Thursday 5 July 2018


Hey readers,

This weeks word of the week is

because there has been so much on. First, my eldest had his sports day. Was really pleased that he is learning to not get bogged down with the whole winning but focusing on just enjoying the sports.

My youngest had his first taster session at school this week and he loved it. He loved all the activities and just being in the same school as his big brother. Both boys were happy to find that the youngest is going to be in the same reception class that the eldest when he first started. Simple pleasures eh when you are young.

In other news, my eldest had his school parents review to see how he has been getting on during the summer term. He has been meeting his targets which is good because we were worried. 

When my ds1 comes how he frequently says that he gets zero for his spelling at least we know now that not to be the case and he is doing alright. The way his anxiety was really got us worried. So that gave us some reassurance.

Cheers for reading X

Sunday 1 July 2018

My Sunday Photo 01/07/2018


Thursday 28 June 2018


Hey, readers,

my word of the week is:

because it is now officially summer and boy does the weather let us know. This weekend has been busy with clubs and kids parties, my eldest has been super exhausted during the week due to hectic weekend shenanigans.

DS1 also got to see his school artwork on display in a local public venue last night and he was super chuffed that he got his work chosen for it. Not just that but this week at beavers he got his gardening badge, which he loves because the design on it involves a watering can.

DS2 has been enjoying nursery with seeing the dentist giving our information and an exciting visit from the fire engine. He has been so chatty now to everyone so it is lovely to see his confidence grow. He will soon be leaving nursery next month and start school in September with his brother.

Cheers for reading X

Sunday 24 June 2018

My Sunday Photo 24/06/2018

The boy loves Tigger. He cuddles Tigger at night. He was blown away when he saw this massive Tigger in a charity shop!


Wednesday 20 June 2018

Wordless Wednesday

Sunday 17 June 2018

My Sunday Photo 17/06/2018

Thursday 14 June 2018

changes to life

Hey readers,

In less than, a few days both my boys will have broken up from Nursery and school, which means its official summer holiday. That is right peeps six whole weeks, argh.

As much as I love my little darlings and spending time with them, they can be a right royal pain, I think the most annoying thing is the constant bickering and it can get relentless. So, I have come up with some tips on how not to lose your sh*t during the summer holidays.

Firstly, remember that as adults it is still ok to have time out, actually, I would put it up there as essential basic needs for a parent ;) I often have to have five minutes or else my head would explode into tiny pieces.

Get out even if it is to the park every single day it will save not only your sanity but your children.
Sit on a wall someone suitable and play car game - 5 points if you can spot a red/blue/green whatever is a great game to do outdoors and again it gets you outside.

As you know I am a massive fan of the library/museum or free places they bring so much joy to my heart. They are also a frigging lifesaver when you are skint and check out your local community service as they have free events for kids during the summer.

Don't feel guilty if you have the TV on. I have the motto as a parent whatever helps you get through the day, obviously, I would crack but TV is a real lifesaver in parents hour of need. Remember it is a holiday, don't feel you have to constantly be doing something with your child. Sometimes, you have to say now go and play or watch something. 

It promotes independent thinking and ever since the day I stopped the guilt of feeling I needed to entertain children it got a hell of a lot better for everyone. Also, can I mention with time they did actually learn their own thing which is brilliant?