Showing posts with label organisation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label organisation. Show all posts

Tuesday 16 April 2019

Why I love lists

Hey readers,

If you didn't know I love a list, every day I write one for general and also if you are a regular reader we will know that I am fond of the old listicle post. Let me tell you why I love lists so much. 

1. Clear cut. 

I am a black and white thinker as I have autism so therefore it is something I find comforting. I find lists are clear cut and I know exactly what I want to do and how to get it done. 

2. Organise thoughts. 

I have lots of thoughts buzzing round in my head and find that lists are an excellent way to organise my thoughts. 

3. Visual.

The lists I do are handwritten on a pad and they are visual than for me to look at. I can see them and I can look back on the list to know where I am going. 

3. They feel less taxing on the brain. 

I feel much calmer when I write my lists out as they get all my thoughts out, things I need to do and physically writing down the things I need to shuts out the noise in my mind.

4. Rewarding. 

One of the greatest feelings in the world is to tick off the items on your list because you can visually see that you have done the task you aimed for and it feels rewarding and like you achieved something, it doesn't matter how small the task you still have that buzz. 

5. Control.

I will admit I am a control freak and like to know exactly what is happening. When I write out lists I feel more comfortable with my day as I am in control and know what I am doing. I like structure and lists fit with my personality. 

6. Plan.

Lists allow me to plan my day so I know exactly what I am doing and I can focus on achieving the goals. Which, in turn, makes me feel much happier in life. 

7. Time.

Lists save time because you can write down your tasks and then you can work from there meaning you are focused on the tasks. In comparison, if I don't do lists, I feel confused and not sure what to do. 

8. Goal achievement.  

Lists can be overwhelming depending on how much information you put on the list. That is why it is important, well for me anyway to not feel overwhelmed breaking down the lists into chunks. What I can do next is split the list down into smaller chunks so it is not so overwhelming. 

Lists are a great way to see goals you have yet been done and completed whilst ticking them off the list is satisfactory in its self. 

Do you like lists are you laid back and just go with the flow? Love to hear your comments below. 

Cheers for reading X