Showing posts with label mofo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mofo. Show all posts

Tuesday 2 April 2019

How to deal with the feelings of FOMO.

Hey readers,

As a person who has experienced feelings of FOMO due to the increasing social media presence of this idea of a perfect mother, I know how tough it can be. Of course, there is no perfect life but when you are bombarded with constant images of happy families constantly doing something and you’re at home not doing a great deal you can feel like you are missing out.

I know the FOMO (feelings of missing out) is a common problem with the internet generation as there is always something going on and it natural to compare but where do we draw the line.
The dictionary definition of FOMO is:
Anxiety that an exciting or interesting event may currently be happening elsewhere, often aroused by posts seen on social media.
Here are some ways have helped me come to accept my life and know it is ok not to be perfect.

Be kind to yourself.

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I think there is this need in society to have the next best thing, to constantly be doing amazing things on social media but sometimes you know what it is good to stay in and do nothing. Don't beat yourself up for this, your allow to not do anything or go anywhere doesn't mean you are not living, embrace and actually let go and enjoy it. I now do this and I cut that pressure off and it feels amazing. I slow down and just unwind and it really does the world of good for your mental health.

You’re not alone.

This may sound obvious but believe me when you are engrossed in the feelings of FOMO you lose your ability to rationalise, you assume everyone is doing something other than you. You get intrusive thoughts that you should be doing what everyone is doing and that social pressure feels very strong and the urge to comply is there. I found that actually not looking at some of the individuals who for whatever reason have much cooler life than I helps. 

I remind myself I am not alone and I also look around on the old social media to see that others doing similar stuff to me and that it is ok to be that. It is all about putting things into perspective realising that most people that you check out on Instagram are just one-sided and you don't see all their lives. Try to unfollow people that make you feel inferior - ignorance is bliss. Find other accounts that are similar to you and you can relate to. It will make you feel so much better and also contribute in helping come to accept your life in a more positive way.


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Sometimes, I feel overwhelmed with all the online information that is out there. The constant notifications that sometimes the best thing to do is mute the distractions, turn your phone on aeroplane mode or even better still turning your phone completely off. Even if it is just for an hour you will be amazed at how much better you will feel.

What things have helped you deal with FOMO?

Cheers for reading X