sensory overload as there too much information to process. 

I need time and that is what is important to allow me to deal with the feelings and thoughts that I have experienced. I then need to work out how to deal with the information and file it away. 

Ways that have helped me deal with sensory overload. 

1. Learn to accept you can't hold on to everything,  the world won't stop turning because I lose some information. If it is that important I will remember otherwise let it go. 

2. Don't watch programmes that cause me to overthink before bed, I need time to slow down my thoughts. 

3. Know that if it gets too much to have a backup plan. Even if it is just to sit down somewhere quiet away from the busyness for five to give me that rest to then go back and continue if needed.

4. If you are going shopping it can help to write a list of the things you need so you can focus on getting them and then get out. 

Therefore, you don't have to think on the spot nor spend loads of time working out what to do when you are anxious. 

Having a concrete plan also gives you that control and you know what you are doing. 

5. Have sensory toys that suit you so can use if you need to stim or get some sensory seeking done. 

6. Make sure you have snacks (I get low blood sugar levels when I am out for a long time). Also, make sure you have plenty of fluids to keep you hydrated and help think more clearly. 

Cheers for reading X 

Sunday 18 August 2019

6 Ways To Make You Feel More Happier.

Hey readers, 

We all get in a funk from time to time and it can be a struggle to breakdown that negative cycle. So, here are my top 6 ways to help shift your mood to a more happier one. 

1. Distractions. 

It can be hard to get out of snapping out of the negativity because you are constantly feeding it with your thoughts. 

It can be an automatic response to when you feel rubbish to focus on the negatives. That is why sometimes I have found that instead of trying to come up with a solution to the problem use distractions to take my mind off the negative feelings works well.  

Distractions give you something to focus on other than the situation you are in and can help breakdown the negative cycle. It doesn't have to be something big it could be as a simple as walking to the shop buying a newspaper and reading it on a bench. 

2. Breathing. 

A good idea is to take five minutes to lie down somewhere that is quiet and where you won't be distracted with noise etc. 

This allows you that time to focus on breathing. Breathing is brilliant especially with feelings of anxiety and worry. Focusing on using all your diaphragm and lungs is key so you allow your body to adjust and find equilibrium after experiencing a fight or flight response. 

3. Write down. 

Write down how you are feeling on paper. You don't have to worry about spelling but just write free-flowing off the cuff. This can help get your words down and understand more clearly how you feel instead of constantly having the thoughts swimming around in your head. 

4. Thoughts. 

It is so easy when you have low self-esteem to constantly be one's own worst enemy and drag yourself down. Be mindful of what you say to yourself. For example, instead of saying to yourself, 'your crap and won't get the job' swap by saying a positive response to a situation, 'I did my best and that is all that counts, what will be will be'

It is so important for your mental health to work on yourself (trust me I know as have had low self-esteem for a number of years and can totally understand how bloody hard work it is). Nevertheless, you can make positive steps forward and I am a big believer of baby steps.  

5. Sleep. 

Sleep is so important in helping clear your head and making sensible decisions. Sleep helps with regulating your emotions. 

I think we have all been there when a tiny thing can cause an irrational response when we are overtired. 

A good tip to invest in is to make sure you turn off electrics an hour before bed and watching or reading something that is calming can really be helpful for settling your mind. 

6. Exercise. 

Exercise is not everything however it can be of benefit with triggering positive hormones such as endorphins that give you that feel-good feeling. You don't even have to go to the gym, you can simply go for a walk for 20 minutes. All these little things add up and have an impact on your mental health. 

What ways help put you in a more happier mood? Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section below. 

Cheers for reading X 

My Sunday photo 18/08/2019

Friday 16 August 2019


Hey readers,

I have Asperger's Syndrome, a mild form of autism (though to me it is not mild and it is present every day in my life).

Though there are so many areas to discuss autism today I am going to focus on one thing that affects me and causes great distress at the moment.

 That is the word 'maybe', which by the way I hate it and I hate it in relation to a response to a question. It is covered in grey and makes me stressed, especially when it is a response to a question which I want a definite answer (which 90% of the time).

You see as an autistic person I like control, I like to know what is happening. I love routine it comforts me. Sometimes I admit I get too rigid that I get struck and obsessive making my health deteriorate.

 One of the reasons is because I like black and white, I don't like the murky waters of the unknown. I never have, I feel it is innate and my body responds instantly. 

I can remember as a young child-hating change and uncertainty. I had carers who seemed unpredictable which is not great if you have an autistic mind like myself you get very confused as to what is happening. 

 I was on edge not knowing how someone would respond. I had night terrors because of the fear. That is just one example.

Maybe I will, maybe I won't? but why can't I have a yes or a no? Often, I didn't care, either way, I was more focused on the answer to be certain. I don't like guessing games, I like certainty.

I don't know really what is the point to the point of this post, I just wanted to get it off my chest because right now I am dealing with maybe which quite frankly is most infuriating.

Cheers for reading X