Thursday 7 March 2019

10 supermarket hacks

Hey readers,

Going shopping can be costly when you go with no plan and impulses kick in. We all want to save money so I have put together some tips on how to save money whilst going to do your supermarket shop.

1. List.

writing notes idea class

The first hack would probably be the most important one and that is to write a list prior to going shopping. It is important to stick to your list and do not buy extra things at the supermarket that you do not need. 

By writing down a list you already have a pre-understanding of what you want so you are prepared to get it and get out. You don't have to waste time looking for things and decided because you already have the plan in place.

2. Brands.

Instead of buying branded items swap to supermarkets own version because at the end of the day most of the time you are paying for the name. Don't be put off by supermarkets own food because it can be just as good but half the price.

3. Stomach.

Make sure when you do go shopping that you don't go on an empty stomach as this will make you want to buy something on an impulse which intern means wasting money.

4. Online.

Image result for my supermarket app

Check online for supermarket vouchers or offers, preparation is key. A really good app to download is my supermarket where you can search for a product and compare the prices of the different supermarkets to get the cheapest deal.

5. Supermarkets.

A brilliant way to reduce your supermarket shopping is a swap from the main supermarket to a more budget-friendly one such as Aldi or Lidl.
 You will be amazed at how much you save but do be careful when going down the middle aisle as we all know the delights there.

6. Supermarket deals.

You may think when it comes to a supermarket deal where you can buy 3 items for 2 or BOGOF (buy one get one free) you are saving money. Firstly you have to ask yourself do you really need this and if so work out the maths because sometimes it can cost more then actually buying the item singularly.

7. Vegetarian.

woman carrying basket of fruits and vegetables

Try having meals without meat a couple of times a week can save you money as meat is expensive. There are plenty of delicious recipes that don't need meat so don't be put off and give it a try you might be amazed.

8. Pre-made items.

Save money on buying pre-made items such as vegetables, buying it pre-chopped could cost you more. Also regarding ready meals can add to your budget, it is much better if you have the time and skill to cook from scratch to do it that.

9. Bulk meals.

A cheap way of saving money on the grocery shop is to up the amount of food so that you can batch cook and freeze meals for a later date not only does this method save you money but it also saves you time, win-win.

10. Yellow stickers.

Yellow stickers are where supermarkets knock down prices of food when they want to get rid of it because it is close by it's sold by date. It is ok to buy yellow stickers, people seem scared of buying yellow stickers.  I have done for many years and not been poorly. The date of the food is short-lived so a tip would be to freeze for the food and can use it at a later date.

Hope you have found these tips useful.

Cheers for reading X

Tuesday 5 March 2019

Reasons why I love Come Dine With Me

Hey readers,

Can you believe that come dine with me has been on our screens for over  13  years? I for one still one it and it is one of my favourite programmes.

 Come Dine With Me is a programme where five or four contestants compete with one another to get the £1000 reward. each contestant gets a night to host a dinner party at their home. they have to serve a starter, main and pudding. each guest then rates the host on the whole night a number out of ten. the person with the highest score win.

However, this is not just a cooking completion and there so many more reasons to love the show. let me share the reason below.

1. House tour.

 I love it when you see the guest going around people's houses, I am naturally nosey (I blinking love through the keyhole as well for that very reason). I  like seeing how people put their homes together.

2. Narrative.

One of the main elements of the show that makes it so successful is, of course, the legend that is Dave Lamb. He is the abrasive of the show and it is full of beautiful sarcasm and times so well.

3. The contestants.

Well, where do we go with this one, of course, the contestants are great especially hats off to the people that chose who goes on the episode? The variety is really good especially when you know they are going to be a clash. to be fair though it can also be good when getting along. I think the element of surprise is something that helps viewers wanting to come back for more.

4. On-screen drama.

If you have watched come dine with then you ahem to admit it is hilarious when some sort of drama d happens. whether it is a drunk host letting their snake on the table to then poo or the host kicking our the guests because they have had enough it makes great entertainment.

5. Food.

I also like seeing what people come up and seeing it going bear-shaped. Not to mention when you question what the F is that. A couple of my favourites is when a self-confessed barbie wannabe decides to serve a pudding of truffle with the secret ingredients a sausage, I kid you not, lol! Or there was this other person who decided it would be a great idea to layout sushi for her guests on a person layer on the table. the guest would have to take the food off from the naked body, I mean you can't make this sh*t up.

Do you love to watch Come Dine With Me?  love to hear your comments below.

Cheers for reading. X

Monday 4 March 2019

Living Arrows 9/52 {04/03/2019}

Hey readers,

“You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth”

by Kahlil Gibran

This picture was taken on Saturday morning when the boys for awhile *shock horror* played nicely together with their Lego that they had to build the previous night.

I was sitting there on the sofa thinking how lovely it is now that they are at the age where they can play on their own independently.
I love just sitting there listening to the random ideas that come out from their mind and express it through play.

One positive about having two children is that they are different and that they are their own person. To see their different ways of thinking is amazing.

They are aged 5 and 7. I am just loving this age as they are becoming their own person with their own identity. Ok admittedly some of it may be influenced by their parents but most of it is there own such as temperament and subjects that they choose for themselves to enjoy.

Anyhow thanks for reading and hope you have had a good week X

Sunday 3 March 2019

My Sunday snapshot 03/03/2019

Saturday 2 March 2019

What I have been loving in February

Hey readers,

Wow, that is February gone so what have I been loving this month? Let me enlighten you below. 

1. Warmer weather.

Oh yes, I am totally embracing the milder weather. I don't even bother with a coat as I hate wearing as they make me feel claustrophobic. I have even dusted down the old slip-on pumps and not worn socks, let me tell you absolutely bliss!!!!

2) Alan Partridge.

This to me is a biggy as I love Alan Partridge and to see the show with a new layout is awesome, it was one of my favourite comedy show ever. 

3) Daffodils. 

What can I say they remind me of spring, don't cost a lot and brighten up a room. Win-win for me and my boys are uber cute letting me know when each daffodil has opened up fully.

4) Santigold (album title Santigold). 

Image result for santigold album

I love this singer Santigold but searched out the old album and have been listening to the album a lot. Great for having on when Iand out and about walking. 

5) Fitbit. 

I have finally saved my pennies and purchased a Fitbit again. I broke my last one and didn't invest in one again till now after two years I think, lol. Anyhow, it is a great motivator and has helped me become more active with the target of 10,000 and I am a bit of a geek and enjoy looking at my progress through the Fitbit graph. 

6)  Colouring in.

My youngest has been getting into colouring in and I have joined in and taking very seriously. I love it and it is so relaxing. Not to mention the fact that it calms the kids down. Which is brilliant when you have two energetic boys is a blessing in its self because whilst they are colouring they are concentrating which means they are not talking, peaceful bliss.

What have you been loving in February? 

Cheers for reading X 

Slip in the moment

Friday 1 March 2019


Hey readers,

My word of the week is:

because I do not know if you are aware but the sun has been shinning a lot. I even dusted down my sandals, bliss to have air circulating around your feet.

  Now, that the temperatures have been mild I have also taken advantage of this factor and washing on the line all week, of course, I had to mention washing because I am a mum right and it feels like I am permanently in and out of the washing machine, lol. 

I am also walking more now that I treated myself last week to a Fitbit, it is a great motivator and much better than the old pedometer. I am definitely been out more and opted to walk instead of not doing any exercise which feels wonderful, of course, it also helps that the sunshine has been out which makes it much more of an enjoyable affair. 

Hope you have had a good week., 

CHeers for reading X