Showing posts with label mum life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mum life. Show all posts

Sunday 14 January 2024

My Sunday photo 14/01/2024


My Sunday photo 14/01/2024

My Sunday photo 14/01/2024

My Sunday photo 14/01/2024

This week the boys finally got round to making the Cadbury chocolate house 

Monday 8 January 2024

How to Find Time for Yourself as a Mum.

Hey readers, 

As a mother, it can be challenging to find time for yourself.

 Between taking care of your children, managing the household, and possibly working outside the home, it can feel like there are not enough hours in the day. 

However, it is important to prioritise self-care and find ways to carve out time for yourself. 

Here are some tips on how to find time for yourself as a mum.

How to Find Time for Yourself as a Mum.

1. Schedule it in.

One of the best ways to ensure that you have time for yourself is to schedule it. 

Just like you would schedule a doctor's appointment or a meeting, make an appointment with yourself. 

Choose a time that works for you, whether it is early in the morning before the kids wake up, during nap time, or in the evening after the kids have gone to bed. 

Put it on your calendar and treat it like any other appointment.

2. Ask for help.

It can be challenging to ask for help, but it is essential to get the support you need. 

Reach out to family members, friends, or neighbours and ask if they can watch your children for an hour or two.

 If you have a partner, discuss the importance of self-care and see if they can take on some additional responsibilities to give you some time to yourself.

3. Practice self-care.

Self-care means taking care of yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally. 

This can include things like exercise, meditation, reading a book, or taking a relaxing bath. 

Find activities that make you feel good and prioritise them.

 Even if you only have a few minutes, use that time to do something that brings you joy.

4. Let go of perfection.

As a mum, it can be easy to fall into the trap of wanting everything to be perfect. 

However, this can lead to burnout and exhaustion. Let go of the idea of perfection and focus on what is most important.

 It is okay to let the dishes sit in the sink for a little longer or to order takeout instead of cooking a homemade meal. 

Prioritise your well-being over the idea of perfection.

5. Find support.

Connecting with other mums can be a great way to find support and understanding. 

Join a local mothers' group, attend a parenting class, or connect with other mums online.

 Having a support system can help you feel less alone and provide valuable advice and encouragement.

In conclusion, finding time for yourself as a mum is essential for your well-being. 

By scheduling time for yourself, asking for help, practising self-care, letting go of perfection, and finding support, you can prioritise your own needs and feel more fulfilled as a mum. 

Remember, taking care of yourself is not selfish, it is necessary.

Cheers for reading X 

Sunday 7 January 2024

My Sunday photo 07/01/2024


My Sunday photo 07/01/2024

My Sunday photo 07/01/2024

We took the boys out yesterday to a music sensory centre and they absolutely loved it! 

Sunday 31 December 2023

My Sunday photo 31/12/2023


My Sunday photo 31/12/2023

Wishing all my readers a happy new year for 2024! I hope it is filled with peace and joy  ☺ 

Sunday 24 December 2023

My Sunday photo 24/12/2023


My Sunday photo 24/12/2023

Seeing Santa and how grow up to my boys look 😍 

Sunday 10 December 2023

My Sunday photo 10/12/2023


My Sunday photo 10/12/2023

My Sunday photo 10/12/2023

My Sunday photo 10/12/2023

My Sunday photo 10/12/2023

My Sunday photo 10/12/2023

Last night we saw the Christmas tractor parade. Cold but fabulous and even better didn't cost a penny for this festive activity ☺ 

Sunday 3 December 2023

My Sunday photo 03/12/2023

My Sunday photo 03/12/2023 

One minute your painfully having to participate in pretend play then the next your enjoying bonding over games with your son :) 


Monday 27 November 2023

5 reasons why Christmas Eve boxes are a bad idea!!!

Hey readers,

Christmas is a magical time of year, filled with traditions, joy, and a sense of togetherness. 

5 reasons why Christmas Eve boxes are a bad idea!!!

One modern tradition that has gained popularity in recent years is the Christmas Eve box. 

These festive boxes are typically filled with small gifts and treats and are opened on the night before Christmas. 

While they may seem like a fun idea at first, there are some compelling reasons why Christmas Eve boxes can be a bad idea. 

In this blog post, we'll explore five of those reasons.

1. Commercialisation of Christmas.

Christmas should be about more than just materialistic gifts and consumerism. 

Christmas Eve boxes can contribute to the commercialisation of the holiday by adding an extra layer of gift-giving to an already gift-heavy season

Instead of focusing on spending time with loved ones and the true spirit of Christmas, the emphasis can shift towards acquiring and exchanging material possessions. 

This takes away from the real meaning of the holiday.

2. Added Stress for Parents.

The holiday season can already be a stressful time for parents who are trying to ensure that everything is perfect for their children.

 Christmas Eve boxes can add an unnecessary burden by requiring parents to shop for additional items, wrap them, and ensure that the boxes are ready in time for the big reveal.

This can take away from the joy and relaxation that should come with the holiday season.

3. Inequality among Children.

In households with multiple children, Christmas Eve boxes can create inequality and feelings of favouritism.

 Children may compare the contents of their boxes and feel disappointed if they believe that their siblings received better gifts.

 This can lead to unnecessary tension and disputes within the family.

4. Environmental Concerns.

The environmental impact of Christmas Eve boxes is a growing concern. 

Many of these boxes are filled with disposable items like single-use plastic toys, trinkets, and excessive packaging. 

As the world grapples with environmental issues and climate change, it's essential to be mindful of the waste generated during the holiday season.

 Christmas Eve boxes contribute to this problem and can be seen as a symbol of our society's throwaway culture.

5. Diminished Anticipation for Christmas Morning.

One of the most exciting aspects of Christmas is the anticipation leading up to the main event on Christmas morning. 

Christmas Eve boxes, while intended to build excitement, can diminish the anticipation for the big day.

 Opening gifts on Christmas Eve can take away from the magic and excitement of unwrapping presents under the tree on Christmas morning.

While Christmas Eve boxes may seem like a fun and trendy tradition, there are compelling reasons to reconsider their place in your holiday celebrations. 

Instead of adding an extra layer of consumerism and stress to the holiday season, consider focusing on meaningful traditions that emphasize togetherness, gratitude, and the true spirit of Christmas.

 After all, the most precious gift we can give during this season is the gift of our time, love, and presence to our loved ones, and that's something that can't be wrapped in a box.

Cheers for reading X 

Sunday 26 November 2023

My Sunday photo 26/11/2023


My Sunday photo 26/11/2023

Getting in the festive mood this week by seeing Cindrella at the theatre 🎄 

Sunday 19 November 2023

My Sunday photo 19/11/2023


My Sunday photo 19/11/2023

Tis the season for new coats ☺