Thursday 14 June 2018

changes to life

Hey readers,

In less than, a few days both my boys will have broken up from Nursery and school, which means its official summer holiday. That is right peeps six whole weeks, argh.

As much as I love my little darlings and spending time with them, they can be a right royal pain, I think the most annoying thing is the constant bickering and it can get relentless. So, I have come up with some tips on how not to lose your sh*t during the summer holidays.

Firstly, remember that as adults it is still ok to have time out, actually, I would put it up there as essential basic needs for a parent ;) I often have to have five minutes or else my head would explode into tiny pieces.

Get out even if it is to the park every single day it will save not only your sanity but your children.
Sit on a wall someone suitable and play car game - 5 points if you can spot a red/blue/green whatever is a great game to do outdoors and again it gets you outside.

As you know I am a massive fan of the library/museum or free places they bring so much joy to my heart. They are also a frigging lifesaver when you are skint and check out your local community service as they have free events for kids during the summer.

Don't feel guilty if you have the TV on. I have the motto as a parent whatever helps you get through the day, obviously, I would crack but TV is a real lifesaver in parents hour of need. Remember it is a holiday, don't feel you have to constantly be doing something with your child. Sometimes, you have to say now go and play or watch something. 

It promotes independent thinking and ever since the day I stopped the guilt of feeling I needed to entertain children it got a hell of a lot better for everyone. Also, can I mention with time they did actually learn their own thing which is brilliant?

Sunday 10 June 2018

My Sunday Photo 10/06/2018

Sunday 3 June 2018

My Sunday Photo 03/06/2018

Sunday 27 May 2018

My Sunday Photo 27/05/2018

Friday 25 May 2018

Hey readers,

Today I feel a bit lonely, though not in the sense where I want to mingle with people. More isolating, knowing that I am different and that sense of not being 'good enough'.

 Often I can ignore or distract myself from focusing on negativity. But today is a struggle. I just feel like I can not function like the rest of society. I feel my inadequacies.... they feel so loud in my head, they might not be real but they feel real to me and today it hurts.

black brush strokes on white paper

I have always battled with being is tough going, after a tough long week of challenges with a little fight left it can defeat you. 

I think one of my problems so I am not often relaxed in situations such as having to go to the school assembly, this is where I feel most insecure. I don't feel right and I feel like everyone is watching me. 

I know I  am probably being narcissistic and changes are no one is, no one cares, hey even some may feel similar.
At the time it feels scary, and because my anxiety is on that super alert it is hard to come down without the good old meltdown. 

Yes to that question I did have an epic meltdown, it is all I could do. Then I took my laptop and wrote my thoughts. No real answers, it is merely a record of how I am feeling.

I feel not amazing but cathartic, now I am going off for a tea, cause let's face it, tea doesn't cure feeling crap but sure makes the painless hard to bear.

Cheers for reading X

Saturday 19 May 2018

My Sunday Photo 19/05/2018

Sunday 13 May 2018

My Sunday Photo 13/05/2018

Sunday 29 April 2018

My Sunday Photo 29/04/2018


Sunday 22 April 2018

My Sunday Photo 22/04/2018


Sunday 15 April 2018

My Sunday Photo 15/04/2018


Sunday 8 April 2018

My Sunday Photo 08/04/2018


Friday 6 April 2018

My Sunday Photo 06/05/2018


Thursday 5 April 2018


Hey readers,

My word of the week is:


This week we went to visit my husband's relatives in Wales. We spend a few days at Wales and even though the weather was a bit iffy, it was lovely to see a change of scenery.

We stayed in a Premier Inn and my boys are so excited, we have stayed in a fair few so they are used to them. They just get so excited and knowing they can have American pancakes for breakfast they were simply living their best life.
We went down a bit and it was really fun to explore and do something different. Plus, it was free and there was a museum as well, perfect for me, lol.

We went for walks in the countryside and it was lovely to be just in the open area and see nature. I love walking so it was lovely to have a wander with the boys.

Hope you have a had a good week.

Cheers for reading X

Sunday 25 March 2018

My Sunday photo 25/03/2018

Friday 23 March 2018


Hey readers,

My word of the week is:

Add heading

because this week my son had the beaver toy to look after all week. Which was fun until we had to return him. My eldest doesn't like to return beaver. so, took a lot of persuasion and discussion about if he did have beaver all the time he would be bored. At least when he gets him again in the future he can be excited because it is different and fun.

I also went to a school meeting at school about ds1. He seems to be doing ok, we need to work on him learning that he can't win everything. He is not good at losing and gets very angry over it. So, we shall see how that turns out. It is something that is going to take time, like everything else.

Hope you have had a good week.

Cheers for reading X

Sunday 18 March 2018


Hey readers,

My word of the week is:


because my son this weekend went to his first-ever scout camp. We were a bit apprehensive as my son is autistic and we weren't sure how he would respond. 

Luckily my husband is a volunteer so he stays with him so he doesn't have a sudden breakdown. That helped a great deal. He did struggle in the evening and the following day. However hubby took him aside to talk it through.

The good news is he did enjoy the camp and he is really looking forward to the next one. However, Monday he was mentally drained from it, so we had to take it really slow with him. 

Still, for us it is positive he stuck it out and enjoyed himself.
He loved the food from camp as well, I can't believe how much he ate and even tried the jacket potato though previously he would be against it.
Hope you have had a good week.

Cheers for reading X

Saturday 17 March 2018

My Sunday photo 17/03/2018

Sunday 11 March 2018

My Sunday photo 11/03/2018

Friday 9 March 2018


Hey readers,

My word of the week is

because it has been coughing all round in my home and snot running down the face. I have struggled to function other than to think about sleep. 

Therefore, spending a lot for a time at home and not doing much. Which I don't mind as I am exhausted anyways!

In other news, the car's bumper needed changing as someone bumped into it by accident. So, that has taken some work, joy!

At least normal routine has resumed and though my youngest has had three days off from nursery due to a boiler breaking down, it feels good to be back to normal. It has been lovely also to see the sunshine.

Hope you have had a good week.

Cheers for reading X

Friday 2 March 2018


Hey readers,

My word of the week is:

because previously I mentioned the battle that is personal independence payment and going through the appeal stage.

 It was extremely frustrating as I have scored zero points, therefore, I had to go for an appeal. Whilst waiting for all the information from the DWP regarding my application which takes roughly 28 days we had some really good news. 

We randomly received a big payment from the bank and we found out it was Pip. After a week we finally received a letter to confirm that we had been successfully awarded Pip there for not having to actually have to deal with going to court and appeal which is a massive relief for us.

Another highlight of the week is finally getting snow, the boys absolutely loved playing in the snow and watching the wind swirl the snow around.

My eldest got to dress up as The Flash his favourite character for World Book Day. Whereas my youngest, unfortunately, could not go into the nursery because the boiler in the nursery had broken down.

So overall a rather pleasant week and a sense of relief with the success of pip.

Hope you had a good week.

cheers for reading X