Hey readers,
A while back I did a post on 100 things that made me happy which you can read here but like everything, there is always another side to it so this post is going in another direction with 100 things that make me mad.
It is a fun one post in the sense that I can get out all my frustration and I recommend doing it as it is rather a carathetic process especially if you are feeling in a bad mood it really helps to write things down. Anyhoos, I digress so without other ado below are 100 things that make me mad.
2. Buses that completely missed out.
3. People that are late.
4. Pedophiles.
5. Rapists.
6. Bullies.
7. Racists.
8. When dog poop is not picked up.
9. When people drop little on the floor.
10. When people spit on the floor.
11. When people speak under their breath but loud enough to hear your shitty comment.
12. People that eat loud.
13. ASMR.
14. My period, every single month!
15. Hitting your toe o the corner of a cupboard/door whatever it is, it is a bitch and I hate it!
16. Snoring.
17. Hiccups.
18. Train delays.
19. Traffic jams.
20. Bank fees.
21. Alarm clocks going off.
22. Waiting for other people to make a decision.
23. Seeing a picture of myself when I don't look my best.
24. Waiting for somebody to get ready.
25. Being planked.
26. Walking out of the toilet with tissue paper on my shoe.
27. Women's clothing sizes and the different sizes depending on the shop.
28. Being grouped, fuck off my body, not yours!
29. Politicians lying.
30. Dogs not being on leads.
31. Long days.
32. Bad days.
33. Days when you wished you never got out of bad.
34. When your bed is super warm and comfy and you don't want to get out of bed and into the cold room.
35. When your battery is at 5%.
36. How people think that technology is bad and that it ruins us.
37. People that stand in the middle of the aisle and gossip.
38. People that walk slow.
39. Stereotypes.
40. People that set fireworks off in the middle of the street.
41. Unsolicited advice.
42. Being ignored.
43. Being told I am wrong when I am not.
44. Not feeling heard.
45. Being talked over.
46. knots in the hair.
47. Sore losers.
48. People who eat with their mouths open.
49. People who cough and do not cover their mouth.
50. Slow internet connections.
51. Cost of living.
52. Poor customer service.
53. Cold callers.
54. Door to door salesmen.
55. People that talk loudly on their mobiles.
56. Spam email.
57. Leaving a tissue in your pocket, forgetting about it and then putting it in the washing machine.
58. Adverts between tv shows.
59. Adverts on Youtube.
60. People reading over your shoulder.
61. Brown nosers.
62. People that jump the queue.
63. Junk mail.
64. Muggers.
65. MPs expenses.
66. Peop[le who sniff and don't use a tissue.
67. Sweating.
68. The binge-drinking culture.
69. Feeling bloated.
70. Automated phone systems.
71. People who leave their mobile phones turned off when you need to contact them urgently.
72. Running out of toilet roll.
73. Running out of milk.
74. Flies.
75. Washing machine breaking down.
76. Boiler breaking down.
77. Everything that breaks down in your home when you are skint.
78. Papercuts.
79. Over packaged toys.
80. Getting something in your eye.
81. Cramp.
82. People who are rude in emails.
83. Adult ache.
84. Trying to find the end of the sticking tape or toilet roll.
85. Burning toast.
86. Sunburn.
87. iPhone obsessives.
88. Breaking a nail.
89. When the weather reaches 30 odd degrees, no air con I can not deal with that type of heat here in England.
90. Clickbait.
91. People who don't know when to shut up.
92. When you have to untangle your headphones every goddam time.
93. When someone asked a question that you have already asked.
94. People who talk to me when I am reading a book.
95. Being too hot/cold when trying to go to sleep at night.
96. People who use speakerphones in public.
97. Stepping in water when you have fresh socks on.
98. Someone telling me how to do something that I know how to do already.
99. People giving me advice I didn't ask for.
100. When I bite into a sandwich and all the filling falls out of the other side.
Argh, that was better getting that off my chest. Do you agree with any of these statements? love to hear your thoughts in the comment section down below.
Cheers for reading X
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