Showing posts with label building resilience in youth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label building resilience in youth. Show all posts

Thursday 4 April 2019

9 ways to help a child be resilient.

Hey readers,

How can we help make our children resilient when faced with stress and adversity, below are my top tips. 

1. Independent Learning.

It is easy to give in to a child but sometimes allowing the child to be independent. However, allowing a child to do things for themselves, without first jumping in is a great way to build their confidence and learn. 

girl eating cereal in white ceramic bowl on table

2. Support. 

Give the child support when they need but let them come to you rather than the other way around. Believe me, they will as long as they know the support is there without judgement. 

3. Self-Discovery. 

Don't constantly answer the questions that the child asks you, get the child to explore for themselves. It is easy to take the quick root and answer but actually the best way sometimes to grow as an individual is to test out and learn through your own self-discovery. 

4. Mistakes. 

Teach your child that mistakes happen and not everyone gets it right. Let's face it no one is perfect and we can't be good at everything as that would be boring. We need diversity and it is important to focus on the strengths that the person can bring to the table. 

selective focus photo of woman lifting child during daytime

5.Risk Taking.

It is important to not get in the mindset of trying to cotton wool our children as sometimes you need to allow risks so that they can learn and understand the boundaries. The more you child to shield a child, the temptation for them to do that thing will be greater. 

6. Delayed Gratification. 

Teach a child delayed gratification - where you have to wait before you can enjoy the rewards you have reaped. This will make them appreciate the reward much more than getting the reward straight away. 

7. Problem-Solving. 

Let your child learn to problem solve, don't just go for the easy answer but allow them to explore the problem and find their own solutions, they will be thankful in the long run. 

woman and girl walking on road surrounded by green grass

8. Catastrophic Thinking. 

Don't go down the catastrophic root with a problem a child is facing. It can be easy to think about all the gloom but it is important to get a well-balanced view of the situation and think positive about something new. Your child wants to explore, instead of being negative with saying that is ok if you can't do that but instead opt for a positive approach with saying how fun it will be and you can make friends say if you go on a camp trip as an example of being positive. 

9. Selective.

Don't give your child everything they ask for (toys, trips etc) even though everyone else has it. They need to learn that they don't need everything and that you can enjoy the things you do have even though you don't have everything because at the end of the day it is just materialistic item. It is much better to be a good person in my eyes anyway. 

What techniques have you used to help a child to be resilient? 

Cheers for reading X