Wednesday 23 January 2019

Sensory autism wish list.

Hey readers,

I am autistic (if you didn't know, I just put it out there!). One thing that helps me is some sensory depending on what the item is. I find sensory items really beneficial and can be a real comfort especially when I am feeling really anxious. So, here are some products that if I had the money I would definitely buy them, till then I just wish for them.

1. Weighted blankets.

folded Gravity Blanket

Can't start without mentioning the ever popular their ever so popular weighted blanket. I love the feeling of heavy material (I sleep most nights with a quilt, a throw and two sleeping bags, I sh*t you not). I just feel secure when I feel that entrapment on my body, I feel like I am in my own little bubble, especially when I am going through a meltdown a weighted blanket would benefit me a lot. I picked this one because it looked well made. The fabric looks super soft and comforting.

2. Sensory light explosion prism.

Image result for light explosion sensory

I respond very well to low, soft lighting. I am very hypersensitive to lights so it works for me. I really love this sensory light explosion, it looks amazing and the colours are subtle which I appreciate a lot. I don't like really bright lights as they trigger headaches and make me quite stressed due to the sensory of it. This explosion light is 3D and it also changes colour. This light would be a great distraction especially when I go through obsessive thinking and it could help calm me down when I am anxious.

3. Massage Mat.

Image result for Massage Mat* - Sensory massaging mat with different massage combinations
Basically, this item is a massage mat with Five 12v motors inside a padded mat. Choose different combinations of speeds with the hand-held controller. I like the idea that you can control the strength and there are different settings depending on performance. Personally, I am not a fan of soft tough so I would 100% be hitting the hardest speed because I respond well to really strong and firm movements.

4. Large liquid filled sensory floor tiles.

Sensory Floor Tile - Purple/Pink

Now if you have even been to a soft play then you may have come across these sensory floor tiles. I have been lucky too and love them. I think they are amazing to play with, lovely colour arrangement and just all round great tactile product.

5. Giant bubble tube.

Related image

I have wanted a bubble tube for so long now. I think they are stunning with colour movement and so calming. They would really help especially if you had a sensory room (that would be the dream right there). The tube has different soothing colours along with bubbles to relax anyone. It absolutely transfixes me for hours as I love light shows to calm me when I am hypo anxiety and would definitely benefit along with my eldest - which  I could imagine both of us together sitting watching it.

Cheers for reading X

Tuesday 22 January 2019

10 ways to reduce chronic pain.

Hey readers, 

As a person who suffers from chronic pain, I can totally relate to with wanting to find ways that can help manage my pain. Here are some ways that I have found beneficial in helping me manage pain day today. 

1. Distraction. 
Book, Reading, Read, Relaxation

Anything that can take your mind away from the pain can really help, because you can only focus on one thing at a time and if you are focusing on something else then you not putting the emphasis on the pain and that can help a great deal. 

2. Exercise. 

I have suffered during my period week with really bad back pain and the one thing that has helped me is to do exercise and move the muscles. Even if it is just walking and being active can really help over the long period. It is important to take your time and don't push yourself as it is something you can progress when the time is right for and your body. 

3. Counselling. 

Consulting, Mental Health, Health

If your chronic pain affects you emotionally whether it grieves or a loss or even the feelings of frustrating and not achieving because of your help, something you can consider is counselling to talk someone confidentially about your feelings and getting the emotions out there. 

4. Avoid alcohol. 

I know for some people drinking is a form of escapism and can make you numb the pain but in the long run, it really is not good for your health. Try reducing or avoiding it because though the pain is tough going it can help in the long run with not having the lasting effects after drinking and being in even more pain. 

5. Quit Smoking. 

Man in Hoodie Smoking Cigarette

Research has shown that people in chronic pain are more likely to smoke larger amounts than the general public. I think some people use smoking as a form of pain management but in actual fact can make it worse with circulation and breathing difficulties causing the pain to intensify. Opting to not smoke will help a great deal with making the heart work better and making you're breathing a lot more cleaner. 

6.  Relation techniques. 

Great pain management is taking up relaxation techniques such as progressive muscular relaxation when you work through the body and focus on one muscle at a time. Such as the back consciously letting your muscles relax because when your anxious one of the symptoms is your tense your muscles and that causes pain if it occurs during long periods of time. Allowing time to learn to relax every day can really help give your body time out and relax. 

7. Hot bath.

Woman's Face on White Liquid

Hot baths using Epsalt salt (which you can get cheap from Home Bargains) can help with the pain and help with allowing the body to relax and stimulate the blood flow with frozen or stiff joints.  it can also be a safe place to do stretching to help with the muscles that ache. 

What helps you with pain management? 

Cheers for reading X 

Monday 21 January 2019

Top 8 useful Amazon Alexa skills.

Hey readers,

I assume most people know of the electronic device called an Alexa that can pretty much do any requirement other than say kill or punch someone. So what are the best things you can ask and get off Alexa....Well, let's go exploring as I reveal the top ten useful things Alexa can do for you. 

