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Limeade recipe.

Hey readers, 

Suppose you are looking for a classic drink with a twist, then you're in the right place. I have limeade, the perfect refreshing drink on a hot summer day. 

Limeade recipe.

* 3 unwaxed lemons, roughly chopped.
140g caster sugar. 

1l  water. 

How to make. 

Place the limes in a food processor together with the sugar and half the water, and process until the lime is very finely diced.

2. Press as much juice through the sieve as you can after pouring the mixture into a bowl over it. 

3. Fill to the top with the remaining water, then garnish with frozen lemon and lime slices or plain ice.

Cheers for reading X

The perfect strawberry milkshake

 Hey readers,

It is absolutely roasting outside so what better way to cool down with this amazing strawberry homemade milkshake, below is the recipe so you can do it yourself at home and enjoy.


A high ball glass.

* 4 cubes of ice. 

4/5 strawberries per glass.

1/2 a cup of whole milk. 

*  2 big scoops of nice strawberry ice cream. 

*  Glug of cream (if you don't have any cream then you add in some sugar instead). 


 Put all the ingredients in a food processor until the consistency is smooth and creamy then put them into the glass. If you are feeling fancy you could put a straw in the glass to drink it with. 

The perfect Strawberry milkshake


Cheers for reading X