1. Laugh a minute.

Beauty, Smile, Happy, Woman, Young

If you need lightening up then look no further as Alexa can give you a joke, a one-liner or even a funny question such as what happens if I stand on Lego or Alexa are you, my father? this will guarantee to put a smile on your face. 

2. Factoid. 

Who doesn't love a good fact then you need to ask Alexa the question of the day where she can provide you with some trivia information. You have to answer the question and you can gain points if you answer correctly. The topics vary from art to news so there so something for everyone. 

3. Play that funky music. 

Equalizer, Beat, Dance, Fiesta

Want to listen to something and can not be bothered to look? well not anymore with Alexa in your life you can ask her to play any song you like and with seconds you be sure that song will be playing in your speaker. 

4. Two can play that game. 

Echo Dot, Amazon, Language Assistant

Got some spare time to kill then why not play a game with Alexa. You can play bingo where Alexa calls out the numbers. If worried about the number cards to tick of the numbers don't worry as you can download them at Alternatively, there is a song quiz where you have to listen to the clues relating to the answer and guess the artist and song title. If that doesn't tickle your fancy then there is the fake news where you have to guess if the headlines are true or not. There are many more but these are some of the types of games you can play with  Alexa. 

5. Get fit.

Did you know that Alexa has workouts for you to do? She can do the 7-minute work out that can be tailored to your needs so it can be easy medium or hard intensity. A great way to do a quick workout and help get fit.

6. Lost something. 

Don't you just hate it when you lose your phone, well not anymore as Alexa can help you find your phone or you need to do is ask, "Alexa, find my phone" and she will ring it for you to help locate where your phone is.  

7. Something cooking?

Woman, Kitchen, Man, Everyday Life

It can be quite stressful cooking and getting everything together but Alexa can take the pressure off as she can set the timer to help you cook your food and not only that but she can talk you through instructions so you know what you are doing when it comes to cooking the food. 

8. Give you the news headlines and weather.

Who watches the news nowadays, not anymore as Alexa can give you a quick fire-round of the headlines and tell you what the weather is going to be like. Perfect if you want to multi-task in the morning with getting breakfast ready or your bag whilst listening to Alexa. 

Cheers for reading X 

Sunday 20 January 2019

My Sunday Photo 20/01/2019

How to deal with an autistic burnout.

Hey readers,

Some people may not be aware but I am autistic (I was diagnosed as a child with Asperger Syndrome). One of the things that a person like myself experiences is a thing called burnout. An autistic burnout can be short - as an experience of totally, exhaustion every week as I have two boys who go to school and that for me with all the social interactions is mentally exhausting. Short term burnout is what it says on the tin, I feel tired and very exhausting.

Tend not to get very motivated and just collapse on the sofa for a few hours or sleep to recover from all the mental processes because when you are autistic a lot of things are scripted (rehearsed or memories to help deal with a social situation) probably hence why can't cope with a new situation as I haven't got a coping strategy for it. I digress.

Depression, Sadness, Autism, Body

Long-term burnout is more severe in the sense of that it last longer and it can have long-term impacts such as regressing. For me sometimes when I have long-term burnout I regress, I can't cook, communicate probably or leave my home by myself (these are a few examples). It is basically I believe where I just had enough of constantly doing something over a long period and I just shut down because it is exhausting, to say the least.

Fidget Spinner, Various Fidget Spinner

So, how do I cope with burnout, well here are some ways that have helped me?
I suppose the most obvious one to help reduce the burnout feelings in to rest and you would be right. Rest is so important just to have that break to breathe and not focus on too many stimuli has really helped me. Also, keeping things simple and do things that help me relax like reading a book or listening to music.

When you have suffered a burnout you can beat yourself up especially when you have you have commitments like being a parent, you want to do your best so your build self up when you don't meet the expectations. No one is perfect and something that even now I still learning and that is it to be kind to myself.

Autism, Brain, Dyscalculia, Health

This may help some people, it does for me but after a period after resting from burnout as I generally struggle to put my thoughts into words after the immediate event. It is ok to take your time and speak to someone if it helps you.

Like I have said previously to help rebuild your strength you have to start slowly and build from that. I have in the past wanted to go and too much which actually just sets you back further. Taking my time and doing things at a slower pace is fine. I used to be also on the go and feel that is what I had to do but mindfulness and allowing a slower pace has made a tremendous impact on my health.
Finally, writing down triggers to find out ways that help reduce or eliminate the triggering behaviour works for me. I am a bit of a sucker for a solution, sometimes we don't have a solution and that is ok, just focus on managing the situation the best you can.

Cheers for reading X

How to beat the winter blues

Hey readers,

I know it is not winter yet but it won't be long before it is here with us. The clocks have already gone back and it slowly getting darker and darker meaning that we will not get as much sunlight as we once during the summer time. The weather is getting bitter with the cold air and this can really dampen some people moods. So, here are some ways that have been useful in beating the winter blues.


I know during the darker evenings there is nothing more appealing than to sit under a throw and curl up. However, one way that can stimulate them to feel good hormones such as serotonin is exercise, you can just simply watch an exercise on YouTube you don't have to leave home. This can make you feel so much better and it might you go the motivation to do more stuff around the home.

Like I have said previously one of the triggers for a decreased drop in mood is not got getting enough sunlight during the day which means less vitamin D to brighten you up. One thing you might want to consider is getting a sad lamp which helps reduce the sad feelings associated with season affective disorder (SAD). It is a lamp that mimics the daylight and the person should ideally be near it to work. It can brighten up the environment you are in and it affects the brain chemicals that are connected to your mood.

balance exercise facial expression fashion


Sleep is so important for your physical and mental health that is why it is important you make sure you get enough. Make sure that you have a comfortable place to settle and always leave your tech in another room, less likely to get distracted and then you can 100% focus on your sleep.

alarm clock analogue bed bedroom


Another great tip is even though it will be miserable outside wrap up warm and just do it as it will be really worth it. Going outdoors some exposure to light and blow some cobwebs off too. You will feel much better after you have done it.

adult couple dock fashion

Eat healthier.

As lovely as it is to eat them gorgeous gluttonous food such as chocolate and carbohydrates it is important to try to be mindful of eating healthy. With the food just mentioned the thing that attracts them is the instant hit and feel good factor they produce. The downfall is that it is instance what comes up must come down. Therefore triggering a slump like a state which won't do your mind any flavours in the long run.  Try snacking on fruit such as apples and grapes that give that sweet sensation but less like to make you feel like poop after.

agriculture basket beets bokeh


Sitting near windows whether at home or at work can help get that natural light needed to boost your mood during the winter periods.

black and white rainy portrait canon


Do something that makes you happy whether it is having a soak in the bath or going to the cinema, focusing on something enjoyable can help make you feel a lot more positive.

two white and red admission tickets

Cheers for reading X

Why the 90s was epic!

Hey readers,

Remember the 90s... it feels like ages ago! They were ace, didn't really think much at the time but hindsight is a valuable thing. So, here are some of the things that rocked about the 90s and not just having no responsibility for small humans and doing whatever I felt like. 

Daria was my icon during the 90s. Daria was a cartoon about an American school girl and the focus was on her life at school. She is not popular but different shall we say, she was crippled with low self-esteem and a popular sister. I loved Daria not just for sarcasm which to be fair was tremendously glorious.

Image result for daria

MTV channel was the bomb, it was incredible unlike now where it is crap!  Of course, there were some great shows like my darling Daria, who could forget Bevis and Butthead and the amazing and slightly addictive deathmatch. That at the time was what I was hooked on watching, I am not surprised I didn't have square eyes but hey ho, I am still standing!

Image result for beavis and buttered laughing

Of course, the 90s would not be the 90s if you haven't played the wonderful Sonic the Hedgehog on the old Sega Mega drive. I miss the carefree days when all you needed to worry about was when it was your turn to have a go and collect the golden coins.

Image result for sonic sega mega drive
On telly when I was in the 90s there was a brilliant game show called Supermarket sweep and it involved Dale Winton as the host. The contestants had to answer questions to earn time to dash around the supermarket. Then the contestants had to run around and get as many high-value products into their shopping trolley within the time frame given wins.
I am now officially old because I can say this, if you are a youngster then you may not have heard of a thing called a cassette tape. A cassette tape according to
Also called cassette tapecompact case containing a length of magnetic tape that runs between two small reels: used for recording or playback of audio or video in a tape recorder, cassette deck, video camera, or VCR, and for storage of data by some small computer systems.

You can get music already on the tape but you can also record it. In the 90s I spent a large portion of a Sunday afternoon recording the certain songs I liked whilst listening to Radio 1 top 40. It turned into a mixtape of my favorite hits. I put so much work into making them start and stop within the time, such beautiful concentration was made.
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Reflecting back from the 90s I vividly remember glaring into a Where's Walley book and trying to find this random man dressed in a red and white striped hat and t-shirt lost in a picture full of themes such as on the beach, it provided hours of entertainment for me.
Image result for where's wally

When I was a youth in the 90s the best place to get clobber was from a store called Tammy Girl with such items as a skirt over trousers or peddle pushers.

Image result for tammy girl
After you had been shopping at Tammy Girl the place to hit was the pick n mix in Woolworths where there was so much choice it took a good half an hour to make your selections.
Image result for woolworths pick n mix

Flip out pencil case was my whole life when I was a child at school. It was amazing and the best piece of stationary that I have ever and I mean EVER owned. If you have not been fortunate to experience a flip out pencil case then you are missing out.

Image result for flip out pencil case 90s

Cheers for reading X